Yeah, after a couple of party iterations the difficulty curve starts to flatten. For example all encounters on the first area have a way of either disabling the enemy ambush or even get the first punch in. Afterwards I don't know because I finally decided to drop it until bugs get fixed, I don't wanna skip the cultist fight, but taking it seems to ctd whenever I beat them.
Current party is
Mantis Monk. w/o eapons the flurry is amazing.
Elf Enchanter Wizard. Someone's gotta cast grease and web. Don't cast mage armour, use protection from arrows instead and keep him at a distance. Fog cloud is a great asset to.
Argossian Human Cleric. w/Celerity and Pandemonium domains. Getting Haste early on is pretty OP. First level spells don't do much, but Inflict Wounds can be helpful with pesky enemies like the shark shaman.
Stillfinger Halfling Ranger. With a Reach weapon. Ideally it should be shooting enemy casters... Where the hell are all the arrows? Doesn't matter, can cast Web and its abilities outside battle are super helpful.
Salamander Psychic Warrior. Equiped with a heavy shield, his self-buffs as movement action make for a great tank and compensates the lower amount of punches with the added salamander damage.
Dwarven Samurai. To mindlessly punch and trip people, might take him out and bring the Acid Drake Fighter back tho.
Hate the fake rolls system, I much preferred the one on kotc1. Point buy would be even better.
Since I can't play the game beyond the character creation, and this thread is full of badasses, could someone explain to me how to beat the "final" dragon in KOTC1?
Death Ward agains his archer lackies, protection from fire, haste etc. I guess. Doesn't change the fact that my two knights only hit on crits for <10 dmg. I must be missing something.
You should have never gone with two knights on the first place. Dominate Monster and Hold got me through all the last fights in kotc1. And the Cleric's Harm gets pretty OP too. Make sure you're using the proper weapon material, tho I don't recall much about that.