I'm about to start building my new desktop rig finally and decided to run Requiem once it's finished. I previously dabbled in Skyrim with SkyRE so I'm not a total noob when it comes to modding. However, I'm worried about compatibility:
1. Frosfall
-Neither mod states whether they work together or not. Requiem page has a note that comp ability with Frostfall is "iffy" but no details. Has anyone tried and got them working?
2. Babette's Feast
-Both change food and player state, so I'm afraid it would clash.
3. Dual Wield Parrrying
-Does it break the balance or does Requiem already have its functionality built in? The manual didn't say.
4. Run for your Lives - When vampires attack
-Do I still need these two mods to make sure that civilians run for shelter? Requiem manual wasn't 100% clear, though it did say that dragons have an aura of fear. I don't want civilians to try to fight vampires and dragons, it's silly as fuck.
5. Deadly Dragons
-I assume this is pointless with Requiem?
6. Bandolier - Bags and Pouches
-Requiem alters crafting. How does that go with mods that introduce new items through crafting? Just using this one as an example.
7. Acquisitive Soul Gems
-Does Requiem add new soul trap spells that were not in vanilla, which this mod would not see?
8. Convenient Horses and Ultimate Follower Overhaul
-Do these 2 mods play nice with Requiem?
1. Frostfall is not compatible out of the box - using certain FF spells temporarily adds caster perks and caster perks in Requiem let you select new spells to learn. There is a compatibility patch for that, but you'll need to ask yourself whether you really need FF, because it's a massive script hog and may interfere with Requiem in a way that's not really patchable by clogging up the script engine.
2. Would probably work on a purely technical level but seems to clash with Requiem massively in terms of philosophy. Requiem alters existing food so that none of the food items restore health and any long term bonuses they confer are weak, but long lasting and also prohibits eating while in combat (attempting to do so only wastes food item). Besides it doesn't look like the kind of mod one would *need*. You want to LARP a cook or something?
3. IIRC it's even semi-recommended by some due to how much more important blocking is in Requiem. Personally I don't use it and don't know if it requires patches.
4. Don't know about vampires, but NPCs in Requiem are generally more likely to flee and will keep fleeing. Dragons definitely send most NPCs running while screaming like little girls. You can disable vampire attacks themselves in Requiem if you don't like them or consider them too game breaking.
5. It seems to have compatibility patches. Dragons in Requiem are obviously much tougher than in vanilla (and generally ohk you in melee unless you have absolutely stupid AC and lots of HP), but they aren't that difficult to fight. Personally I use DCO as it changes the AI, adds physical effects of dragon landings, takeoffs and low swoops, plus some special twists to dragon encounters. There is an (obligatory) compatibility patch for DCO that seems up to date. AFAIK you can use both DCO and DD. I had used Enhanced Mighty Dragons instead of DD for some time, but it doesn't seem to have compatibility patch and without it it makes dragons' melee attacks much weaker, so nah.
6. Bandoliers work pretty ok, but I'm not sure if I would recommend them as they may bloat your inventory too much and will incentivize churning out wearable containers out of everything you can recycle instead of playing. If you do use them, get the version with reduced carry boni.
7. Dunno, lol. Requiem certainly does add spell to release souls from all carried gems without destroying the latter. The mod may interfere with that and both are solutions to the same problems. Also, I don't know if it won't interfere with perk-gated enchanting and recharging.
8. UFO is outdated and when I last tried it it failed to work with Requiem in spectacular fashion: I took Uthgerd - she wears plate by default - to White River Watch to hunt some bandits, she ran into the first cavern and was promptly one shotted by an archer despite wearing armor that should make her nearly immune to arrows. Didn't even enter bleedout, just dead. Dunno about the others.