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inXile General Discussion Thread


May 21, 2007
If W2 came out what it is now with the Director's Cut it'd be hailed as one of the greatest RPGs ever. If you buy and play it now it's a fantastic party-based, turn-based, isometric RPG that captures the feel of late 1990s golden era better than D:OS or any other modern pretender. It's all you've ever wanted from Fallout 3 and much more.

Unfortunately the release version was unfinished, unbalanced and hilariously buggy and most people never went back and gave it another chance with the remaster. Too bad.
Hyperbole much. It's really not that good, it never was.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
If W2 came out what it is now with the Director's Cut it'd be hailed as one of the greatest RPGs ever. If you buy and play it now it's a fantastic party-based, turn-based, isometric RPG that captures the feel of late 1990s golden era better than D:OS or any other modern pretender. It's all you've ever wanted from Fallout 3 and much more.

Unfortunately the release version was unfinished, unbalanced and hilariously buggy and most people never went back and gave it another chance with the remaster. Too bad.
Hyperbole much. It's really not that good, it never was.
We're only a few years away from codexers claiming deadfire was an underrated gem
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Well what does?
Certainly not any game that has 4 protagonists whose collective background amounts to "uhhhhh we're rangers"
Notice they can't actually refute this.
Only 1 game in the codex's top 20 has full party creation that isn't a hack nobody but 4 autists used. (Hint: It's #20.)

Full party creation is for tacticool games, not RPGs. Wasteland 2 & 3 have no real character development of the protagonists, there is no adventure they went through. This is so true that you can just get rid of them and replace them at any point in time, the characters aren't a part of the story! Some disembodied person leading them is the real protagonist.


Sep 29, 2007
Full party creation is for tacticool games, not RPGs.
You are wrong. Full party creation is for role players who willingly take on the option of creating their own characters, and playing them each differently and to their individual strengths (and weaknesses).

When I play the Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale series (for instance) I build my characters complete with a biography—such as is supported by the game. When my thief (or thieves) go burgling, they do so without any Lawful good characters tagging along to defend them if they get caught in the act; especially not Paladins in good standing. If the priest passes by one of their own churches they might just donate the money they have if they are nutty like that. And I do mean a significant chunk of the party's funds if left to their own wonts, without others nearby to forbid it; (especially donations in the names of any party members of non-good alignments (if they themselves are not evil)... "It's for those rascal's own good!" :obviously:).

The infinity engine allows for non-lethal HtH fighting, which works on pre-generated and user generated party members alike; so fist fights are possible. (That means that the priest could get thrashed when they catch up to the party without the money.)

*After which they'd likely leave, and the party would find some other healer to take their place. It all depends upon what events happen in the game, and what is —in character— for the PCs in question. See, Montaron would backstab even the party's own cleric if crossed and infuriated by them. ;)
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Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Full party creation is for tacticool games, not RPGs.
You are wrong. Full party creation is for role players who willingly take on the option of creating their own characters, and playing them each differently and to their individual strengths (and weaknesses).

When I play the Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale series (for instance) I build my characters complete with a biography—such as is supported by the game. When my thief (or thieves) go burgling, they do so without any Lawful good characters tagging along to defend them if they get caught in the act; especially not Paladins in good standing. If the priest passes by one of their own churches they might just donate the money they have if they are nutty like that. And I do mean a significant chunk of the party's funds if left to their own wonts, without others nearby to forbid it; (especially donations in the names of any party members of non-good alignments (if they themselves are not evil)... "It's for those rascal's own good!" :obviously:).

The infinity engine allows for non-lethal HtH fighting, which works on pre-generated and user generated party members alike; so fist fights are possible. (That means that the priest could get thrashed when they catch up to the party without the money.)

*After which they'd likely leave, and the party would find some other healer to take their place. It all depends upon what events happen in the game, and what is —in character— for the PCs in question. See, Montaron would backstab even the party's own cleric if crossed and infuriated by them. ;)

OK, they're RPGs if you're schizophrenic.


Oct 21, 2019
Wasteland 2 was solid. They haven't made anything good since. Wasteland 3 is crap.
If W3 is crap then W2 is even bigger crap. At least W3 offers more coherent experience (also, more <> better) and in terms of presentation it's vastly superior.

W3 is the console version of W2. Just say you prefer console presentation with cancers of voice acting and cinematic dialogue. In terms of gameplay W3 is smaller, shorter and has less of everything.
Of course I prefer better presentation to worse one as any adequate person. Are you telling everyone that plasticine heads in Fallout 1-2 were also cancer and decline? The question is here obviously were those improvements been at the expense of other stuff? Well, in case of W3 I don't think so. In fact, I think streamlining was only beneficial, I wish they did it MORE in order to cut wacky unfunny stuff like golden toasters, crafting dog shit, batshit crazy clowns etc. I'm sure VO made them trim dialogues a lot and that's good. Mechanics got less wonky compared to W2 and that's a good thing too (btw no idea where W2 director's cut such high praise is coming from - sure the game got better especially in terms of balance but systems are still wonky as fuck and a lot of dull shit content hasn't gone anywhere). Not to mention the UI - it's become in W3 a lot better thanks to "console" streamlining (still shitty though).


Sep 29, 2007
OK, they're RPGs if you're schizophrenic.
What exactly is your personal concept of roleplaying? Are the characters tools at your disposal (for manipulating the game world events), are they vicariously worn digital costumes (to pretend to be in the world yourself), or are they personalities who would logically have a history that pre-dates the start of the game, and have ingrained general beliefs, and values that predispose their reactions to situations in game?

If you were given the Indiana Jones character (in a game intended by the developer to be an RPG; e.g. similar style to the Witcher, and Planescape), would you consider it an established role to play? And would you take his phobias into account when you did? I have actually read posts by people who truly believe that non-user generated protagonists == not an RPG.

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Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
ITT rusty lauds the rich backstory of the Fallout 1 protagonist.
Background of the Fallout protagonist at the very least:
Descendant of someone who got a fallout shelter, spent his entire life living in a shelter, and is seeing the irradiated wasteland for the first time. Essentially a unique individual in the wasteland, views it differently from everyone else, obviously intended to be an easy way to insert the player into the story in the protagonist's shoes.

Background of some guy you control in WL2:
someone capable of holding a gun, until you replace him with some other nameless nobody
never actually accomplishes anything, never references anything they've previously done, because they're replaceable

almost like it's a tacticool game design instead of an RPG


An iron rock in the river of blood and evil
Jan 12, 2004
Black Goat Woods !@#*%&^
Make the Codex Great Again! RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Although I support Porter's stance on border security, I vehemently disagree with her position on picky inventory systems in RPGs. Voting for the other guy.

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
Notice they can't actually refute this.
Only 1 game in the codex's top 20 has full party creation that isn't a hack nobody but 4 autists used. (Hint: It's #20.)
Which only demonstrates the poverty of the voting system for that poll, as well as the fact that many Codexers can't be bothered to play any game released before 1997. My top 20 RPG list includes 10 games with full party creation, and another 3 games with a party but limited to no control over its members, leaving just 7 games without a party. +M


Glory to Ukraine
May 9, 2018
Still 0 news about InXile Arcanum project? Is it real, though? Sounds like gossip to me.
Arcanum without Cain,Anderson and Boyarsky?Fuck no. That was their game.
Fargo should borrow Cain + Boyarsky from Obsidian because they are all under Microsoft and are wasting the few years they have left with making mediocre games like Outer Worlds.About time they give us finished version of Arcanum untill they get too old and senile. God knows where Anderson is but i don't think he would say no at the chance to reunite with his buddies. They could also throw Avellone a bone and he could write under an alias if they don't have the guts to make it public.

While they share (or shared) professional and creative interests, based on interviews, none of the principal RPG designers from the 90s/early 2000s seem particularly close, including the Troika trio.

If I recollect properly, while living in basically in the same area, the friendship of the Troika trio is (or was) limited to trying to make time for one 'Troika' lunch every year to reminiscence about the good old days.

The situation might have changed somewhat, but for the most part they don't come across as friends.
At least they can fucking finish Arcanum now that they have the resources. That game had immense potential and it's one of the games that really needs a remastered+finished version.The only problem is see is their age. They are all in their mid-late 50's and don't think they have the same passion and energy as they did 20-25 years ago.

Microsoft has bought Activision last spring and they have the Arcanum IP. Both Inxile and Obsidian work for Microsoft. Their offices are like 5-6 miles apart. It's a perfect time to remaster or remake those Troika games. I think Fargo would do it because he kind of depleted the Wasteland IP and Bard's Tale was meh.
Another great move would be for Microsoft to just take Fallout of Bethesda's hands, declare their shitty games non-canon and let Obisidan work on a proper Fallout 3 and finish the FPS-RPG bullshit. They own Todd's ass and it's about time they keep him the fuck away from Fallout.
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May 27, 2010
Strap Yourselves In
Another great move would be for Microsoft to just take Fallout of Bethesda's hands, declare their shitty games non-canon and let Obisidan work on a proper Fallout 3 and finish the FPS-RPG bullshit. They own Todd's ass and it's about time they keep him the fuck away from Fallout.
Obsidian has barely any of the actual talent they had when they made New Vegas, I certainly wouldn't trust a bunch of diversity hires with a new Fallout. I would definitely much rather InXile make a Fallout game on their own, for all their faults Wasteland 2 and 3 are far better than anything current Obsidian could put out and unless I'm mistaken InXile hasn't suffered quite as many horrifying losses of talented personnel as Obsidian has in recent years, but I'll be honest in saying I don't really keep up with that shit.

The best fate for Fallout would just be finally being put to rest but that's never going to happen because it makes too much money.


Apr 14, 2022
InXile hasn't suffered quite as many horrifying losses of talented personnel as Obsidian has in recent years, but I'll be honest in saying I don't really keep up with that shit.
I think they had. I most if not all of Black Isle veterans have departed. George Ziets, who led the design of Wasteland 3, is also no longer there.

I guess they could try to hire Ziets and his new team as sub-contractors.


Dec 21, 2010
InXile hasn't suffered quite as many horrifying losses of talented personnel as Obsidian has in recent years, but I'll be honest in saying I don't really keep up with that shit.
I think they had. I most if not all of Black Isle veterans have departed. George Ziets, who led the design of Wasteland 3, is also no longer there.

I guess they could try to hire Ziets and his new team as sub-contractors.
Isn't Jason Anderson still there?

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