Spectacle said:
Blackadder said:
This place has always been like that. Liberal use of the ignore button tends to help those with a thin skin.
It's definitely gotten worse though, seems we have a lot more posters now who enjoy being dicks for it's own sake, rather than enjoying being able to voice their opinion on anything without worrying about being a dick.
I may not post much, as I don't have internet at my job, but been reading the Codex for about 5 years. It's seems after Fallout 3 started to take form, releasing sreenshots, people just went berserk, and started just trolling all new games. On No Mutants Allowed, was the same thing, with all that "jewells of hatred" stuff, and they being proud of that. Fallout 3 was crap, but years have passed and most people are still just hatting everything new that comes in.
Most of the posters here can't even find the guts to say (at least openly) they liked Dragon Age: Origins or Fallout New Vegas (both great RPG's), just because they aren't "HARDCORE" or indie. You can even find some guys saying "yeah, Baldur's Gate 2 was already decline", with no argument behind, trying to be Codex Hipsters. How lame can you get?
RPG's are not even doing so bad. We had far worse years. And most people here just stay on the PC (master race bla bla bla), talking about about shitty games like Sword and Sorcery - Underworld ("the
only best dungeon crawler of 2010" - Etrian Odyssey III and SMT: Strange Journey are from 2010 too), just because is in their confort zone, and ignore that the Nintendo DS has many great RPG's, and MANY Dungeon Crawlers a lot better than the indie ones being released for PC. But people keep "ahn, anime-style art", "ahn, it's on a handheld CONSOLE, it must suck", "ahn, havn't even tried but I'm sure is too easy, just for kids". Yeah, right. It's a shame that even IGN DS reviewers talks about better RPG's than the fucking
RPG Codex most of the time.
Grow a spine guys. Talk about good RPG's you like, and why you don't like the bad one, not just keep posting "graphic whore" or "decline" hoping everyone notice how cool and "hardcore/old-school" you are.