Lilura1 on Medium
Hi, guys! Just an announcement for my 1,500th post on Lilura1: I'm currently testing out the Medium platform for writing purposes, as it could be useful to me by virtue of its speed, simplicity and streamlined interface.
You won't find me writing about games as the main focus on Medium (I have a blog for that). Instead, my intention is to write about
blogging on Medium.
That may sound a little odd, but it isn't. Lots of established bloggers are posting on Medium in order to write in free-form fashion or augment their online presence. Indeed, writing about blogging has been an industry in itself for quite a while now.
If you're interested in why I blog and how my blog is going, you might enjoy the reads.
In regards to
lilura1, the Comment Stream and Followers gadget are back up due to the layout change. You can find them on the sidebar.
I hope you guys find the new layout better than the old one!
Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day.
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