Here is an example of an encounter I originally designed in IceBlink with 5th level characters in mind, particularly a wizard with access to fireball. Sixteen bugbears against a party of six. It sets up nice to potentially blow through their ranks with a massive area of effect spell. However, in the KotC version of Hearkenwold, I've reach this point of the campaign with a level four party. In this case, a web from the ranger proves to be invaluable. Would have been better if he rolled initiative.
It is a challenging fight, trying to whittle away their numbers while keeping from being overrun. Still, I have been adding more encounters to other maps, so coming back later to this optional area will remain viable. The non-linear structure allows a great degree of flexibility in how and when a player approaches the content.
It is a challenging fight, trying to whittle away their numbers while keeping from being overrun. Still, I have been adding more encounters to other maps, so coming back later to this optional area will remain viable. The non-linear structure allows a great degree of flexibility in how and when a player approaches the content.