Actually more than that, Navarre went down from one pistol shot in the ass but easily survive multiple in the head. Maybe its the armor thing...peoples heads and asses are the same thing
In DX peoples heads and asses are the same thing, you get 8 times the damage. Dont know why. Maybe its some kinda statement from Warren Spector like people have their heads in their asses or something. Hmm i guess i would have to play vanilla game to really get inside his brain and figure it out.
You can actually add and run any application through Steam. Go to the top-left corner of the Steam client, press Games and select "Add a Non-Steam Game to My Library".
From there you can select among a list of programs you have installed, or browse for the specific file (this would be the custom deusex.exe).
You can now use the Steam overlay with the custom executable, and it will show up in your library like a normal game. I don't know if it tracks gametime though.
So i always wondered but couldn`t find any info on the question - people`s asses are the weakpoints, even Navarre dies with one hit. Is this a bug? A feature?
So i always wondered but couldn`t find any info on the question - people`s asses are the weakpoints, even Navarre dies with one hit. Is this a bug? A feature?
RealyI remember doing ambushes in the 747: proximity mine and rocket was my recipe. Ass - who would have known
But I have hard time to believe that Navarre can die, though he was immortal until the boss encounter.
I wasted all my money so i couldnt save. I paid a 1000 bucks to some guy for a code for a safe that im never gonna see anyway cause guess what you cant go back to Paris. For some reason i thought you can go back... Dumbfuck.
I'm looking for possible translators for GMDX. I've gone and localized all the necessary strings for the Russian version and setup the localization file, so all that's needed for it to be translated to a wide variety of languages is people to do the translation. The languages Deus Ex was officially translated to were Russian, French, Spanish & German, so I'd like to support as many of those as I can. Russian is done. If anyone can cover any of those other languages it would be appreciated.
This is the full extent of the work required:
Every string in the file save a dozen strings. String name and class name remain in English, just the words between quotes require translation.
It may seem overwhelming, but it isn't actually that much as far as game localization go. A lot of it can be copied directly from the official localization file for your respective language also (in fact doing so would be desired for professional reference), but not all of it as GMDX modifies a lot of the original strings.
It's a lot to ask, but again people have supported many other Deus Ex mods in this manner, and GMDX is top quality progressive stuff, so should be worth the same treatment. Individuals may want to do this for other reasons also, such as to test their multilingual proficiency or if they seek credentials for entering an industry that does localization, such as the video game industry.
That would be a variable representing the item the player is trying to pick up.
There is also an excellent fan translation of Deus Ex vanilla in italian (my language, it is VERY well made), but i'm not the creator. I'll see if i can contact some of the guys who translated it... You didn't change texts, so it shouldn't be an hard work, i think.