I should have been more specific: combatfags who seek the difficulty spikes and the all or nothing aspect of challenge. Sawyer's max difficulty tends to be a longer than usual procedure of application of an even greater number of small impact actions.Yeah but if the rules make you step out of the bounds of the archetype to the point there's really no line of demarcation between classes, why bother with classes?
Oh yeah Sawyer wants to make a classless archetype and Avowed will not feature classes.
Combatfaqs who seek challenge won't find it because of his 'balancing' approach.
The games certainly can be challenging on max difficulty. I however let my run fizzle out because of long load times, high tankyness of enemies and strange bugs particularily with the new turn based combat.
Fighting a few thugs for half an hour, then dieing because an opponents makes an attack outside of his turn because the engine spergs out, seeing a 5 minute loading screen before you try again just doesn't feel very fun. Maybe it is better by now, my run was very shortly after release of turn based mode.
It always reminds me of this kind of modelism:
Thousands upon thousands of small bricks, to be glued together one after another, which is certainly challenging in a way, because if you let your attention slip and glue a brick out of place, the entire wall is fucked up.
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