On a more serious note.
Gameplay wise those popular non-human races have little sense in CRPGs. They are simply not different enough from humans. In most systems the differences boils to some slight changes to a few stats, some minor adjustments to some mostly irrelevant - in CRPG - secondary stuff. Almost all of those could be attributed to differences between humans themselves anyway.
In D&D-base CRPGs the biggest differences are what? Darkvision? Rarely plays a role in practice and most non-humans have it anyway. Size? It does play some role if implemented right in CRPG but at most would, guarantee 1 non-human + 1 small race. There also used to be a big difference coming from age/level limits but that was very long time ago.
If different races would be implement so that the world and its people reacted in significantly different ways to different races, that would make the races relevant. But that is not the case. Besides, most differences could be again attributed to different races of humans.
So in the end, all those elves/dwarfs, etc. in computer RPGs are just mostly about feeling nice. Look, I'm a dwarf! It mostly doesn't matter except the feels. Which is nice but some real differences in playing different races would be much better.
It would be really nice to, if we have to have inhuman races - for them to be really different gameplay wise. The differences in size as mentioned can be potentially one of those differences. A flying playable race would be different enough - if someone would be able to devise a system around it. And more, not just humans but with bigger beards or no beards.