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I can't get into Divinity OS games and i can't figure why.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Shouldn't you start with Divine Divinity first?
But play DOS if you want i guess...
DD and BD are actually pretty good,dos tho are really bad. I think because they really can't craft a fun adventure/main story to hook people in it. There are just a bunch of random sets that make next to no sense and the world's lore is a mess.


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
What about Divinity: Dragon Commander? Maybe that was the start of the dive into uh...

Was Sir Lora the squirrel all that .... yeesh!


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Shouldn't you start with Divine Divinity first?
But play DOS if you want i guess...


Good times, good times. Remember figuring out edlin in Spring of ‘82.

Darth Canoli

Jun 8, 2018
Perched on a tree
DD and BD are actually pretty good,dos tho are really bad. I think because they really can't craft a fun adventure/main story to hook people in it. There are just a bunch of random sets that make next to no sense and the world's lore is a mess.

While i like the tids and bits of scripted scenario and the ultima part of Divine divinity and BD and enjoyed them on first play-through years back, i launched the first one recently and stopped soon after the crypt when you're after the mage, taken prisoner and thrown into the cell/crypt.

At this point, i can tell the combat is atrocious when in endless dungeons or when too many enemies are thrown at you, the latter hapenning all the time at this point, it's a borefest, the dungeon design is so bad i could do better myself with 0 experience to back me up.
Combat is just a click fest (i played a "pure" mage and refused to use traps while i played a rogue back then, playing a rogue or anything with the trap skills is probably the only way to cope with the combat).

I didn't remember all the skills they used in DOS were already there in the early divinity and they really lack imagination.
Their ultima influence also leaves us with infinite garbage to loot and an impossible to manage inventory.
Last but not least, their class-less system is pure garbage.

Still an improvement upon diablo and good for a single playthrough if you're resistant to hordes of trashmobs to deal with.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
DD and BD are actually pretty good,dos tho are really bad. I think because they really can't craft a fun adventure/main story to hook people in it. There are just a bunch of random sets that make next to no sense and the world's lore is a mess.

While i like the tids and bits of scripted scenario and the ultima part of Divine divinity and BD and enjoyed them on first play-through years back, i launched the first one recently and stopped soon after the crypt when you're after the mage, taken prisoner and thrown into the cell/crypt.

At this point, i can tell the combat is atrocious when in endless dungeons or when too many enemies are thrown at you, the latter hapenning all the time at this point, it's a borefest, the dungeon design is so bad i could do better myself with 0 experience to back me up.
Combat is just a click fest (i played a "pure" mage and refused to use traps while i played a rogue back then, playing a rogue or anything with the trap skills is probably the only way to cope with the combat).

I didn't remember all the skills they used in DOS were already there in the early divinity and they really lack imagination.
Their ultima influence also leaves us with infinite garbage to loot and an impossible to manage inventory.
Last but not least, their class-less system is pure garbage.

Still an improvement upon diablo and good for a single playthrough if you're resistant to hordes of trashmobs to deal with.
LoL as if rpgs generally have good combat. The game is fine,it has an open world and shit ton of freedom and exploration. I 100% it a 6-9 months ago and the game is still fine. The combat is generic,you go around and kill shit like in diablo and company. The story,lore and writing are pretty decent. Generally a lot better game than dos ones. Fuck even the combat is better than dos ones,it is not an eye cancer effect show that is in tediously slow TB.


Mar 8, 2015
Rome, IT
So, the 2 upcoming Rpgs I was waiting for, Baldur's Gate 3 and Realms Beyond.

The first will be DOS 3 which is bad, the latter got vaporwared. Nice

Darth Canoli

Jun 8, 2018
Perched on a tree
LoL as if rpgs generally have good combat. The game is fine,it has an open world and shit ton of freedom and exploration. I 100% it a 6-9 months ago and the game is still fine. The combat is generic,you go around and kill shit like in diablo and company. The story,lore and writing are pretty decent. Generally a lot better game than dos ones. Fuck even the combat is better than dos ones,it is not an eye cancer effect show that is in tediously slow TB.

The best part of the game is the early cut-scene with the wyvern rider.


Apr 5, 2009
I'm a Banana
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity
But I can't like those games. When I look around it seems everyone like and praise them, best Crpgs of all time and such.

What's wrong?
There is nothing wrong. Because "like" has to do with your own subjective preference, not the game's objective quality. You're not being the typical idiot who rationalizes their preference with objective "critique."

You have preferences. I have preferences. Everyone has preferences. So you're fine.

Edit: Though perhaps you could look at your "favorites" list and try to find other commonalities (that don't necessarily have to echo dogma such as "deep combat").


Old time handsome face wrecker
Dec 1, 2010
San Diego
Codex 2014
discovering lol-zy characters and situations,

So I realize this is back from March and all, but I feel like this sentence is bad enough -- and I disagree with it vehemently enough -- that I have to necro this post and respond.

Because nothing about Larian's games are funny. Nothing. Their humor is terrible, that weird Belgian scatological and zany scattershot humor that is born out of two things: insecurity, and being genuinely unfunny. They do their best work when they're not trying to be funny.

Systems-wise, they do okay except (and I've said this before) they get stuck in feedback loops. This happened in DoS 2: they find a mechanic that works well, like exploding barrels and environmental interaction, and then because they lack self-control, proceed to put these elements into every goddamn combat in the game. So pretty soon you're playing a barrel-exploding simulator instead of an RPG.

Anyway this post was about the humor, so I don't want to get sidetracked. To be clear:
  • There is nothing (intentionally) funny in Larian's games.
  • There are no world-famous or even renowned Belgian comedians.
These two statements are connected.


Nov 3, 2013
at a Nowhere near you
So, the 2 upcoming Rpgs I was waiting for, Baldur's Gate 3 and Realms Beyond.

The first will be DOS 3 which is bad, the latter got vaporwared. Nice
There's still Solasta which, it seems, is turning out better than it had any right to be.

I know but I meant upcoming games before 2025.
I don't know what more WTF about your post - the assumption that Solasta won't come out before 2025 or the belief that Realms Beyond was ever going to.


Aug 30, 2016
Pronouns: rusts/rusty
Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture
So, the 2 upcoming Rpgs I was waiting for, Baldur's Gate 3 and Realms Beyond.

The first will be DOS 3 which is bad, the latter got vaporwared. Nice
Man... everyone knew that BG3 was going to be Baldur's Gate: Original Sin, and Realms Beyond has been vaporware since 2012, 5 years prior to its announcement:



Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
So, the 2 upcoming Rpgs I was waiting for, Baldur's Gate 3 and Realms Beyond.

The first will be DOS 3 which is bad, the latter got vaporwared. Nice
Man... everyone knew that BG3 was going to be Baldur's Gate: Original Sin, and Realms Beyond has been vaporware since 2012, 5 years prior to its announcement:

Knowing and hope are two different things mate,you could have them both :dealwithit:.


Mar 5, 2019
I've started clearing my way through the mines in DOS1 and I'm already considering giving up on the game at level 13. I thought about why and I have a few reasons.

The loot system is just plain bad, picking up dozens and dozens of armours and weapons which are all crap is very irritating. Nothing like D&D when picking up your first +3 weapon at all. It's all just a bunch of jibber jabber nonsense random stats, incrementally better. I just got into the habit of clicking on the highest level items everytime I needed to repair because it didn't seem to make much difference.

The levelling system has a strange power progression, I saved up some stat points to get my two mages to get the spells they needed and have just dumped everything for every character into bodybuilding and willpower just to speed the combat up.

I doubt for boss killing any max level spells could compare to me just giving every char 1 level of expert marksman and first aid. Then just using decaying touch and have everyone spam first aid on the boss....

Long story short the character, loot and story development has hit a wall at the goblin mines


May 14, 2020
I think a lot of it has to do with the slightly off-kilter dialog and general system design. Playing a D:OS game feels like eating gluten free pasta -- even if it is cooked perfectly it is going to feel gummy and weird. You will always notice it is a little bit off.

Part of this comes from their reluctance to just cut their "humor." I cannot believe nobody has told them this yet but the Dutch/Flemish/Germans have no sense of humor. None. They are some of the most unfunny people alive. And worse, when they do try to be funny they deteriorate into a cringe-worthy web of scatological humor, childish sex-based "jokes," and an absurd reliance on unfunny gag humor ("Cheese!"). None of it lands. Ever. I mean, I've met Swen once or twice at industry shows and he is a very nice dude in person, easy to talk to, etc. It's not about his personality, or that of his team. But when they start writing jokes? They have me looking for the exit because good Christ, it is unbearable.

The other thing that always feels slightly off is their system designs. They'll have a good idea -- like exploding barrels and interactive environment variables -- but then just go overboard. Instead of having an exploding barrel here or there, every combat set piece has 20 fucking exploding barrels, or there are barrels where it makes no fucking sense to have barrels. Or the armor system from D:OS2. A good idea in practice, but it quickly devolved into mix-maxing your dumb ass party to wipe out whatever (out of the whopping two choices) armor your were up against.

The last thing that really struck me, and this is for D:OS2 more than anything else, was lack of focus and direction. I like big open world games and I like having multiple ways to complete quests and whatnot. But the beginning of that game in particular retained an almost void-like sense of direction and purpose. The Witcher 3 did not have this problem, for example. Because they introduced the giant world eventually after you had learned all of the systems, etc.

Finally, randomized loot is almost always shit for games like these.

This is why I bounced off it, as well as the too much interactivity others mentioned. Also the dialogue is not just bad but so goddamn much of it. Bad and short is fine. Wasn’t this game in the top 100?


Oct 10, 2018
This is why I bounced off it, as well as the too much interactivity others mentioned. Also the dialogue is not just bad but so goddamn much of it. Bad and short is fine. Wasn’t this game in the top 100?

Yes. There's plenty of games varying between forgettable and garbage in the top 100. It's not like there's a hundred good RPG's out there.


Sep 4, 2013
Something DOS I and II Bad
An RPG need to produce the feeling of an adventure and of an epic journey from the beginning and i think that it is there where Larian failes. Because goofy humor is killing it in this departement.

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