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Has your opinion of Obsidian changed after Avellone’s revelations and Deadfire?


Safav Hamon

Village Idiot The Real Fanboy
May 15, 2018
I found the easiest way to play NWN2 is in third person mode.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Can someone explain something to me, genuinely asking here, this is not a troll question: why do you guys hate Feargus Urquhart so much? Is it just about the Chris Avellone thing is or is there more to it than that?
He's an active participant in making their games worse with his bad, pedestrian tastes and underhanded/boisterous (depending on which side of the deal he's on) management.


Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017
The only real problem I had with the NWN2 camera is when I was running up the hill to the Gith Lair. Made it hard to see more than two feet in front of you. Dragon Age: Origins had the same problem when you were running up the road to the Haven chapel. Fortunately, those were the only areas in their respective games that I recall the camera being a problem. It never really bothered me otherwise.

Although I must also say I don't recall the camera being locked in any way other than being centred on the active character, and that was because I set it to lock there...


Codexia Lord Sodom
Dec 5, 2002
Jersey for now
Can someone explain something to me, genuinely asking here, this is not a troll question: why do you guys hate Feargus Urquhart so much? Is it just about the Chris Avellone thing is or is there more to it than that?
He's an active participant in making their games worse with his bad, pedestrian tastes and underhanded/boisterous (depending on which side of the deal he's on) management.

It's not just that either. You take a look at the difference between Tim Cain, Leon Boyarski, or MCA, and Feargus, who I think really wishes he was as talented or intelligent as the three of those guys but also successfully financial enough as say the Biowhore group.
Saint Proverbius used to have a quote of both men comparing the two, as to their thought processes until he was asked to remove it by someone, don't remember who.

Anyway, Tim Cain talked about making a game more in depth, with real choices that matter, making people think, etc.
Feargus talked about cool minigun effects as the way to improve a game.

The mother fucker doesn't get it. He really wants to be something he's not. I mean, who the fuck do you think coined the phrase Slamdunk! as it is known on the dex?

Sure as shit wasn't Cain, Boyarski, Anderson, or MCA.



Jun 11, 2018
The shitshow with Avellone seemed just like basic inept management bullshit like at so many other companies (including places I've worked at). PoE on the other hand was unforgivable. I really REALLY tried to like it, not only because of the studio behind it, but also because it was my birthday gift from my GF. After sinking 26 hours into it I gave up, broken and disillusioned. I could forgive the writing if the combat was any good, but it isn't, it's probably the worst part.


Oct 10, 2015
Obsidian can't really deliver good shit (like writing) if it hasn't the means to do so. And, seeing how their recent releases have went, I wouldn't be expecting a major release from them anytime soon. But a man can dream...

Funny thing is, depending how the story ends, Pathfinder: Kingmaker can piss all over the likes of POE... we'll see.

Hobo Elf

Feb 17, 2009
Platypus Planet
I'm one of the people who thought that Obsidian was genius waiting to happen and that the constant jerking around by publishers was holding them back, but after PoE I realized that I was wrong. They actually were just incompetent. I didn't even out right hate PoE as I managed to finish it once, but I'll never have any desire to go replay it. It was a poorly designed and written game that lacked ambition. When the best part of the game, Raedric's Hold, wasn't even designed by the designers but simply created by some guy during his coffee breaks, there's something wrong with the people you have put in charge of your projects.

wyes gull

Apr 20, 2017
Uncle Feargus should just sell the lot to this dapper fellow.

He'll turn the boat around. And straight into an iceberg. I mean, are you lot going to pretend you don't eventually want to play Obivion with guns with swords? 3D, First Person Garbage Collector, Pillars of Eternity 3? Sign me the fuck up!

In all seriousness it kinda sucks that the one company that engendered some sort of sympathy for being the remains of BIs (and now Troika) apparently is having leadership problems but eh, I don't really care about the drama. I have a good amount of respect for the people who brought me Fallout (and a few others, but mostly F1&2) regardless of their fuckups but at the end of the day, Obsidian is going to be judged by what they produce.
And while their writing is certainly a standout (and how well they've navigated franchises that aren't their own), I don't enjoy playing the games of theirs I like the most that much. Kotor 2, F:NV and AP never satisfied as games as much as they did as stories/quests/RP vehicles. And then PoE came along and eh, you can keep your medieval fantasy RTWP.
So is it declining? Yeah. Is it because drama? No. They're just not making anything I care about.

I will keep the candle lit for master Cain, though.


Jun 17, 2015
I wouldn't say the story is incoherent due to the dropped subplots, leaving fan patch aside. The most important story was told, and it was very good. The ending has always rubbed me the wrong way, though, it's a hollow 'victory' that leaves the universe doomed in its own existential crisis. And the ending talk left a lot to be desired for me.
The endgame/ending made so many kotor fans mad on the Obsidian forums that Feargus considered shutting them down. :)
He didn't just consider it. He announced the forums would be shut down, but changed his mind a week later due to the backlash. I can't find an archived version of the original announcement by Feargus, but the official excuse was that they didn't have a community manager, so they couldn't answer questions and deal with "disruptive members" and whatnot. Here's the retraction:


The real reason was the negativity, of course:


Feargus also revealed the insult that hurt them the most:


The negativity wasn't just because of the endgame/ending, however, and it didn't blow up right away. The game had its critics when it launched on Xbox, but overall it had a positive reception. It wasn't until the PC version that shit hit the fan. In addition to finally reaching the (less forgiving) BIS, BioWare, and CRPG audiences, people immediately found a ton of cut content in the game's files (the Restoration Project was born in March 2005, a month after launch). Many saw it as proof that LucasArts rushed the game's release (some angry fanboys even doxxed LucasArts execs and called for people to send them hate mail), but a lot of the players also criticized Obsidian for the game's flaws. The bugs were a major issue as well, and the game wasn't patched until mid-April, which didn't help.

The whole thing had a profound impact on Obsidian. Just like the BIS days, many devs used to post on the forums before KOTOR2's release, but after the shitstorm, most went largely inactive for years or abandoned the forums for good.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
:lol: Biobitches

Chris Avellone said:
Obsidian can keep doing whatever it is they do best. I wasn't sure what that was before my departure. I'm still not sure, beyond "I think it's a BG thing"... but there's often no mention of BioWare and their design principles when this is said. I will say Black Isle (Studios) would never have survived without what BioWare licensed to them (the Infinity Engine).

Never change, bioboys.

All of those wankers who keep going on about how Obsidian consists of Biobitches or BioJRs need a reality check. Obsidian can't make its own titles until it firmly establishes itself as an industry player. It's as simple as that.

*gets a chance to make its own title, makes a Baldur's Gate clone*
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Apr 18, 2008
I'm one of the people who thought that Obsidian was genius waiting to happen and that the constant jerking around by publishers was holding them back, but after PoE I realized that I was wrong. They actually were just incompetent. I didn't even out right hate PoE as I managed to finish it once, but I'll never have any desire to go replay it. It was a poorly designed and written game that lacked ambition. When the best part of the game, Raedric's Hold, wasn't even designed by the designers but simply created by some guy during his coffee breaks, there's something wrong with the people you have put in charge of your projects.

If you buy POE2 they'll make a great game next! Promise!


One Bit Studio
Dec 28, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
As much as I wish the Tim Cain secret project to come out I actually don’t want it to succeed
Rooting for the failure of a game company is the most retarded thing ever! What do you gain from them losing money and going bankrupt? Nothing. If you don't care about their games, just don't play them. But there are jobs at stake here, so I'd rather not root for people losing their jobs.
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Jul 28, 2018
PoE sucked. Deadfire sucked some more. Tyranny had potential but it never reached it.
But I'll reserve my final judgement until the Cainyarsky project.


Jan 25, 2018
As much as I wish the Tim Cain secret project to come out I actually don’t want it to succeed
Rooting for the failure of a game company is the most retarded thing ever! What do you gain from them losing money and going bankrupt? Nothing. If you don't care about their games, just don't play them. But there are jobs at stake here, so I'd rather not root for people losing their jobs.

Unfortunately, the success of some game series can set trends that poisons their respective genres for years, as others rush head over heels to milk the new gimmicks raw. I don't want people to lose jobs, but I don't want purveyors of decline to exist either.


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
To be fair it IS nice to keep rampant internet negativity to certain forums (like this one!). I can get frustrated when previously upbeat forums turn into constant negativity and complaining (the GOG forums lately spring to mind, because they dared introduce a client). In other words I don't want to be depressed and cynical everywhere I go, just here where I'm free to be myself! :P

Forest Dweller

Smoking Dicks
Oct 29, 2008
He is a religious ultrafanatic, so he qualifies. Just be glad Scientology doesn't tell its adherents to suicide bomb others.
Eh, bit of an over exaggeration mate. You've clearly never had that one dumbass friend that's into a bunch of conspiracy theories. Just because he believes in Scientology doesn't mean he's a psycho, just deluded.
Several, actually. 911, MH17, you name it. I had to tell them to stop forwarding me their latest crap because I am not interested.

Cruise is an ultrafanatic because he does what his priest tells him regardless of what it is. If headboy told him to sacrifice his firstborn, he would be one child less today. His actions against his wife and anyone who criticise or even question his religion makes it plain what he is.
What did he do to his wife?


Dec 15, 2016
He is a religious ultrafanatic, so he qualifies. Just be glad Scientology doesn't tell its adherents to suicide bomb others.
Eh, bit of an over exaggeration mate. You've clearly never had that one dumbass friend that's into a bunch of conspiracy theories. Just because he believes in Scientology doesn't mean he's a psycho, just deluded.
Several, actually. 911, MH17, you name it. I had to tell them to stop forwarding me their latest crap because I am not interested.

Cruise is an ultrafanatic because he does what his priest tells him regardless of what it is. If headboy told him to sacrifice his firstborn, he would be one child less today. His actions against his wife and anyone who criticise or even question his religion makes it plain what he is.
What did he do to his wife?
Probably fucked her.


Jun 5, 2013
Vita umbratilis
Can someone explain something to me, genuinely asking here, this is not a troll question: why do you guys hate Feargus Urquhart so much? Is it just about the Chris Avellone thing is or is there more to it than that?
He's an active participant in making their games worse with his bad, pedestrian tastes and underhanded/boisterous (depending on which side of the deal he's on) management.
he's also an ass and a bully to everyone at work. if he was just a pleb, i'd forgive him, but stepping on your servants makes you scum.


One Bit Studio
Dec 28, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
As much as I wish the Tim Cain secret project to come out I actually don’t want it to succeed
Rooting for the failure of a game company is the most retarded thing ever! What do you gain from them losing money and going bankrupt? Nothing. If you don't care about their games, just don't play them. But there are jobs at stake here, so I'd rather not root for people losing their jobs.

Unfortunately, the success of some game series can set trends that poisons their respective genres for years, as others rush head over heels to milk the new gimmicks raw. I don't want people to lose jobs, but I don't want purveyors of decline to exist either.
I don't think there is a big chance that one of Obsidian's game turns out to be a trendmaker. :) They are moderate success at best, and I wish them to keep this level of success.

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