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is AI going to ruin video games?


Jun 3, 2005
In the long run I hope they combine the best of both worlds. The AI generates lots of content, then a human selects the best bits and fixes the deficiencies.
Honestly, this is basically how the creation process works with humans, too. The only difference is that a human creator has an internal filter that stops him from even trying to create things that he deems too shitty so that it doesn't get passed up the chain, due to the higher cost of producing human output, while the AI can shit out prodigious amounts of candidate shit and then a human can, at much lower effort, filter it.

I imagine the next trick will be teaching an AI to identify when something is shit so it can self-filter.


Nov 21, 2010
Codex Year of the Donut
I think all questions about AI's creating video games, namely rpgs, were solved in 1984 with the C64 release of Adventure Construction Set which allowed players to have the computer pretty much design a game from scratch, complete with name. The player could also take the game as far as they would like such as give the game a name and complete a few rooms, then ACS would take over. The game did not create graphics, upscale existing graphics, etc - though I'll bet they could have done it on the Amiga version released in 1986.

Have things turned to shit since 1984? Yes. Will I lose any sleep over games getting "even shittier" in the future? No, I already have pretty low expectations. If anything, AAA studios will use AI to diminish the need for "creative types" for new games and use AI to add a coat of paint to nostalgia type games for a quick buck, while indie studios will use AI to determine new and creative ways to be pretentious assholes.
Oct 26, 2016

Sitra Achara

Sep 1, 2003
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
In the long run I hope they combine the best of both worlds. The AI generates lots of content, then a human selects the best bits and fixes the deficiencies.
Honestly, this is basically how the creation process works with humans, too. The only difference is that a human creator has an internal filter that stops him from even trying to create things that he deems too shitty so that it doesn't get passed up the chain, due to the higher cost of producing human output, while the AI can shit out prodigious amounts of candidate shit and then a human can, at much lower effort, filter it.

I imagine the next trick will be teaching an AI to identify when something is shit so it can self-filter.
Not really, that's basically a GAN which is old news:

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