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Dec 7, 2010
Kayerts said:
Based on that, I'll flop to:

E.) Consult Doombreed for any tactical insights and carry out any battle plan he advises that doesn't involve fleeing. He's our field marshall and master strategist, as well as our most competent ally, and he doesn't seem terribly surprised by this turn of events. Plus, actually listening to him and allowing him to wield power through us will bolster his wavering loyalty, in the event we survive. Spiritual concerns seem less significant than tactical ones here; given the clusterfuck of murder that's about to begin, Khorne/Slaanesh/Nurgle are going to have a pretty good day regardless of how we go about the battle.

That vote makes a four-way tie between A/B/C/D, so I guess Doombreed's preferences will determine which one of those four wins? Although if that's not a valid way to handle my vote, I'll just flop to A. (Esquilax made a pretty good argument, Khorne seems like a good bet when we need a military miracle, and it seems most in character.)

On the contrary, I think our spiritual concerns are inextricably linked with our tactical concerns; they're practically one and the same. If our faith is strong and Khorne lends us aid in this time of need, our tactical options suddenly become MUCH better. On our own, we have little chance of beating both armies, but with divine aid we can come out on top. Jeremiah has always been an uncompromising man of faith, so faith IS our strategy.

That being said, as great as the dark blessings provided by Khorne are, you're right that we need to consider logistics. No way we can take both armies on in ship-to-ship combat, that's simply not an option. Our goal will be to board the ships of all our enemies and tear them to ribbons with our vastly superior, Khorne-blessed infantry. I'm not familiar with the nuances behind tactics or as familiar with Warhammer 40K lore as many others here, so I want to know what are best way to go about this is. So I ask you this:

To win, we need to board their ships? How do we go about doing this?

Yes, we'll take heavy losses along the way, but we might make a few recruits from our enemies and those who survive this baptism by fire will be blessed by Khorne and utterly loyal to us. The Void Dragon has apparently infiltrated our ranks with some A.I.'s, as well, which is all the more reason to fight. Let them die along the way as well.

You like a particular Chaos God, think Tzeentch is cool? Yeah well, fuck you. My favourite Chaos God is whoever helps us kick the shit out of the Void Dragon. And right now, we need collar-grabbing ass-kicking, not pussy-ass scheming. Tzeentch can't do a fucking thing for us.

We have an ally in Doombreed who is still kinda iffy, and a legion at our command looking to Jeremiah to be the leader that he must be to defeat the Void Dragon. We need to show everyone that we're just the man to do so.

EDIT: Actually fuck it. root probably wants to get on with the update so I don't mind if we don't have any kind of specific tactics as outlined in E.


Aug 30, 2008
This is Warhammer remember. Faith and a catchy battlecry > tactics


Dec 7, 2010
Hmm, I suppose that makes sense. On that note, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!


Jan 28, 2011
I could be wrong, but I'd been operating under the assumption that Root doesn't really want us thinking in detailed tactical terms, given the lack of information on which to base tactical decisions. That said, the fact that we players aren't supposed to do that doesn't mean that our characters aren't. Doombreed is one of the greatest military minds in history, the leader of a Black Crusade, and the veteran of 41 millennia of war. Beyond his general brilliance, he fought alongside Horus during the Heresy and was even on his flagship during his duel with the Emperor; he likely has some very specific insights into how to fight the Resistance commander. Most importantly, he's our military advisor. He holds that rank because he's very good at giving military advice. We should let him do his job.

(Also, I get the impression from the bit about the renegade interrupt and the way Act 3 ended that Doombreed's pissed at Jeremiah for ignoring Lorgar and generally acting like a deluded fanatic. Since he's the most important ally Jeremiah has short of the Great God Himself, not alienating him seems good.)

What I was trying to get at earlier was that the battle is going to be pretty damned chaotic regardless of how we plan things. There's going to be an orgy of blood and death on a godlike scale. All aspects of the Great God will have millions of sacrifices this day; that is not for us to decide. Therefore we should render unto God that which is God's, but rend our enemies with the weapons He has provided us.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
Actually, that makes a lot of sense. It is Genghis Fucking Khan after all, the greatest conqueror in human history. This badass caused the death of so many people that you can allegedly notice a drop in carbon dioxide from this era due to farmlands being reconquered by forests and other factors.

In this version of the setting, it was also Doombreed who sponsored Jeremiah's introduction to the Chaos Gods and presumably his rise to the position of Champion and Warmaster of Chaos Undivided as well. As much as I want to see a glorious battle against a giant craftworld, maybe it's better to listen to the man (well, Daemon) with the most experience of warfare of anyone in the galaxy.

I guess I'm going for a rEnegade interrupt from the motherfucking khagan as well is what I'm saying. I wanted to ignore Lorgar because he was/is a pointless religitard, but what's the point if Jeremiah becomes one as well?


Jun 5, 2009
hot damn, take a holiday and now we got the battle-of-all-battles about to happen.
Voting A. cuz gritty bloody melee-fightan reads better for me than gritty explosiony spaceship-shootin

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008

The smell of poison gas fills the air
No need to search for death – he will find you there

Soil drained with blood – cities pulverized
Dead bodies twisted – humans carbonized
Bonegrinder – grinding bones – eating them alive
Spitting them out dead – no one will survive

War is the only answer
My gun spreads bullets like cancer

Bombs like rain – day and night – moving out – suicide
Death angels – from the sky – descent from hell – thousands die
Machinegun fire – detonations – rifle rounds – devastation
Grinding bones – artillery shell – draining blood – here is hell

Fire, roaring thunder will be my coming signs
Planting death and havoc among the defense lines

Thousand bodies lay ripped and torn
The sound of cannon fire roars like thunderstorm

Soil drained with blood – cities pulverized
Dead bodies twisted – humans carbonized
Bonegrinder – grinding bones – eating them alive
Spitting them out dead – no one will survive

War is the only answer
My gun spreads bullets like cancer


Dec 7, 2010
Rape War is the only answer!

Fuck this is dangerous. How the fuck are we supposed to take on the Void Dragon without any immensely powerful Gods on our side? I feel like Akachi assaulting the Wall of the Faithless.

But it's the only way for us. No gods, no masters.


Economic devastator, Mk. 11
Jul 27, 2008
Rouge Angles of Satin
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 MCA Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2 My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit.
Esquilax said:
Fuck this is dangerous. How the fuck are we supposed to take on the Void Dragon without any immensely powerful Gods on our side? I feel like Akachi assaulting the Wall of the Faithless.

But it's the only way for us. No gods, no masters.
Akachi :yeah:


Dec 7, 2010
DwarvenFood said:
Esquilax said:
I feel like Akachi assaulting the Wall of the Faithless.

Er... that didn't work out so well for Akachi.

But it's the only proper thing to do. Jeremiah must be the new Emperor:

"Mankind must achieve its full psychic potential once again. We are a race of creation, and the Dragon is a being of eternal stagnation. He will be crushed under the heels of Chaos, and then we shall bring that enlightenment to the entire universe." The words came out of Jeremiah's mouth, but he had the strangest sensation, as if he was being a mouthpiece for someone else. No one paid him much attention.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
In the Grim Darkness of the 43rd Millennium there is only War.

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