DD and BD are actually pretty good,dos tho are really bad. I think because they really can't craft a fun adventure/main story to hook people in it. There are just a bunch of random sets that make next to no sense and the world's lore is a mess.
While i like the tids and bits of scripted scenario and the ultima part of Divine divinity and BD and enjoyed them on first play-through years back, i launched the first one recently and stopped soon after the crypt when you're after the mage, taken prisoner and thrown into the cell/crypt.
At this point, i can tell the combat is atrocious when in endless dungeons or when too many enemies are thrown at you, the latter hapenning all the time at this point, it's a borefest, the dungeon design is so bad i could do better myself with 0 experience to back me up.
Combat is just a click fest (i played a "pure" mage and refused to use traps while i played a rogue back then, playing a rogue or anything with the trap skills is probably the only way to cope with the combat).
I didn't remember all the skills they used in DOS were already there in the early divinity and they really lack imagination.
Their ultima influence also leaves us with infinite garbage to loot and an impossible to manage inventory.
Last but not least, their class-less system is pure garbage.
Still an improvement upon diablo and good for a single playthrough if you're resistant to hordes of trashmobs to deal with.