Targos "great little RPG town"? It was a chore... Tons of fetch quests, none of them interesting. NPCs that offer no interesting dialogue worth reading past the "essential" bits. There was one fun quest I think (destroy archery target to piss of the captain) but really it was pretty bad overall.
I disagree with this. There were plenty of side quests to do that, while simple, used a bit of forethought. There were multiple ways of doing some of the quests that would use your own characters' stats, classes, or skills, and you could actually feel the tension building up to the invasion.
I'm thinking things like... translating the dead goblin's words, figuring out that Phen (the mage with the Iron Collar band) is actually a traitor and a saboteur, blessing or training the troops in the palisade, convincing that stubborn ass fucking captain to use a goddamn hammer for you (I think that's the only fetch quest that I was just plain furious at... and only because the fucking guy wouldn't take the damn thing [admittedly, he never even asks for it but still]). They devs saw the tediousness of running so they gave you that courier kid who would take you to the places quickly enough. Anyway, drunks, stealing shields, shooting the shit with pantomime characters, and dealing with Hedrick's mother.