Started first playthrough of the game on the steam deck.
Enjoying it so far but I still need to get a hang at the combat system.
I'm about 3/5 into the main quest.
Overall amazing atmosphere and good looking world. Impressed they managed such a feat with their budget and team in Czechia.
I got a hang at the combat but I still dislike the jankiness and absolutely hate the lock-on system. Completely falls apart when there is more than 2 people into you.
Its specially worse on the steam deck (and controllers) for specific reassons. For instance, when i'm enganging in combat with 4 cumans and one of them surrenders/kneel down, it's really fucking hard to finish him off because I have to fight against 3 things: the lock-on, the camera and the remaining thugs. So most of the time, I end up missing loot from 1 or 2 cowards because I simply cannot hit them while they are kneeling and preparing to flee.
The combat and some of the jankiness are the only few things that drag down this otherwise great game.