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Fallout Is Fallout: New Vegas a worthy Fallout game?

Is Fallout: New Vegas a worthy Fallout game?

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Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA
When this is ported to the Fallout 2 engine, it will be the 3rd best Fallout game. :salute:


Most trustworthy slavic man
Aug 17, 2016
don't identify with EU-NPC land
Strap Yourselves In
When this is ported to the Fallout 2 engine, it will be the 3rd best Fallout game. :salute:

Fallout 2 engine is a mess. For 2016 the ui is bad, the companion interactions and ui is very bad, annoying walls that obscure view, NPCs that blocks path and you have to manually push them using a click, slow animations[you have to use cheat engine with speed hack], the world is completely static and devoid of the effects of physics[see diablo 3 how it should be done],the dialogue box is very tiny unsuitable to read it on high res screens. There's so many things wrong, that people who say Fallout 1/2 engine is competent in 2016 are must be high on nostalgia goggles.

Excidium II

Jun 21, 2015
Third World
When this is ported to the Fallout 2 engine, it will be the 3rd best Fallout game. :salute:

Fallout 2 engine is a mess. For 2016 the ui is bad, the companion interactions and ui is very bad, annoying walls that obscure view, NPCs that blocks path and you have to manually push them using a click, slow animations[you have to use cheat engine with speed hack], the world is completely static and devoid of the effects of physics[see diablo 3 how it should be done],the dialogue box is very tiny unsuitable to read it on high res screens. There's so many things wrong, that people who say Fallout 1/2 engine is competent in 2016 are must be high on nostalgia goggles.
When people say "fallout 2 engine" I assume they mean done in that style with the same assets, not literally using a codebase from 1998.


Subscribe to my OnlyFans
Jan 10, 2008
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Bubbles In Memoria
Fallout 2 engine is a mess. For 2016 the ui is bad, the companion interactions and ui is very bad, annoying walls that obscure view, NPCs that blocks path and you have to manually push them using a click, slow animations[you have to use cheat engine with speed hack], the world is completely static and devoid of the effects of physics[see diablo 3 how it should be done],the dialogue box is very tiny unsuitable to read it on high res screens. There's so many things wrong, that people who say Fallout 1/2 engine is competent in 2016 are must be high on nostalgia goggles.

This is why we can't have good games anymore.


Most trustworthy slavic man
Aug 17, 2016
don't identify with EU-NPC land
Strap Yourselves In

And the UI of F1/2 is waaaay better than that of F3/NV.

Ive never said the NV/F3 has better UI. But saying that after porting NV to F2 engine we could get a better game is a lie, total lie. The art and details in first installment weren't that great, the houses were as empty as in NV. The F2 added some more retrofuturistic clutter around, but i guess with modern graphics and engine we could get even more immersive art style. Sadly F4 is incompetent both in story, RPG elements, and graphics. NV at least had story and rpg elements on par with the F1/F2[surpassing F1 in the scope of content, that's for sure -F1 was a very short game].


FO2's UI improved a lot over 1's, which was very limited. Still, you only need two buttons to play those games, so I don't know why people like to complain so much about them.


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Jan 10, 2008
location, location
Bubbles In Memoria
F1/2 have gorgeous and expressive art direction compared to any of the Gamebryo follow-ups. And while you can get away abstracting settlements into manageable, scarcely populated levels using isometric perspective (cavalier oblique, shut up), when you shift into first-person 3D "realism", the barren settlement designs stick out like a sore thumb, and "immershun" takes a huge hit as you see them for the NPC carnivals that they are.

The interface in FO2 is far snappier and more intuitive. Even the shitty inventory is less shitty than the Gamebryo one. You actually see the items! (gasp) Having carefully pre-rendered high-polygon animated portraits of NPCs you talk to, would benefit immersion a great deal as well. In Lamebryo they are just zoom-ins of the shitty character models, while in F1/2 they were custom-designed and animated to evoke a sense of specific personality.

So yeah, FO:NV would definitely benefit from being converted into FO2 engine, and from using FO2-style assets.


Jul 16, 2012
Compared to say, Planescape Torment, the art design in Fallout 1/2 is shit. Copy-pasted desert tiles and the repeated objects of the isometric Fallouts are not a good example of environments... you yourself admitted the descriptive text and abstraction had to fill in the gaps. They had a limited number of talking heads, there's no way you could have 500+ of them done in claymation on a realistic budget.

Yeah, the compression of settlements (aside from places that are actually small in RL like Goodsprings) looks goofier in 3D and the assets are not exceptional - I don't think anyone said vanilla NV was the high watermark of graphical fidelity? Obviously, it lost a lot because of the need to comply with Bethesda's multi-platform release contract. Someone posted landmark comparisons above, that's what we mean when we're praising NV's location design.

Converting it into a better engine (with a GURPS-like ruleset) would be great but I don't see that happening any time soon.


uooh afficionado
Feb 6, 2016
New Vegas in a modern engine resembling the perspective of the original Fallouts would look cum-inducing. Handpainted sprites, and so on. Would be beautiful.



That looks more suitable for a game like Gorky 17 imo. The biggest strenghts of Fallout 1 and 2 were in te stuff you could do outside of combat.


Sychophantic Noob
Aug 8, 2015
Yeah, the NV companion lineup kicks the shit out of 1 and 2. With the exception of Marcus and also Myron, who is the greatest character in the franchise.
Always thought Sulik to be the best/most memorable character in the franchise, though i do like Myron and especially Marcus, being a TNG fan and all.

I thought Sulik was a two-dimensional caricature, did he have any content I missed?
Rescuing his sister from the slavers and visiting his village? Though i think that's from the Restoration Project and not vanilla, can't remember.
Also Raul and Cass.
Cass was my favourite character from NV, she reminded me of a chic i knew irl, looked a lot like her too though, her tomboyish personality wasn't nearly as pronounced as Cass's. Raul was chill as fuck, but Danny Trejo threw in the towel for that gig.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
You never get a resolution to Sulik's plot in vanilla. I think the "restored" content is fan-made because Avellone mentioned in one of the Fallout Bibles that they never even placed his sister (or the rest of the tribe) in the game because they couldn't figure out a good way to continue the story.


Sychophantic Noob
Aug 8, 2015
Tbh I'm like only in the middle of the game and had only Boone so far, with a bit of Cass currently. The thing is also that you get so easily strong that I don't feel I actually need somebody with me, I just get them along for the fun of it :P
Yea you really don't need anyone, except for maybe in the first quarter of the game, though it's still laughably easy. After that all the companions just become glorified pack mules. Ed-e is awsome though, floating Workbench + Ammo bench = yes please.

Jick Magger

Dec 7, 2010
New Zealand
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Bubbles In Memoria
Same with Veronica. If you delete the data from the vault with the plants before you meet her, you will lose one of her quest paths. Same with the HELIOS station, you must fix it to be a weapon again (the one you take from the kid in Freeside), if you don't, you're fucked (iirc she must also be present when you do that).
If you carefully plan everything, you might be able to do every companion's side quest without too many problems. Other than those examples and a few more, they don't really cancel each other.
Veronica wasn't too bad. I managed to close off all those other paths before I got her quest, and it was still completable because the final option you've got is the pulse pistol that's in one of the vaults, which is a unique weapon that you'd have to be a complete blithering retard to sell or lose. All it really changes in the end is the argument Veronica tries to use to convince the BoS to modernize (Pulse Pistol = outside world is adapting against us, HELIOS = BoS sacrificed all its veteran members for a glorified artillery piece that only works once a day, etc)

Raul is really the only out-and-out unfair one, since exhausting dialogue with any of the one old men that're randomly scattered around the map without him around will render his entire personal quest undoable without resorting to console cheats. I guess Boone and Arcade's can also be a bit tricky since they're reliant on triggered events to gain 'approval', but they both honestly have so many of them that you're bound to max them both out without even checking where they all are beforehand.


It is a good game and a lot of fun, but Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 are vastly superior. New Vegas is held back by Bethesda's retarded game design methods that were forced upon Obsidian to make the game appeal to Bethesda's target audience: consoletards.

New Vegas is far from being a masterpiece and even thinking about putting it in the same class as the originals is an insult.

Black Angel

Jun 23, 2016
One of the most unfortunate loss the franchise had was the fact that, since we were limited to one human and one non-human companion, there's really no chance for party-banters. Although, iirc, the older Fallouts had little to none of that, but even Fallout 1.5: Resurrection, a mod to Fallout 2, had party-banters. Dunno if they've already spoke of it or confirmed it, but I imagine they would've made party-banters a part of Van Buren.


Nov 4, 2012
The Satellite Of Love
New Vegas is far from being a masterpiece and even thinking about putting it in the same class as the originals is an insult.

In terms of quest design it's frequently better, though (I could list examples/comparisons if you wanted). Plus the main factions are arguably the most well-realized in the series.

The engine and FPS perspective totally fuck the gameplay side of things, but in terms of quests and story it easily stands with F1/F2.
Mar 28, 2014
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In
New Vegas has the same biggest problem as the original Fallouts - it becomes very tedious in combat heavy areas. While fighting a bunch of gangers from time to time is all-right, going through dungeon-like locations is tiring and not very engaging. However while the originals had simplistic but smooth system which allowed you to go through combat fast and not really mind it that much NV is boggled down by this horrible abomination made by Bethesda. That's while in social-heavy areas it's about on par with the originals (better in some places) in combat-heavy locations (like the plant vault and sadly most of OWB and LR) it transforms into the same garbage F3 was.
That's why it's a hard game to judge, especially as a worthy successor.

Also here's my take on why F3 combat could never be good no matter what Obsidian did:
Let's suppose that a patrolling enemy is approaching a player hidden behind a corner. The player decides that the correct course of action is to wait until he gets close and blast his face with a well aimed shotgun blast.
-Standard FPS or an FPS-heavy RPG: Player jumps from behind a corner and delivers a well-aimed shot. If he hits the enemy will be killed instantly. Otherwise he will receive damage and can even be killed.
-Fallout 3 garbage FPS system: Player jumps from behind a corner and either deliver the shot if he feels like it or just stops time and shots the enemy 5 times in the head with no difficulty whatsoever. Most players won't be bothered and will simply chose the second option, because why not. As a result the enemy will loose like half of his life bar and then both he and the player will run around shooting at each other until one of them is dead.
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Most trustworthy slavic man
Aug 17, 2016
don't identify with EU-NPC land
Strap Yourselves In
New Vegas in a modern engine resembling the perspective of the original Fallouts would look cum-inducing. Handpainted sprites, and so on. Would be beautiful.


It's a nice but not as a game graphics or engine, but as a painting. Sorry but this would be probably static boring shit, with no physics. You would have to use silly tooltips like in F2[of course if you find the stuff -F2 didn't have any highlight option for laying objects, -the perspective from this picture is way to high -you couldn't find any stuff laying on the ground, because it would be too small to see, same problem with F2 with highres], where you get information of an object and some tips how to use it, like the silly metal rod at the mariposa base with a stupid commentary that you have to use it with dynamite on the cart. I guess a metal rod, can't be just an ordinary metal rod laying freely -it has to have a stupid tooltip to inform you that its specially placed there, so you have to use it to unlock the entrance. I would rather have a poor graphic art, textures and models, but a superb physics system, where any puzzle games would be based on your knowledge of basic physical forces interacting upon objects.
On the other hand, if all these buildings and things on this picture are actual models affected by physics[like with havoc engine] then that would be great. You could push boxes, destroy walls, try to pry the doors or other elements. But the FPS camera would be vastly superior to orientate, even if the top-down view would have a rotation option[true isometric can't be rotated without distortion of perspective and objects].

Kev Inkline

Nov 17, 2015
A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
New Vegas doesn't do the Hoover Dam any justice. You really have to go there to know how big it is.
i would love to go on a real world fallout: new vegas location tour and visit every single one of the locations that were used for the game. .
A few comments if you ever go there:
Vegas, or the Strip itself is quite boring for an adult who's seen enough drunk people, but I definitely recommend National Atomic Testing Museum. It's a small joint, but I was kind of forced to leave after 3hrs since my companions did not want to spend that much time in there. Covers the testing site history and respective political climate. Also samples of pop culture reference and products that harness the power of atom, like soft drinks aptly named.


On our way to Grand Canyon (visited Hoover Dam on the way there) we spent overnight in Vegas and stayed at Stratosphere (Lucky 38). It is a bit afar from the Strip, but can be very reasonably priced. The hotel itself is nothing to write home about, nice sightseeing platform though (would be in game suite, I believe).
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uooh afficionado
Feb 6, 2016
It's a nice but not as a game graphics or engine, but as a painting. Sorry but this would be probably static boring shit, with no physics.

Of course it wouldn't look this way, but it would look similar to Pillars of Eternity. And physics don't factor in any way in my enjoyment of New Vegas (if anything, they annoy me to death).

I would rather have a poor graphic art, textures and models, but a superb physics system, where any puzzle games would be based on your knowledge of basic physical forces interacting upon objects.

Nah, mate. Everything you said about the picture can be fixed, like Pillars of Eternity pretty much did in relation to Fallout 1 and 2.

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