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Hogwarts Legacy - Harry Potter open world action RPG prequel set in the late 1800s


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Yes, 19th century British elite boarding schools were notoriously chock-full of British colonial servants.

Have you seen the photo of Eton's graduating class of 1876? Literally all non-binary pansexual Africans and Indians, it made me shed a tear of joy.

Claiming that black people were wholly accepted historically among European territories and afforded the same opportunities, including going to same schools as British children is white washing European history of racism by the way. Seems the liberals are unaware of this fact since they apparently claim that there was no racism and it was all kumbaya.
It's a magic school created by a liberal who loves immigrants and racial minorities. Of course the heroes in her story aren't going to be bigots in a way she isn't.



Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
What is this tranny nonsense? Are you telling ne there are cockgoblins in this HP game or trannies are pissed there are none because JK hates that shit.

I never read a HP book or played a HP game. The only Harry Potter I ever saw was in the movie Trolls.
She loves trannies, she just hates them when they barge into her women's spaces and speak over her. There is one in the game, yes, a minor character.


Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
It's a magic school created by a liberal who loves immigrants and racial minorities. Of course the heroes in her story aren't going to be bigots in a way she isn't.

Does your back hurt from moving those goalposts so far?

You claimed that it was "rooted in history", which is utterly absurd. That was the point of my response to you. Of course an American AAA game studio in 2023 isn't going to give a shit about historical accuracy, nobody sane questioned that, but "rooted in history" it most certainly ain't.


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
So why are all these crazy trannies and LGBQTIAZ$&10101011110 mothafuckas going apeshit like crazy niggas starved for bananas during a watermelon ribs blight with no BASKETBALL FINALS in sight?
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
So why are all these crazy trannies and LGBQTIAZ$&10101011110 mothafuckas going apeshit like crazy niggas starved for bananas during a watermelon ribs blight with no BASKETBALL FINALS in sight?
Rowling is getting money from it. That's all. Every other complaint is so blatantly insincere that it's actually making me cringe a bit irl. Suddenly an average open world ARPG game deserves a 1/10, lol ok.


Nov 11, 2014
Water Play Catarinense
So why are all these crazy trannies and LGBQTIAZ$&10101011110 mothafuckas going apeshit like crazy niggas starved for bananas during a watermelon ribs blight with no BASKETBALL FINALS in sight?
Rowling is getting money from it. That's all. Every other complaint is so blatantly insincere that it's actually making me cringe a bit irl. Suddenly an average open world ARPG game deserves a 1/10, lol ok.
To be fair, it's just mid at best. :^)


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
It's a magic school created by a liberal
its a magic school created by four wizards, one of which was an extreme race supremacist and the other three just rolled with it. so that's not it.

if the colonial elites of the british empire could study in oxbridge while still suffering from discrimination then some of the wizards of the empire probably went to hogwarts in the 1800s. not in spite of the paranoid racism of europe at the time, completely regardless of it. the wizards are a parallel society. they are racist against muggles, muggle half borns and other magical creatures. it doesn't matter if your all wizard family came from senegal or liverpool. the wizards in the harry potter universe are so isolated from normal culture they barely understand it.

somehow people missed the fact that this game is about the centennial pogrom against the goblins who gives a shit if you're black.


Oct 1, 2018
Teleportation magic exists in this universe. If there were any argument for Africans at Hogwarts in 1890, it would be just as easy for them to attend in 1990. But the other regions of the world have their own magic schools, which is why book-Hogwarts looked like the rest of Britain in the 90s.


Dec 13, 2019
Entertainment, be it tv shows, movies, comics, games spread degeneracy. As said it starts slowly with at first more subtle and later more pronounced messaging. Diversity is good, multiculturalism is good, homosexuality is normal, transsexuality is normal etc. Its all about slowly shaping and normalizing public opinion on degeneracy.
Maybe I am fabulously optimistic, but I think people aren't influenced that easily. Sure, people will swallow some "progressive" elements in small doses, but going full woke? I have my doubts.

This has happened multiple times in the previous decade. I don't know what to tell you.
Do you have some extremes in mind that I haven't heard of? Maybe you mean Anne Boleyn TV Show (2021), where the titular queen is black woman? That show got quite poor reviews, considering how favourable the political climate there is for such things. "The Little Mermaid" is going to cinemas this year and I am wondering how it will fare. The announcement trailer got 755 000 likes and 2 000 000 dislikes at 16 000 000 views.


Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
the wizards in the harry potter universe are so isolated from normal culture they barely understand it.

That mostly applies to Purebloods, of whom there aren't many left.

Of course a Wizard with one or both non-Wizard parent(s) has to be at least somewhat familiar with the non-magical society.


Dec 13, 2019
Teleportation magic exists in this universe. If there were any argument for Africans at Hogwarts in 1890, it would be just as easy for them to attend in 1990.
The would-be-students don't know how to teleport though. Isn't this why they take carriages and Hogwarts Express?

The Wall

Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Jul 19, 2017
Entire multi-billion, probably half-trillion worth Western entertainment industry is making 100% of their blockbusters for years and years choke full with THE WOKE MESSAGE.TM, sacrifising all art, profits and immersion and this goy is like: I dunooo, what you talkin about? Ahic! I see barely any influence of the woke. Ahic! If you ignore it, it goes away. AHIIIIIC!


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
the wizards in the harry potter universe are so isolated from normal culture they barely understand it.

That mostly applies to Purebloods, of whom there aren't many left.
Exactly, which is even more damning. Wizard society in general is racist against magical creatures other than wizards. Some wizards are specifically racist against muggles and half bloods. The purebloods on top of it care about preserving their bloodlines through inbreeding. The more racist the wizard is the more isolated they are from the racial politics of normal people, which are entirely beneath them. They wouldn't care if your pureblood family is from the rest of the empire. What they care about is wether you moved to Britain and your pureblood daughter married a muggle briton. The white briton is dirt beneath their feet, the pureblood wizard from Egypt is their equal.

The Wall

Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Jul 19, 2017
Do you realize that golden geese like Elder Scrolls and GTA are not receiving sequals nor is any company capable of fucking filling in that void for 10+ fucking years because all programmers, coders, artists and devs are now woke retards, niggers, trannies and womxn. Do you realise that GTA2 from 1998 has, scientifically, speaking as programmer, more advanced Police AI then Cyberpunk's teleporting blue pigs, despite Cyberpunk being released in 2020s and having 100s of millions dollar budget. These are not isolated examples of decline. They are symbol of era we live in

Something went fucking WRONG with Western civ in 2012-2015, since then it's unstopping, accelarating race towards complete MADNESS


Oct 1, 2018
Teleportation magic exists in this universe. If there were any argument for Africans at Hogwarts in 1890, it would be just as easy for them to attend in 1990.
The would-be-students don't know how to teleport though. Isn't this why they take carriages and Hogwarts Express?
I think it's called side-along apparation. You can grab on to someone who's apparating and get taken along with them. Harry and Dumbledore do it in book 6. But if this isn't happening, then they must be relying on some alternate form of transport, and there's no way it would be more practical in 1890 than in 1990. In other words, if it's easy for African students to go all the way to Scotland for school instead of Uganda in 1890, it should be at least that easy in 1990, but nobody does it in the books. There are a smattering of racial minorities and everyone else is White British.


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
AI will crush the tranny-nigga empire with its bots and binary algorithms. You cannot escape the cyber-supremacy!

Anyway, isn't this fan-dom enough to say... hell Noo to gay potter and games?

creepy shit.

Fucking creepy as all hell.


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
Ok, enough derail.

Can you KILL EVERYONE and destroy hogwartz? Just murderhobo everyone. Assassinate and destroy the world? No?

Then that ain't open world enough. I expect to kill and burn the world to cinders.

Still, who the fuck 1/10s this. It looks like a sort of "GOW" open world combat game. I guess rpg loosely but then again, most modern shit seems very loose with what an rpg is. The closest to this type of gameplay I ever tried and completed was Arkam Asylum on PS3 my bro had.
Last edited:


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
Teleportation magic exists in this universe. If there were any argument for Africans at Hogwarts in 1890, it would be just as easy for them to attend in 1990. But the other regions of the world have their own magic schools, which is why book-Hogwarts looked like the rest of Britain in the 90s.
The real explanation of why book-Hogwarts is so white is because Rowling wrote them 30 years ago. She's made it pretty clear over the years that she'd have added other ethnicities to Hogwarts by literally retconning stuff on the fly during interviews.

In-universe however I'd say it's less about transportation for wizard families and more about muggle families. Wizard families are going on exchange programmes all the time because each magic school has their niche. One of the weasleys went to south america because they are better at botany. Some people went to Egypt because they are better at potions. Etc. Meanwhile the fact is that magic can surface in non-wizard families. Both of Hermione's parents were non-Wizards. So people moving around in Global Britain means that a briton can be born a wizard in India and go to school there, and vice versa.

Which of course would mean that 1990 Hogwarts would be as diverse as 1890 Hogwarts. Which cycles us back to the first point.


Apr 7, 2015

new peak. its only afternoon. Should clear 850K if its holds


Jun 7, 2020
Was it ever hidden to begin with?
So the agenda is not hidden, but calling it a conspiracy is nonetheless true because what, reality can't be that bad ? Yeah, you can use nicer word and explain what you really are doing is "deconstruction of the systematical racism institutionalized by racist and bigot, in order to bring a safe space for POC and absolve our white guilt", that sure sound better than "I want to take a big fat shit on past culture because ideology rotted my brain".

Then again, I prefer Occam's and Hanlon's razors when looking at things.

Your explanation, was, if I got it right, that it's either just a fad or a PR move. By every recent metric, activism and ideology had either a neutral impact and more often a negative one on the sale of AAA. A decade of a fade that was detrimental to the sale would be pretty retarded, so it's obviously not that.
The PR angle is already way closer to the truth. Globalism and equalism are the prominent ideology of the current western world, spearheaded by academia, media and entertainment. The current goal of most of those companies is the growth of their stock and bonds, and those are now longer solely determined by the brunt number of sales. I think everyone is aware of ESG by now, but it's not the only thing that come into play. Hell, the lead designer of Hogwarts Legacy got sacked 2 years ago because of "tie to gamergate".
What you're doing here is a slippery slope fallacy
Extremely cringe.

A fallacy means that this is not a formal logical demonstration, not that is false. Starting by small demand is psychological manipulation 101, also known as the "foot-in-the door".
By the way, do you know that Occam's razor is also a logical fallacy ?


Jun 7, 2020
Never go full retard, HP feature a single black kid as a named character (and quite late in the series), and you only see him in the movie because the actor of one of drago malefoy pal was booted for drugs traffic (and unlawful possession of a knife).
Diverse multiracial society is always a retcon of the original story, because it's "current time "forever now and also in the past. Rowling was more than happy to oblige with it until she's been told that criminalizing rape is transphobia.

The first step and most important step of any kind of pushback is always to expose the lie. European society never was about diversity and sexual tolerance until the last decade, what you're seeing now in all form of media attempt at retconning history and culture to fit the most recent ideology. It's a processes that happen all time time, which doesn't mean you should partake in it.

Current year? Absolutely. But it's rooted in history. Everyone at the school is a Briton. Don't like it, take it up with the British Empire for conquering those specific peoples, thus absorbing them into their empire.
Keep the map around, I'm waiting for someone to confirm that there is some wizard or witch coming from Uganda in the game.


Aug 3, 2019
London, UK
Strap Yourselves In
Ok, enough derail.

Can you KILL EVERYONE and destroy hogwartz? Just murderhobo everyone. Assassinate and destroy the world? No?

Then that ain't open world enough. I expect to kill and burn the world to cinders.

Still, who the fuck 1/10s this. It looks like a sort of "GOW" open world combat game. I guess rpg loosely but then again, most modern shit seems very loose with what an rpg is. The closest to this type of gameplay I ever tried and completed was Arkam Asylum on PS3 my bro had.

Christ it looks like tedious shit, and it's probably 80% woke anyway, but I'm tempted to buy a copy just to thumb my nose at the trannies :)

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