For starters we have retarded shit like this
it's still just learning how and when to parry, block and dodge effectively and that can be figured out pretty fast.
All games that are fair in any way are about learning when to do the shit the game requires you to do. Its such a retarded piece of shit commentary id be ashamed of writing it. Alas, now its in the internet forever.
The gameplay gets repetitive very fast. It doesn't matter how many weapons there are when they are used in the same way,
Ive played DS2 maybe 4 hours and i already know this isnt true. They are not used in the same way and every weapon demands that you alter your gameplay.
whether they can hit enemies further but are slower is incidental,
No, its fucking not, it changes everything.
I don't think there's even any point to changing your weapon type once you get used to one.
Sure, how is this a bad thing?
Stamina management - that's actually a limitation only you have as far as I'm aware, the enemies don't suffer from it, so they are basically cheating the mechanics.
Completely right and the reason i believe DS2 is shit. Its not the only way the game cheats on you btw. It ranges from enemies swiching the direction of their attacks midblow if you try to flank them, and ive heard that more than a couple bosses are untouchable until you engage them in the way the devs intended. Its complete shit and goes against everything Dark Souls.
The difficulty and combat variety are just illusions
What the fuck does this even mean?
that cover up more unanswered design questions in this genre, like "how do we make combat not button-mashy and repetitive?"
DS2 combat can be many things, but its neither button-mashy nor repetitive.
The arrival of Dark Souls is just in a context of other games being too easy and not satisfying, especially for the more experienced gamer.
Sure, but dark souls is hardly the first "hard" game to have arrived in this new generation. DS ownes its success to several elements working in harmony in a masterful way, how it punishes player mistakes is part of said formula.
DS may be easy on an encounter per encounter basis, but the tension is always up because all it takes is a single fuck up.
All great art is great only when placed within context, that's true, but in this particular case it's more of a "we haven't seen such a thing in a while", which isn't a very meaningful context. You actually have to do something new, instead of just refining the gameplay of Blade of Darkness.
I cant think about any old western game comparable to dark souls. if anything both its mood and themes are japanesse to a fault. Gameplay itself supports the mood and the themes the game is trying to present to the player. Shit, even the aesthetics are japanese, you can see this in the monster design.
About the narrative - there is no narrative.
There is, the narrative is whatever the player makes of it.
We have to be able to differentiate between lore (setting, history, context) and plot.
Pretentious phrase if i ever read one.
Nothing actually happens in Dark Souls until the very end where you are given a choice which doesn't mean anything because of the aforementioned lack of plot.
Its not about some cucks idea of a story, its the player telling his own story and how he reacts to whatever happens in the world.
Sure, the characters move around and some of them have personal relationships with one another, a stand-out is when that knight dude kills one of the fire keepers, but that constitutes just a random example of a much larger picture that is largely static and doesn't behoove this medium.
What the fuck are you even talking about, fuck this idealized medium you are refering to, fuck it in the ass with a pitchfork.
It also happens off-screen, which is a "tell, don't show" mentality, but it's done more gracefully so it isn't jarring or out-of-character. I don't see a difference between "everyone is dead/dying" and "everyone is undead", isn't that the point of undeath?
Narrative that supports the gameplay mechanics, if you are already dead, you cant really die.
The problem is that people have actually proclaimed Dark Souls as one of, if not THE, best games/RPGs ever made, which simply isn't true and that's where the parodical element comes in.
i dont have a problem with this, if people took the best elements of dark souls, if they studied how those elements interacted with eachother and with the player, id be happy. No, its not the best game ever made, its not even close, but its something that stands above the sea of complete shit weve been swimming for over a decade.
Yes, it is one of the best games in this genre, but this genre is action which isn't known for outstanding feats of refined game design and sophisticated creativity.
And rpgs are?
What Dark Souls does do, by logically leading this genre to an extreme
It doesnt do this, its pretty by the numbers tbh.
is that it raises questions about game design and how to go about answering them, in this sense it does manage to become more than it actually is
If you are implying that it sold a shitton and people want to know why? then sure i guess. So did half life 1&2. I fail to see how this is new, interesting, or even worth bringing up.
but this is a very subtle moment which has to be exploited to figure out where to go from here and actually create something new.
Dark souls isnt something new or original. Its just something well done.
Also, this isn't off-topic since the questions raised by Dark Souls also apply to Two Worlds 3.
I can only hope theyll try to learn a couple lessons from dark souls, but i believe reality pump should look at games like gothic 1&2 for inspiration instead.