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KickStarter Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Dan Vavra's medieval chad simulator


Jan 26, 2020
atop a flaming horse
I had the same kind of thing happen to me, and the guards started being very aggressive for no reason I could fathom. As far as I know I hadn't even stolen anything. I stopped playing when I accidentally sicked my dog on a guard (the button is the same as something else from memory), and I couldn't be bothered to reload at the time. I should really go back to this game. It was fun.
This could be a bug. That said, I heard part of the reason for the guards being rude and searching you a lot is triggered by you having poor reputation (and/or looks).

I was dressed like one of them and definitely had a reputation better than neutral. Must have been a bug. I eventually took the medicine and went to jail for no reason, only to accidentally set the dog on a guard immediately. I uninstalled straight away, meaning to go back at a later date.


Resident Zoomer
Jul 1, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I must have missed the dog. After you wake up in Rattay, where is it? Does it automatically follow you or do you have to approach it?

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Lmao, wtf i was just strolling in the woods picking dasies and a bunch of hobos attacked me. Literally wearing rags and no weapons. I wipped out my mace and beat them both turns out it was bandits. I was expecting them to surrender after the first hit instead they kept coming and i ended up killing both even though i didn't want to. Could have used my fists i guess just didn't expect the AI to be that aggressive. Merciful achievement must be the hardest one in the game if enemies don't surrender until they are basically one hit away from death. I don't think i'll ever bother trying to get that one it seems it would require you to constantly reload on every other fight.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Ok i'm confused as hell lmao. I was looking around the area near where the executioner guy was, when i spotted a dead horse. I walk up the road a bit and i find two Cumans cowering in fear, and another fighting with some dude. Also, bunch of corpses of traders on the road. I get close and they ALL attack me, including the guy who was fighting the Cuman (which i wanted to try to help but apparently it was a bandit). I reload, get close again, and this time one of the Cumans runs away. I get close to the two guys fighting and this time the Cuman comes after me but the bandit guy he was fighting runs also. I beat the Cuman, loot all the corpses only to find out all the loot from the dead bodies counts as stolen loot for some reason (even though i didn't kill anything).

I have absolutely no idea WTF the AI in this game is doing. I assume the entire encounter was just some random shit that involved some regular town folks getting ganked by bandits and then the bandits got ganked by Cumans all happening off screen from me. Not gonna bother questioning any of this shit i just looted everything and carted my ass back to the Mill. Fuck it.


Dec 1, 2014
Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here
only to find out all the loot from the dead bodies counts as stolen loot for some reason
If you put stolen loot in your stash, after a while it becomes 'normal'. You can either sell it to a vendor (they pay a higher price than a fence) or wear it yourself. I think the more value an item has, the longer it takes for it to lose the stolen loot trait.


Jan 26, 2020
atop a flaming horse
only to find out all the loot from the dead bodies counts as stolen loot for some reason
If you put stolen loot in your stash, after a while it becomes 'normal'. You can either sell it to a vendor (they pay a higher price than a fence) or wear it yourself. I think the more value an item has, the longer it takes for it to lose the stolen loot trait.
I didn't know this. It's actually an impressive system to implement if it works.

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
Annoyingly, i can't learn how to read yet the quest giver is way the fuck across half the map to the north. Guess i'm going to stay illiterate until i find a horse or something.
IIRC, the PC is given a horse when being sent to investigate the horse stables, which is effectively the point at which the tutorial/opening of the game concludes and the true Open World game begins (although there are further tutorials for specific elements, such as combat or alchemy).


Dec 1, 2014
Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here
Annoyingly, i can't learn how to read yet the quest giver is way the fuck across half the map to the north. Guess i'm going to stay illiterate until i find a horse or something.
IIRC, the PC is given a horse when being sent to investigate the horse stables, which is effectively the point at which the tutorial/opening of the game concludes and the true Open World game begins (although there are further tutorials for specific elements, such as combat or alchemy).
I like how the game accounts for it when you do manage to get a horse before you're provided one through the storyline.
In the quest where you go hunting with Hans Capon you can either walk behind him like a lowly peasant and be mocked by him for it. Or, he's actually impressed you got a horse and ride together (the tedium of constantly having to match your speed).


Oct 28, 2020
Ok i'm confused as hell lmao. I was looking around the area near where the executioner guy was, when i spotted a dead horse. I walk up the road a bit and i find two Cumans cowering in fear, and another fighting with some dude. Also, bunch of corpses of traders on the road. I get close and they ALL attack me, including the guy who was fighting the Cuman (which i wanted to try to help but apparently it was a bandit). I reload, get close again, and this time one of the Cumans runs away. I get close to the two guys fighting and this time the Cuman comes after me but the bandit guy he was fighting runs also. I beat the Cuman, loot all the corpses only to find out all the loot from the dead bodies counts as stolen loot for some reason (even though i didn't kill anything).

I have absolutely no idea WTF the AI in this game is doing. I assume the entire encounter was just some random shit that involved some regular town folks getting ganked by bandits and then the bandits got ganked by Cumans all happening off screen from me. Not gonna bother questioning any of this shit i just looted everything and carted my ass back to the Mill. Fuck it.
I'm pretty sure you can sell it in some town that's further away.


May 1, 2020
I'm still surprised this game just got away fine after the massive downgrade that was the release compared to the Trailers. They promised large battles, epic campaign and all of that and none of that got released in the final game. The last battle is a huge disappointment with roughly 30 guys max.
It was stronger than a Ubisoft downgrade.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Well, i gave up.

Been raining constantly since i got to Talmberg. Been questing all day in Rattay, and it's been nothing but constant rain. I went to sleep, and as soon as i step out of the door... rain.

So i just installed a mod that removes rain, but all it does is remove some of the graphical effects, but not all. I can still hear thunder and shit and i can still see water dripping off the roof tops of houses lmao. I just want a nice sunny day to cheer me up.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
So the vagabond wants me to steal 50 gold from some guard but the game gives the option to just give him the gold out of my own pocket. Second time now i'm allowed to finish a quest like this without resorting to crime, interesting.

I also got a quest where i get to punch people over and over. I knocked the first guy down and even got a chance to loot his shit though i didn't do it 'cause i'm a nice guy. Then went back to him and knocked him out again lul. Finally got the hang out of unharmed combat. I spent a day making the Miller happy and getting my bearing around, now its time to go to Sir Radzig so i can free myself of the prologue shit.


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
I'm still surprised this game just got away fine after the massive downgrade that was the release compared to the Trailers. They promised large battles, epic campaign and all of that and none of that got released in the final game. The last battle is a huge disappointment with roughly 30 guys max.
It was stronger than a Ubisoft downgrade.
Except when a Ubisoft game comes out it's indeed a disappointment and usually a flop, critical and commercial, with the sole exception of AssCreeds.

When KCD came out it was a revelation. Critics were almost universaly positive (except for the bugs), gamorz were enthusiastic and it sold a million copies within the first few days.

I'm looking at the Kickstarter page now and there's nothing about "epic campaign". But they do talk about "enormous open-field battles" and that's definitely overselling the few larger-scale battles in KCD. That said, talking about "massive downgrade" is an overstatement too.

Also there's a difference between a small indie studio trying to do their best and realizing, during a 5 year long development, some of their promises were unrealistic and a giant corporation brazenly bullshitting everyone tu drum up astroturf hype around their AAA, BSB shallowware.


May 1, 2020
I'm still surprised this game just got away fine after the massive downgrade that was the release compared to the Trailers. They promised large battles, epic campaign and all of that and none of that got released in the final game. The last battle is a huge disappointment with roughly 30 guys max.
It was stronger than a Ubisoft downgrade.
Except when a Ubisoft game comes out it's indeed a disappointment and usually a flop, critical and commercial, with the sole exception of AssCreeds.

When KCD came out it was a revelation. Critics were almost universaly positive (except for the bugs), gamorz were enthusiastic and it sold a million copies within the first few days.

I'm looking at the Kickstarter page now and there's nothing about "epic campaign". But they do talk about "enormous open-field battles" and that's definitely overselling the few larger-scale battles in KCD. That said, talking about "massive downgrade" is an overstatement too.

Also there's a difference between a small indie studio trying to do their best and realizing, during a 5 year long development, some of their promises were unrealistic and a giant corporation brazenly bullshitting everyone tu drum up astroturf hype around their AAA, BSB shallowware.
Nah ,sounds like you're shilling the developer, even crowbcat made a video about it:

Furthermore, critics were lukewarm, they expected much more from what was promised but alas.


SJWs and shit journos were whining.
Gamers were mostly positive.

The point is, while the game was buggy at release, graphics were downgraded, and some aspects disappointing, it's still orders of magnitude better than anything ubishit released in a decade or so.


Jan 26, 2014
I'm still surprised this game just got away fine after the massive downgrade that was the release compared to the Trailers. They promised large battles, epic campaign and all of that and none of that got released in the final game. The last battle is a huge disappointment with roughly 30 guys max.
It was stronger than a Ubisoft downgrade.
The massive battles were planned, but the game changed heavily during development and developers were open about that. The game with its Cryengine barely ran on consoles as it is, obviously they couldn't put hundreds of NPCs on screen when every NPC is simulated and has layered clothing. KCD is extremely CPU heavy and consoles had atom-level CPUs in them.

On the other hand, the battles being smaller is pretty much the only downgrade from the original plans. The game is overall fantastic and one of the best modern RPGs made, especially in hardcore mode (and on PC).

Ubisoft games could all be upgraded instead of downgraded and they would still have nothing on KCD.


Jan 26, 2014
Oh and when you say "compared to trailers", you mean "compared to trailers made from pre-alpha prototype in 2013 before the game even entered full development". There were many, many more trailers after that showcased the game and what it offered much more accurately.

I find it idiotic to whine that a game released in 2018 looks different than prototype made in 2013, personally.


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Furthermore, critics were lukewarm, they expected much more from what was promised but alas.
Yeah, a few people expected a Mount&Blade-like battles and sieges and were disappointed. I mean...okay. It's a free country. You can expect shit to your heart's content.

For me, the game exceeded most of my expectations and then some. I thought it'd be either a uber-realistic boring slog or some banal cinematic whackamole.

I got a proper, full-bloodied RPG with the best immershun ever instead. So yeah, I'm "shilling" for KCD. I guess that's what people do for games they enjoyed very, very much.


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
I find it idiotic to whine that a game released in 2018 looks different than prototype made in 2013, personally.
This. That's the main reason studios usually keep their games under wraps until they go Gold - pre-production prototypes are always very different from whatever people actually get to play.

Problem is KCD was a Kickstarter project so from the very start people could see into Warhorse's kitchen and now they whine the game went through changes during the development. Well duh.

I'm not a developer but I'd bet my left nut there has never been a game that look the same on the pre-production paper and as the final product.

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