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Ideas for games you've had

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
Anti-Elden Ring. Just like Elden Ring, but every idea of it inverted.



RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
Have any of you played the various projects of Akalabeth? I'm mostly talking about Akalabeth 2k1 but the c64 release is also interesting.

There is this Ruins & Riches: Adventurers of Akalabeth. Here Fluent gives a quick rundown and gets to playing. So, a mod of a mod aka R&R is modded UO AND AOA is a further mod of R&R.

Interesting Idea of playing the old ultimas through the UO lens. I would like to see a TBT combat version with arenas in the 3-5 line but much larger arenas. I could live with 6-8 (rather 6-7) combat in the locale for realism but it has to be TBT and not RTWP or RT or such bullshit. Crafting, expanded lists sure, why the fuck not. Parties of up to 8 or more with inns to drop and pick up new players, FUCK YEAH! add NPCS or create your own? Fuck yeah.

Spells could run the gamut of of Akalabeth to Ultima 9 and maybe UO. The U3 spells being the most occultish creepy of them all.

Style, I'm fickle and adore that view common in u1-u5. It doesn't have to be 16x16 pixel sprites. Pump that bitch up to 32x32 or 64x64 or maybe 128x128. Why the fuck not?

Essentially, a streamlined ultima experience where you could be thd wanderer/avatar or... something more sinister and maybe join the evil or maybe be a merc/privateer.

Should the game have a time limit before events happen? Many hate that but it might prove interesting if there was. A toggle of yes/no at start of character creation.

In s be like Bard's Tale/Might & Magic/Wizardry to make as many characters as you like, but they if an alt or npc is in one in then they are in THAT in not every inn. Maybe a courier could be sent to send a message to the place the alt you want? Maybe take a carriage/wagon/horse fast-travel or summon for alt to reach you (albeit time ticks down). Maybe magic can be used like various MM games or diablo at cost.

A party based Akalabeth - Ultima 2 would be cool like that palm pilot version but the larger party with more combat options for the whole series would be even better.

There are a lot of versions on different platforms with minor to major differences. And I do like the blobber dungeon exploration but I have seen versions without that first-person view. Examples would be the palm pilot versions of u1-3 and the sega master system of Ultima 4.

What about including Ultima Underworld? Worlds of Ultima, Escape from Mt Drash, other projects? Dunno, the scope seems too big and complex to just see it come out. Likely, it'll be stuck in my head. A pencil and paper rpg version would probably be far easier to create.


Aug 27, 2022
Anti-Elden Ring. Just like Elden Ring, but every idea of it inverted. That way you could make the best role-playing game ever maybe. Because Elden Ring is the worst, I can't think of anything it's doing right. Name one thing it does right.
I guess interesting fighting mechanics, environmental storytelling and a pretty decently designed open world comes to mind


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
The things I want are too hard and boring to explain. I'll try to tldr.

1) One is for open world RPGs to stop having short sighted enemies. It's weird exploring a big open world and enemies ignore me because I'm 30 feet away or whatever. Get 24 feet away and they attack. I'd like to have enemies spot you from a distant hill, when you can't even see them. And they will come to ambush you. There are some FPSs that have done this for years, Arma, STALKER, etc. But RPGs not so much. It would make magic and invisibility actually meaningful. As well as illusions. (EQ does some of this, and Arma)

2) I want an RTS but with an infinite map. Minecrap and various other indie games have infinite maps, the aforementioned Arma had infinite maps in one case. With RTS games they are all set on a small 32x32 map or whatever. I don't think graphics are an issue, I think the big issue is hundreds of individual AI units all having to navigate to wherever they need to go. It kills CPUs. But there has to be a way to sort the work into batches or something. I don't need 100% realtime reactions, just real time control. In other words, select a group of units and click 60km away, I don't need it to calculate the path instantly, which is how I think every RTS currently works. What it should do is just start running in that correct general direction, and update the navigation as it goes. The CPU isn't always at 100% so it has to find the right time to do stuff like that.

Also it doesn't need to have deformable terrain. I love that but it kills the CPU even more. What I really want is an RTS that doesn't end after an hour. It goes on and on. So you build your initial base and defend against attackers. Once the defences seem sufficient, you send squads out into the waves of enemies to set up other bases. And there should be multiple resources scattered around to encourage that. And I'd make it so that the enemies start as little critters that your guns can take down easily, but it progresses to end up with huge things that need tactics to take down. There is a mod called Nuttyb Raptors of Beyond All Reason which itself is a mod, which kinda does what I want. But it's still on a small map and it ends after an hour or whatever. I picture a game with a huge world with events and stuff on it to keep the player exploring. Something like Heroes of M&M or a 4X.

Also it needs to have the artillery from World in Conflict. Without that, why even play an RTS?

3) A modern version of Police Quest. It's not even a good series but I love the idea of being a detective/cop in a game. I wanted to see it done in a modern 3d world like GTA. There is a mod now for GTA5 which lets you play as a cop which is part of what I wanted. The rest just needs to be some kind of detective adventure that involves actual detective work, not going where you are told and following the glowing yellow UI.

4) A Predator game. I thought of this after playing Crysis for the first time. I wanted a mod or a game where you sneak around the treetops in invisible form. Stalking your enemies. Then at the right time you attack with badass weapons and heroic melee attacks. Since then I know there has been a Predator game or two but I didn't even bother looking at them because I know it will suck.

5) Animal RPG
You start as a worm in a huge savannah. And you have to eat microbes or something to level up. At level 2 you become a snake and have to hunt mice. At level 3 you become an armadillo or something. Eventually you are a wolf and lion, etc. And you get to hunt as those animals would. Enemies react to you from miles away, and can smell you and hear you. So when you become a stalking cat or something you become silent and can sneak up on stuff. What I hoped was that it would look like real life, but the gameplay would be kind of action combat-like, only complex. Also maybe the player could shapeshift back to previous creatures to help with new enemies. I haven't thought about this much, I mostly just like the idea of an RPG in pretty outdoor African savannahs or something instead of always being in church basements.
p.s. Spore was not inspiration for this idea, that game I try to forget. The inspiration for this idea is a game which lets you become creatures each with their own unique abilities: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minions_of_Mirth

6) A fighting game based on an old classic called Panza Kickboxing. Realistic combat not like Streetfighter or most fighting games. And you customize your character's moves. I think the best thing about that game though was the control method, and it's never been used since. I'd really like it in 3D though and making that control method work in 3D would be a challenge. But I think I know how to do it and it would be better than any other fighting game I've seen. Realistic fighting simulation in realtime and requires reflexes and skill. There is a recent game sort of similar called Absolver but not quite what I wanted and it wasn't popular. I would like it similar to that.. only good.

7) An RTS with a commander like TA/SupCom, only you level up the commander further and further like an RPG and it becomes super strong with long range abilities and stuff. This idea was a lot more interesting and original when I first thought of it, since then there have been a million Diablo clones that kind of already do what I had in mind. Grim Dawn etc. Although they get boring fast for me. I'd enjoy the fighting a lot more if it was only done to defend stuff I am building.
Last edited:


Dec 31, 2017
Hello. I'm, Kirill. I would like you to make a game, 3D ection, the gist is this ... The user can play as forest elves, palace guards and a villain. And if the user plays as elves, then the elves in the forest, wooden houses are bent by palace soldiers and villains. You can rob car-a-vans... And since the elf is a forest one, then make it so that there is a dense forest there... And the engine can be set so that in the distance the trees are a picture, when you approach they are transformed into 3-dimensional trees. You can buy etc. opportunities like in Daggerfall. And the enemies are 3-dimensional too, and the corpse is also 3D. You can jump etc. If you play as a palace guard, then you must obey the commander, and protect the palace from the evil one (I did not come up with a name) and spies, elf partisans, and go on raids on one of these (elves, the evil one...). Well, if for evil... then it means that spies or elven partisans sometimes attack, the user is his own commander and can do whatever he wants, order his troops with him to attack the palace and go on the attack. There are 4 zones in the game. That is, a map and on it there are 4 zones, 1 - the human zone (neutral), 2 - the emperor's zone (where the palace is), 3 - the elf zone, 4 - the evil zone... (in the mountains, there is an old fort there...)

Also, so that in the game they could not only kill but also cut off a hand and if the user is not cured, he will die, also gouge out an eye, but the user may not die but simply not see half the screen, or get or buy a prosthesis, if the leg is also either you will die or crawl or ride in a wheelchair, or the best thing is... put in a prosthesis. You can save...

P.S. I have been wanting a game like this for tywo years.


Aug 27, 2022
The things I want are too hard and boring to explain. I'll try to tldr.

1) One is for open world RPGs to stop having short sighted enemies. It's weird exploring a big open world and enemies ignore me because I'm 30 feet away or whatever. Get 24 feet away and they attack. I'd like to have enemies spot you from a distant hill, when you can't even see them. And they will come to ambush you. There are some FPSs that have done this for years, Arma, STALKER, etc. But RPGs not so much. It would make magic and invisibility actually meaningful. As well as illusions. (EQ does some of this, and Arma)

2) I want an RTS but with an infinite map. Minecrap and various other indie games have infinite maps, the aforementioned Arma had infinite maps in one case. With RTS games they are all set on a small 32x32 map or whatever. I don't think graphics are an issue, I think the big issue is hundreds of individual AI units all having to navigate to wherever they need to go. It kills CPUs. But there has to be a way to sort the work into batches or something. I don't need 100% realtime reactions, just real time control. In other words, select a group of units and click 60km away, I don't need it to calculate the path instantly, which is how I think every RTS currently works. What it should do is just start running in that correct general direction, and update the navigation as it goes. The CPU isn't always at 100% so it has to find the right time to do stuff like that.

Also it doesn't need to have deformable terrain. I love that but it kills the CPU even more. What I really want is an RTS that doesn't end after an hour. It goes on and on. So you build your initial base and defend against attackers. Once the defences seem sufficient, you send squads out into the waves of enemies to set up other bases. And there should be multiple resources scattered around to encourage that. And I'd make it so that the enemies start as little critters that your guns can take down easily, but it progresses to end up with huge things that need tactics to take down. There is a mod called Nuttyb Raptors of Beyond All Reason which itself is a mod, which kinda does what I want. But it's still on a small map and it ends after an hour or whatever. I picture a game with a huge world with events and stuff on it to keep the player exploring. Something like Heroes of M&M or a 4X.

Also it needs to have the artillery from World in Conflict. Without that, why even play an RTS?

3) A modern version of Police Quest. It's not even a good series but I love the idea of being a detective/cop in a game. I wanted to see it done in a modern 3d world like GTA. There is a mod now for GTA5 which lets you play as a cop which is part of what I wanted. The rest just needs to be some kind of detective adventure that involves actual detective work, not going where you are told and following the glowing yellow UI.

4) A Predator game. I thought of this after playing Crysis for the first time. I wanted a mod or a game where you sneak around the treetops in invisible form. Stalking your enemies. Then at the right time you attack with badass weapons and heroic melee attacks. Since then I know there has been a Predator game or two but I didn't even bother looking at them because I know it will suck.

5) Animal RPG
You start as a worm in a huge savannah. And you have to eat microbes or something to level up. At level 2 you become a snake and have to hunt mice. At level 3 you become an armadillo or something. Eventually you are a wolf and lion, etc. And you get to hunt as those animals would. Enemies react to you from miles away, and can smell you and hear you. So when you become a stalking cat or something you become silent and can sneak up on stuff. What I hoped was that it would look like real life, but the gameplay would be kind of action combat-like, only complex. Also maybe the player could shapeshift back to previous creatures to help with new enemies. I haven't thought about this much, I mostly just like the idea of an RPG in pretty outdoor African savannahs or something instead of always being in church basements.
p.s. Spore was not inspiration for this idea, that game I try to forget. The inspiration for this idea is a game which lets you become creatures each with their own unique abilities: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minions_of_Mirth

6) A fighting game based on an old classic called Panza Kickboxing. Realistic combat not like Streetfighter or most fighting games. And you customize your character's moves. I think the best thing about that game though was the control method, and it's never been used since. I'd really like it in 3D though and making that control method work in 3D would be a challenge. But I think I know how to do it and it would be better than any other fighting game I've seen. Realistic fighting simulation in realtime and requires reflexes and skill. There is a recent game sort of similar called Absolver but not quite what I wanted and it wasn't popular. I would like it similar to that.. only good.

7) An RTS with a commander like TA/SupCom, only you level up the commander further and further like an RPG and it becomes super strong with long range abilities and stuff. This idea was a lot more interesting and original when I first thought of it, since then there have been a million Diablo clones that kind of already do what I had in mind. Grim Dawn etc. Although they get boring fast for me. I'd enjoy the fighting a lot more if it was only done to defend stuff I am building.

i have to say the massively open world RTS game sounds like a great idea, real evolution for the genre as well, it be great having to balance the economy, strategy and tactics for dozens of units and base locations across a huge sprawling map I can only assume CPU is a limitation cause marketing wise you know a producer would have been like "We can market an RTS with 10X the map size" thats a winnign tagline for a games marketing to drive sales


Aug 27, 2022
Hello. I'm, Kirill. I would like you to make a game, 3D ection, the gist is this ... The user can play as forest elves, palace guards and a villain. And if the user plays as elves, then the elves in the forest, wooden houses are bent by palace soldiers and villains. You can rob car-a-vans... And since the elf is a forest one, then make it so that there is a dense forest there... And the engine can be set so that in the distance the trees are a picture, when you approach they are transformed into 3-dimensional trees. You can buy etc. opportunities like in Daggerfall. And the enemies are 3-dimensional too, and the corpse is also 3D. You can jump etc. If you play as a palace guard, then you must obey the commander, and protect the palace from the evil one (I did not come up with a name) and spies, elf partisans, and go on raids on one of these (elves, the evil one...). Well, if for evil... then it means that spies or elven partisans sometimes attack, the user is his own commander and can do whatever he wants, order his troops with him to attack the palace and go on the attack. There are 4 zones in the game. That is, a map and on it there are 4 zones, 1 - the human zone (neutral), 2 - the emperor's zone (where the palace is), 3 - the elf zone, 4 - the evil zone... (in the mountains, there is an old fort there...)

Also, so that in the game they could not only kill but also cut off a hand and if the user is not cured, he will die, also gouge out an eye, but the user may not die but simply not see half the screen, or get or buy a prosthesis, if the leg is also either you will die or crawl or ride in a wheelchair, or the best thing is... put in a prosthesis. You can save...

P.S. I have been wanting a game like this for tywo years.
Erm the post was for games you'd want to make, I'm not looking for ideas per-say just like to hearing the conversation about people dream projects, a subject we all share I guess as indie dev's


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
The things I want are too hard and boring to explain. I'll try to tldr.

1) One is for open world RPGs to stop having short sighted enemies. It's weird exploring a big open world and enemies ignore me because I'm 30 feet away or whatever. Get 24 feet away and they attack. I'd like to have enemies spot you from a distant hill, when you can't even see them. And they will come to ambush you. There are some FPSs that have done this for years, Arma, STALKER, etc. But RPGs not so much. It would make magic and invisibility actually meaningful. As well as illusions. (EQ does some of this, and Arma)

2) I want an RTS but with an infinite map. Minecrap and various other indie games have infinite maps, the aforementioned Arma had infinite maps in one case. With RTS games they are all set on a small 32x32 map or whatever. I don't think graphics are an issue, I think the big issue is hundreds of individual AI units all having to navigate to wherever they need to go. It kills CPUs. But there has to be a way to sort the work into batches or something. I don't need 100% realtime reactions, just real time control. In other words, select a group of units and click 60km away, I don't need it to calculate the path instantly, which is how I think every RTS currently works. What it should do is just start running in that correct general direction, and update the navigation as it goes. The CPU isn't always at 100% so it has to find the right time to do stuff like that.

Also it doesn't need to have deformable terrain. I love that but it kills the CPU even more. What I really want is an RTS that doesn't end after an hour. It goes on and on. So you build your initial base and defend against attackers. Once the defences seem sufficient, you send squads out into the waves of enemies to set up other bases. And there should be multiple resources scattered around to encourage that. And I'd make it so that the enemies start as little critters that your guns can take down easily, but it progresses to end up with huge things that need tactics to take down. There is a mod called Nuttyb Raptors of Beyond All Reason which itself is a mod, which kinda does what I want. But it's still on a small map and it ends after an hour or whatever. I picture a game with a huge world with events and stuff on it to keep the player exploring. Something like Heroes of M&M or a 4X.

Also it needs to have the artillery from World in Conflict. Without that, why even play an RTS?

3) A modern version of Police Quest. It's not even a good series but I love the idea of being a detective/cop in a game. I wanted to see it done in a modern 3d world like GTA. There is a mod now for GTA5 which lets you play as a cop which is part of what I wanted. The rest just needs to be some kind of detective adventure that involves actual detective work, not going where you are told and following the glowing yellow UI.

4) A Predator game. I thought of this after playing Crysis for the first time. I wanted a mod or a game where you sneak around the treetops in invisible form. Stalking your enemies. Then at the right time you attack with badass weapons and heroic melee attacks. Since then I know there has been a Predator game or two but I didn't even bother looking at them because I know it will suck.

5) Animal RPG
You start as a worm in a huge savannah. And you have to eat microbes or something to level up. At level 2 you become a snake and have to hunt mice. At level 3 you become an armadillo or something. Eventually you are a wolf and lion, etc. And you get to hunt as those animals would. Enemies react to you from miles away, and can smell you and hear you. So when you become a stalking cat or something you become silent and can sneak up on stuff. What I hoped was that it would look like real life, but the gameplay would be kind of action combat-like, only complex. Also maybe the player could shapeshift back to previous creatures to help with new enemies. I haven't thought about this much, I mostly just like the idea of an RPG in pretty outdoor African savannahs or something instead of always being in church basements.
p.s. Spore was not inspiration for this idea, that game I try to forget. The inspiration for this idea is a game which lets you become creatures each with their own unique abilities: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minions_of_Mirth

6) A fighting game based on an old classic called Panza Kickboxing. Realistic combat not like Streetfighter or most fighting games. And you customize your character's moves. I think the best thing about that game though was the control method, and it's never been used since. I'd really like it in 3D though and making that control method work in 3D would be a challenge. But I think I know how to do it and it would be better than any other fighting game I've seen. Realistic fighting simulation in realtime and requires reflexes and skill. There is a recent game sort of similar called Absolver but not quite what I wanted and it wasn't popular. I would like it similar to that.. only good.

7) An RTS with a commander like TA/SupCom, only you level up the commander further and further like an RPG and it becomes super strong with long range abilities and stuff. This idea was a lot more interesting and original when I first thought of it, since then there have been a million Diablo clones that kind of already do what I had in mind. Grim Dawn etc. Although they get boring fast for me. I'd enjoy the fighting a lot more if it was only done to defend stuff I am building.

i have to say the massively open world RTS game sounds like a great idea, real evolution for the genre as well, it be great having to balance the economy, strategy and tactics for dozens of units and base locations across a huge sprawling map I can only assume CPU is a limitation cause marketing wise you know a producer would have been like "We can market an RTS with 10X the map size" thats a winnign tagline for a games marketing to drive sales

I thought about that idea quite a lot as a kid because I love RTS. I also thought that depending on the budget you could do interesting things with the controls/camera. Like if it's an indie game even making a basic version of all this would probably be too much. But with a big budget game I pictured you being able to run around on the ground as a main character, like in Sanctum or Orcs Must Die or other tower defense games where you control a character and build your defences in a close up third person view. So I imagined the RTS starts like that, but as you upgrade, your character gets the ability to fly. That lets you move the camera up high to cloud level and you can get a large overview of everything like SupCom. And then fly back down to where you want to build stuff.

And I mean... if money is no object :D Then the main character could be able to upgrade over the course of the game. So you gain the ability to fly which at first is just to help move around and see long distances, but later you get weapons. Weapons from Command & Conquer like Super Weapons but instead of being fired from a building, you get to fire them from your main character (the Commander) as you fly over the enemy. You drop carpet bombs and fire Ion cannons at stuff from in the sky.

And I would probably make it so that flying uses some personal resource, like a recharging jetpack. So being able to fly over enemy bases and blast them is something you have to do quickly and then go land somewhere to recover. In the 90s I thought RTS would be like this by about 2020. Instead things went the opposite direction.


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
Electronic Arts back in the day had a lot of early games with editors. I recall Ultimate Wizard (a one-screen platform game) that a neighbor and I started drawing up level ideas left and right. We never got to actually use the designer though since the c64 was my Pa's and well.. that was that. By the time I had my own c64, the neighbor was long gone and I was living in a trailer with just a few rooms. I miss that trailer... rat free it was.

Some fucking wacko burned it down while i was at the store. They never caught the fucker.


Dec 11, 2018
2D fighter/RPG with a fully customizable main character. Buy new moves, training, or specials upon level up, according to your stats and alignment. Full roster included as potential allies or enemies in main story according to your choices. Could even be open world, or at least open to exploration i.e Mortal Kombat Deception

An RPG set in a fully underwater fantasy setting

An RPG set in a fully prehistoric fantasy setting

A proper VR RPG of any type


Aug 27, 2022
The things I want are too hard and boring to explain. I'll try to tldr.

1) One is for open world RPGs to stop having short sighted enemies. It's weird exploring a big open world and enemies ignore me because I'm 30 feet away or whatever. Get 24 feet away and they attack. I'd like to have enemies spot you from a distant hill, when you can't even see them. And they will come to ambush you. There are some FPSs that have done this for years, Arma, STALKER, etc. But RPGs not so much. It would make magic and invisibility actually meaningful. As well as illusions. (EQ does some of this, and Arma)

2) I want an RTS but with an infinite map. Minecrap and various other indie games have infinite maps, the aforementioned Arma had infinite maps in one case. With RTS games they are all set on a small 32x32 map or whatever. I don't think graphics are an issue, I think the big issue is hundreds of individual AI units all having to navigate to wherever they need to go. It kills CPUs. But there has to be a way to sort the work into batches or something. I don't need 100% realtime reactions, just real time control. In other words, select a group of units and click 60km away, I don't need it to calculate the path instantly, which is how I think every RTS currently works. What it should do is just start running in that correct general direction, and update the navigation as it goes. The CPU isn't always at 100% so it has to find the right time to do stuff like that.

Also it doesn't need to have deformable terrain. I love that but it kills the CPU even more. What I really want is an RTS that doesn't end after an hour. It goes on and on. So you build your initial base and defend against attackers. Once the defences seem sufficient, you send squads out into the waves of enemies to set up other bases. And there should be multiple resources scattered around to encourage that. And I'd make it so that the enemies start as little critters that your guns can take down easily, but it progresses to end up with huge things that need tactics to take down. There is a mod called Nuttyb Raptors of Beyond All Reason which itself is a mod, which kinda does what I want. But it's still on a small map and it ends after an hour or whatever. I picture a game with a huge world with events and stuff on it to keep the player exploring. Something like Heroes of M&M or a 4X.

Also it needs to have the artillery from World in Conflict. Without that, why even play an RTS?

3) A modern version of Police Quest. It's not even a good series but I love the idea of being a detective/cop in a game. I wanted to see it done in a modern 3d world like GTA. There is a mod now for GTA5 which lets you play as a cop which is part of what I wanted. The rest just needs to be some kind of detective adventure that involves actual detective work, not going where you are told and following the glowing yellow UI.

4) A Predator game. I thought of this after playing Crysis for the first time. I wanted a mod or a game where you sneak around the treetops in invisible form. Stalking your enemies. Then at the right time you attack with badass weapons and heroic melee attacks. Since then I know there has been a Predator game or two but I didn't even bother looking at them because I know it will suck.

5) Animal RPG
You start as a worm in a huge savannah. And you have to eat microbes or something to level up. At level 2 you become a snake and have to hunt mice. At level 3 you become an armadillo or something. Eventually you are a wolf and lion, etc. And you get to hunt as those animals would. Enemies react to you from miles away, and can smell you and hear you. So when you become a stalking cat or something you become silent and can sneak up on stuff. What I hoped was that it would look like real life, but the gameplay would be kind of action combat-like, only complex. Also maybe the player could shapeshift back to previous creatures to help with new enemies. I haven't thought about this much, I mostly just like the idea of an RPG in pretty outdoor African savannahs or something instead of always being in church basements.
p.s. Spore was not inspiration for this idea, that game I try to forget. The inspiration for this idea is a game which lets you become creatures each with their own unique abilities: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minions_of_Mirth

6) A fighting game based on an old classic called Panza Kickboxing. Realistic combat not like Streetfighter or most fighting games. And you customize your character's moves. I think the best thing about that game though was the control method, and it's never been used since. I'd really like it in 3D though and making that control method work in 3D would be a challenge. But I think I know how to do it and it would be better than any other fighting game I've seen. Realistic fighting simulation in realtime and requires reflexes and skill. There is a recent game sort of similar called Absolver but not quite what I wanted and it wasn't popular. I would like it similar to that.. only good.

7) An RTS with a commander like TA/SupCom, only you level up the commander further and further like an RPG and it becomes super strong with long range abilities and stuff. This idea was a lot more interesting and original when I first thought of it, since then there have been a million Diablo clones that kind of already do what I had in mind. Grim Dawn etc. Although they get boring fast for me. I'd enjoy the fighting a lot more if it was only done to defend stuff I am building.

i have to say the massively open world RTS game sounds like a great idea, real evolution for the genre as well, it be great having to balance the economy, strategy and tactics for dozens of units and base locations across a huge sprawling map I can only assume CPU is a limitation cause marketing wise you know a producer would have been like "We can market an RTS with 10X the map size" thats a winnign tagline for a games marketing to drive sales

I thought about that idea quite a lot as a kid because I love RTS. I also thought that depending on the budget you could do interesting things with the controls/camera. Like if it's an indie game even making a basic version of all this would probably be too much. But with a big budget game I pictured you being able to run around on the ground as a main character, like in Sanctum or Orcs Must Die or other tower defense games where you control a character and build your defences in a close up third person view. So I imagined the RTS starts like that, but as you upgrade, your character gets the ability to fly. That lets you move the camera up high to cloud level and you can get a large overview of everything like SupCom. And then fly back down to where you want to build stuff.

And I mean... if money is no object :D Then the main character could be able to upgrade over the course of the game. So you gain the ability to fly which at first is just to help move around and see long distances, but later you get weapons. Weapons from Command & Conquer like Super Weapons but instead of being fired from a building, you get to fire them from your main character (the Commander) as you fly over the enemy. You drop carpet bombs and fire Ion cannons at stuff from in the sky.

And I would probably make it so that flying uses some personal resource, like a recharging jetpack. So being able to fly over enemy bases and blast them is something you have to do quickly and then go land somewhere to recover. In the 90s I thought RTS would be like this by about 2020. Instead things went the opposite direction.

Its unfortunate but RTS games have definitely hit a slump sought of like what happened with other traditionally PC dominate games like CRPGs, whilst CRPGs have made a come back since around Pillars of Eternity, then with the likes of Divinity Origin Sin and so on I think RTS games are still struggling in the MOBA dominate landscape, I was really hoping that Iron Harvest would be the won to bring back the RTS but I think it failed to capture the grand scale that the developers originally outlined and ultimately never made that big splash with the wider gaming demographics.

Then again it was the same for TBS (Turn Based Strategy) games for a time until the break out hit of XCOM Enemy Unknown though which we got Phoenix Point and Xenonauts among others. So maybe we just in a lull period for the genre, definitely needs a revamping
May 11, 2007
Belém do Pará, Império do Brasil
"Dueling Apocalypses" the RTS. Every end of the world scenario is fighting each other, like multiple competing futures wanting to be born, and ironically preventing the world from truly ending.

Essentially, Human Resources the cancelled RTS but bigger.

The world of the future is under invasion by Aliens. In desperation, humanity creates Artificial Intelligences and powerful combat robots to fight this threat. It works... too well.
The alien invaders are beat back for now, but the Machine Intellects start getting some unpleasant thoughts about seizing power... for the good of humanity, or because they want to kill all humans, or because they're ill-programmed paper clip maximizers, it matters not. What matters is that the AIs have turned on humans, and each other. To make things worse, the aliens are not gone...

Beset by the machines and aliens, the humans create genetically and cybernetic enhancement supermen. The Superhumans appear and drive back the machines. Then, they turn on humankind. Some believe the Superhumans betrayed mankind, others believe they were betrayed in turn. Their leaders seek to replace humankind and turn everyone into superhumans like them, by force.

As the world is ravaged by multiple successive wars, large areas of the planet are left without order and civilization. Large gangs of motorized warlords drive across the roads, robbing, pillaging, trying to survive and even fighting against aliens, robots and superhumans opressing humans. These are the Road Warriors. A few noble Road Warriors seek not to rob and pillage, but to fight back against the horror.

As the world degenerates into a massive war between Aliens, Robots, Superhumans and Road Warriors, the ruling establishment of the planet's remaining powers form a secret alliance using all methods imaginable. The Shadow Pact is formed, its mission to destroy all enemies of the estabilishment, the rich and the powerful. Deep State Stormtroopers start occupying all human-held cities, those who dissent and disagree are imprisioned, or vanish forever. Liberty dies to thunderous applause.

DLCs would include the Gaia's Revengers (Techno-Shamanistic Enviromental Catasthrophe) and the Otherdimensionals (Strange eldritch beings from beyond our dimension).
May 11, 2007
Belém do Pará, Império do Brasil
I swear I already posted this here. Essentially, my ideas for a Superman game:

So, the basic plot is that Metropolis is now a City in a Bottle (courtesy of Brainiac) ridden with monsters, robots aliens and supervillains, but Metropolis is not broken, for the people, heroes and even the powerful powerholders of Metropolis resist the menaces. Brainiac bots patrol the cities and try to put everything to Perfect Order and rid Metropolis of any technology that could save it, while supervillains and gangsters accidentally set free by Brainiac's attack rampage across the city and fight everyone else. Metropolis only remains defiant thanks to the actions of the Metropolis Scientific Crimes Unit and the wider police allied to remnants of the military and Lex Luthor himself.

Superman has to save Metropolis from gangs, supervillains, the machinations of Lex Luthor and Brainiac himself, even through he has no powers. He has to meet all his friends and allies and even some of his enemies, work together with them to take the city back for the people. With them, he can slowly but surely recover his power and collect gadgets, info and allies to get out of the bottle and fight the ultimate showdown against Brainiac himself, onboard his skullship in deep space.

Some thought upon features:

- The beginning was pretty much Superman using his OP powers to steamroll hordes of Brainiac robots, monsters and cyborgs, giving the player a taste of power. And by "OP", I mean OP - full-powered Superman is meant to feel super-awesome and powerful. Its meant to give the player a taste of Superman's power.

- Superman beats all the cannon fodder running roughshod over Metropolis and then goes to face Brainiac's ship itself. Brainiac then proceeds to One-Shot Superman with a Red Sun Laser, taking him out with one shot and throwing him into debris. When he wakes up, Metropolis' sky is a glass bottle, he has no superpowers and all he has are his Superman duds and his Clark Kent clothes. Glasses included, of course. The player has to stealth and "Clark Kent" his way across the Brainiac robot patrols, avoiding them without raising suspicion.

- While Clark Kenting and seeking help from Lois and co, the player will witness that Metropolis has become a warzone. Brainiac bots, cyborgs and monsters fight elite police forces fight supervillains fight Lexmen fight sci-fi gangbangers. Brainiac wants Metropolis to be a nice little quiet bottle, Metropolis wants Brainiac to take that glass bottle and shove it up his ass.

- The bottle limits the game area to Metropolis, and serves as a limit. Within Metropolis, however, Superman is free to roam, limited only by his mobility and the odd insurmountable obstacles like forcefields, which require Superman to either power up enough or get another means of entering, like a key, password, or access authorization. Metropolis has every single place referenced in its comics history, such as the Daily Planet, Bibbo's Ace of Spades, the LexCorp Tower, the Suicide Slum, etc. And of course, 1938 Sullivan Place, Clark Kent and Lois Lane's house.

- Superman starts with no powers, and has to get some. He can get them with Yellow Sun Boosters and other technological means, courtesy of scientists like STAR Labs and Lex Luthor. He can even store them in convenient portable containers for some extra power boosts on the go, maybe even as armor. He needs to go around and find things like power sources, components, etc, to build those. Superman can get those by going all around Metropolis and entering Science Labs, raiding Supervillain Hideouts and Intergang Safehouses, breaking Brainiac bots and looting their shit, etc. Metropolis is a City of Tomorrow full of nifty technologies, not all of them legal, and that makes it interesting for everyone.

- The idea is that these separate power levels also are big callbacks to the many levels of Superman had over the years. Like Golden Age Superman, who was faster than a bullet, stronger than a train, able to leap tall buildings, etc. Eventually, Superman would be recover all his powers and find a way to deactivate the red sun drain. Althrough I like the idea of making it possible to go at it underpowered, just to let some mad men try and take on the game in Golden Age mode, just to see if they can.

- Having to get repowered is a way to handle power progression. This way, the player can slowly but surely learn to control Superman, while the game ups the difficulty.

- However, Metropolis is under red sun bombardment. Red sun rays depower Superman, and these do so slowly. This manifests as a omnious red tinged-sky over Metropolis. This means Superman can't sit on his ass, but has to keep moving to and fro, fighting and helping people, saving civilians and generally laying the smackdown on Brainiac bots and supervillains, and looting their tech.

- Superman can also get some gadgets and weapons to help him make up the power gap, referencing years of comics history. (non-lethal) Guns like in Death and Return of Superman, Kryptonian Battlesuit, The Super Car, Emil Hamilton's portable forcefields, Steel's Hammer, etc. The idea is that they are nice supplements, but later on they become mostly useless as the powers return. Superman can also get alternate outfits of all sorts, like the Black Suit, the Krypton Man outfit, Electric Superman containment suit, the Golden Age original suit, the Morrison Action Comics "T-Shirts and Jeans" Bruce Springsteen look, etc.

- Superman can go on missions for all his allies and friends. Things like "save X person" to "clean our neighboorhood", "help me with this device" or "beat this supervillain". Quests, if you will. Some quests must be resolved through dialogue and feats, helping people get their morale up, rallying the people, saving someone from suicide, things like that.

- An all-star Rogues' Gallery of Enemies. Brainiac leading from the front, with Lex Luthor as an erstwhile 'ally' managing to help Superman while manipulating things for his own gain (of course). Other supervillains such as Parasite, Metallo, Bizarro, Kryptonite Man, Bruno Mayhem and his Intergang, Toyman, Atomic Skull, Blackrock, Bloodsport, etc, terrorize Metropolis and cause chaos and havok. Complete with their own armies of monsters, thugs and robots. Brainiac seeks to ally with or mind-control these other supervillains to use against Superman and Metropolis. Superman has to stop this too and put them back in the clinker, or Brainiac will enpower these villains with his science and make them even more powerful.

- Superman's allies were or are hunted down. From Gangbuster to Supergirl, Superman must go and find them. Once gotten, they can be used like assists, help the civvies against the enemies, and become part of the main plot.

- The possibility of "dimension hoping" through limited portals and roaming around Brainiac's other bottles, which would represent cities taken from other know planets of the DC universe, like Rann and Tamaran and even Krypton, in the form of Kandor. These are attempts to get out of the bottle, but due to reasons, so far they are only managing to portal from bottle-to-bottle. There's at least one bottle that has absolutely zero friendlies, just something purely wreckable. The idea is to give Superman something to wreck. Another possibility is a way into the Phantom Zone, where Superman can duke it out with Kryptonian criminals and shit.

- During the ending sequence, after the bottle, Brainiac manages to nab all the supervillains from Metropolis while Superman is on his ship, enhances them and then releases them on Superman. Just a way to get the player to feel how good it is to fight all these dangerous villains on full power. This leads to the final fight against Brainiac.

I was also thinking a two-player mode in which you team up with Supergirl (plays mechanically the same, but is a girl), Superboy (weaker but has TTK powers and can do some things Superman can't) or Steel (no powers, only TECH).

The finale would be the battle vs Brainiac, and maybe Lex Luthor as a secret boss.
After the ending, it also foreshadows that a) Lex Luthor got himself a nice helping of alien technology from this mess and b) Zod and his Phantom Zone criminals are about to bust out of the Phantom Zone, setting the terrain for the second game.


May 13, 2013
The one idea I recently had was a long-age type of vampire game.
First it would be set in a midieval time period, abouts the 1100s. You'd first start as a paladin/knight of sorts, similar to the VTMR beginning, though instead I would make the start be around your childhood, so like fable.
It would go about in a similar fashion to fable I would say, start off as a kid, do some quests, bond with some people/children, and then a catastrophe, a band of bandits, or perhaps those nasty eastern bandits...
So later you'd join a military and the crusades, do training, etc...
Once you grow up, you'd finally get a mission to go kill those bandits. Once you killed them, you'd be turned into a vampire, possibly by a random passing vampire I was thinking.

At this point I wanted to sort of give a feeling to the player of "emptiness" wherein you completed your main drive for the story (vengeance against bandits) and just randomly got turned into a vampire on the way back home, now you don't know what to do with your life...
The idea I was thinking of is trying to push the player to find their own purpose, become "beyond" himself, this would be further emphasized by the constant time jumps. E.g. becoming a vampire takes like 1 year in this setting. Then later, maybe every now and then there would be a time jump of a year, effectively timing quests.

The idea here is that there would be time jumps often, and eventually, after about 50-100 years, there would be something that happens that forces the player to go into "slumber" for a few hundred years, essentially moving onto a new era, in this case the renaissaunce era, around the 1600s. Similar idea here, though player would be able to meet with descendants from previous era, or other vampires that survived.
The time jumps would happen a few more times, advancing to the 1990s era, then to the futuristic, cyberpunky era of 2100s. Until an ending, haven't figured one out yet though.

Obviously the quest design would be insane for this game, that's why the idea I was going for was to figure out a way to run a local AI model, one of the new ones available now like llama3 or some such. It would be responsible for keeping track of the events and generating quests/interactions dynamically. Similar to those NPCs you see in the skyrim AI mods but on a grander scale.

There's going to be day/night mechanics for sure, hunger, sleep, etc...

Combat I was thinking of would be your standard fair rpg action, so I guess your ass creed or the new ghost of tsushima, low emphasis on bloat so enemies would go down quick. Game perspective would be 3rd person I would say.

There wouldn't be any actual standard leveling up stuff. It'd be in the vain of a metroidvania. Only way to gain level up "points" would be to either find ancient vampire relics, consume the hearts of older vampires than you (diablos), or wait until the 1 year time gap passes.

Progression would be pretty large, there'd be a variety of powers, combat related, persuasion related etc...

Game would be specifically set in a large city, something like Prague/London/Paris, and it would always be that city even after the time gaps. Though it would include some minor wilderness areas around the place.

There wouldn't really be any main quests, other than the beginning bandit driving factor. Moreso a collection of events/quests-lines along the eras.


Aug 27, 2022
The one idea I recently had was a long-age type of vampire game.
First it would be set in a midieval time period, abouts the 1100s. You'd first start as a paladin/knight of sorts, similar to the VTMR beginning, though instead I would make the start be around your childhood, so like fable.
It would go about in a similar fashion to fable I would say, start off as a kid, do some quests, bond with some people/children, and then a catastrophe, a band of bandits, or perhaps those nasty eastern bandits...
So later you'd join a military and the crusades, do training, etc...
Once you grow up, you'd finally get a mission to go kill those bandits. Once you killed them, you'd be turned into a vampire, possibly by a random passing vampire I was thinking.

At this point I wanted to sort of give a feeling to the player of "emptiness" wherein you completed your main drive for the story (vengeance against bandits) and just randomly got turned into a vampire on the way back home, now you don't know what to do with your life...
The idea I was thinking of is trying to push the player to find their own purpose, become "beyond" himself, this would be further emphasized by the constant time jumps. E.g. becoming a vampire takes like 1 year in this setting. Then later, maybe every now and then there would be a time jump of a year, effectively timing quests.

The idea here is that there would be time jumps often, and eventually, after about 50-100 years, there would be something that happens that forces the player to go into "slumber" for a few hundred years, essentially moving onto a new era, in this case the renaissaunce era, around the 1600s. Similar idea here, though player would be able to meet with descendants from previous era, or other vampires that survived.
The time jumps would happen a few more times, advancing to the 1990s era, then to the futuristic, cyberpunky era of 2100s. Until an ending, haven't figured one out yet though.

Obviously the quest design would be insane for this game, that's why the idea I was going for was to figure out a way to run a local AI model, one of the new ones available now like llama3 or some such. It would be responsible for keeping track of the events and generating quests/interactions dynamically. Similar to those NPCs you see in the skyrim AI mods but on a grander scale.

There's going to be day/night mechanics for sure, hunger, sleep, etc...

Combat I was thinking of would be your standard fair rpg action, so I guess your ass creed or the new ghost of tsushima, low emphasis on bloat so enemies would go down quick. Game perspective would be 3rd person I would say.

There wouldn't be any actual standard leveling up stuff. It'd be in the vain of a metroidvania. Only way to gain level up "points" would be to either find ancient vampire relics, consume the hearts of older vampires than you (diablos), or wait until the 1 year time gap passes.

Progression would be pretty large, there'd be a variety of powers, combat related, persuasion related etc...

Game would be specifically set in a large city, something like Prague/London/Paris, and it would always be that city even after the time gaps. Though it would include some minor wilderness areas around the place.

There wouldn't really be any main quests, other than the beginning bandit driving factor. Moreso a collection of events/quests-lines along the era
That's pretty boss an idea, that said having consistent characters would be totally out the window unless you go down a Timesplitters or Valerian and Laureline approach with the future with them having time travel. I could see it a hard game to create with the multiple time periods but defiantly novel.


May 13, 2013
That's pretty boss an idea, that said having consistent characters would be totally out the window unless you go down a Timesplitters or Valerian and Laureline approach with the future with them having time travel. I could see it a hard game to create with the multiple time periods but defiantly novel.
Most characters wouldn't be consistant, only a few vampire like characters like you would sometimes survive the years.
But tbh, it'd be pretty dynamic due to the AI, so, you could kill them all off before advancing to the next era, and you'd only get the travelers.

The feeling I'm after is like a feeling of immortality, trying to figure out wtf to do with immortality, and what it means to be long living.

Possibly might be a better idea to set it in the golden age of Rome, and then slowly advance the years until the dark ages and then do an era shift.

Or perhaps, just to drive it better home, maybe there wouldn't be any era shifts? Rather it would just advance time by 1 year every week or something...

Anyway, very crazy idea, but also very interesting.
Aug 9, 2024
My idea is for a game to be finished at release. It would shock the world!!!! Also the world should ban all marketing until 2 weeks before release date. Blabbing about your crappy product before then should be punishable, by Texas. I'd also like an action-RPG with good combat. Not sure if such a thing is even possible but maybe some day. I would also like more games like G-Police but not 27 years old.
Sep 1, 2020
I'd like a game that is somewhere in between Far Cry 2 and the Jagged Alliance series.

Basically a mercenary game with the full strategic layer of JA, but the mechanics of a realistic military FPS , maybe with Arma style squad control, and the setting of FC2. African civil war apocalypse scenario where you and your hired band of mercenaries are hired to take back territory. Ambush convoys, plan night ops, get ambushed in the jungle, fight defensive engagements with your own militias, etc. Occupy certain areas for different strategic bonuses and/or revenue. Every mercenary would have their own personality, of course.


May 5, 2012
I'd like a game that is somewhere in between Far Cry 2 and the Jagged Alliance series.

Basically a mercenary game with the full strategic layer of JA, but the mechanics of a realistic military FPS , maybe with Arma style squad control, and the setting of FC2. African civil war apocalypse scenario where you and your hired band of mercenaries are hired to take back territory. Ambush convoys, plan night ops, get ambushed in the jungle, fight defensive engagements with your own militias, etc. Occupy certain areas for different strategic bonuses and/or revenue. Every mercenary would have their own personality, of course.

Freeman as well (maybe someday it will be decent, maybe.)

Not africa and npcs don't have that JA personality but you can't always get what you want.


Aug 27, 2022
My idea is for a game to be finished at release. It would shock the world!!!! Also the world should ban all marketing until 2 weeks before release date. Blabbing about your crappy product before then should be punishable, by Texas. I'd also like an action-RPG with good combat. Not sure if such a thing is even possible but maybe some day. I would also like more games like G-Police but not 27 years old.
finished on the original release date? How can you suggested such an inhumane idea



May 5, 2012
You guys must be new here, codexers got upset when Battle Brothers developers were going to move onto their next game after the 1.0 exit from early access. Before they changed their mind and expanded the game with patches and several dlc expansions.


Sep 4, 2015
You guys must be new here, codexers got upset when Battle Brothers developers were going to move onto their next game after the 1.0 exit from early access. Before they changed their mind and expanded the game with patches and several dlc expansions.
i still waiting for samurai expansion!


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
I'm still waiting for the rat KILLER expansion & massive rat army.

Anyway.. more rat killing games:

If I had high-speed internet, a computer (since mine is dust now), and time; I would blog about all the rats in game that need to be killed with footage. Maybe I'd make a rat-killing montage video.

Tired of these games you play as rodents. I could only think of committing rat suicide in such a game. Blek!


Aug 15, 2024
I'm interested in alternative takes on magic systems, both mechanically and with respect to world-building. Arcanum plays with this idea with the conflict between magic and industrial technology, Dragon Age had an interesting treatment of mages in the setting, and they're the evil overlords of the world of Dark Sun, but beyond that it's still quite underexplored territory in my opinion.

Mechanically, we've had basically two systems of limited magical resources - the D&D spell memorization system and the modern regenerating mana system. What other systems could there be? What about a druid or shaman who absorbs his mana from the biome that he's in? Perhaps a caster could have different kinds of mana, used for casting different spells, that regenerate in different ways, like one that regenerates only at rest, and another that regenerates only during combat? These ideas are currently all half-baked and I need to consider them further, but I'm confident that with experimentation there's something currently untouched that could be very fun.

As far as world-building goes, there's infinite potential for different systems. What's stopping wizards from taking over their respective societies and setting themselves up as god-kings? What's stopping wizards from creating all kinds of advanced, magically powered technology? How would it look if they did this for the betterment of their societies? How would it look if they did it for their own power? I think you could take just one of these ideas and tease an interesting setting out of it.

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