It makes a bit more sense if you play the Woman's Lot DLC. Right before she yells the "goatfuckers" line one of the bandits kills her dog Tinker who was helping her the entire DLC. It was a gut punch when I played it, not gonna lie. In times like that people tend to lose their shit and behave irrationally.Theresa is delusional since when she comes to help you during the first confrontation with Runt she actually didn't know that Sir Robard was right behind her
But there IS some mismatch here. In the vanilla cutscene she looks like she knows Robard and his knights are right behind her, not even turning around to look at them. As if we're supposed to think she went to Talmberg to get help.
But in the DLC we can see she never left the Skalitz vicinity so she indeed didn't know Robard is riding to help Henry.
Which makes me think how exactly did you know she didn't know if you haven't played the DLC?