Jason Liang
It's a pretty nice set with some very good commons and uncommons. Not just the Sagas, but also Sarulf's Packmate, Masked Vandal, Stalwart Valkyrie, Ravenform, Ox and Vega, among others.This game has gone amazing since this latest set! Some of the combos are massive. Most games I play have HUGE wins for them or me. This new set is much stronger than it was.
A lot of the bomb rares and mythics are too slow for eternal formats. The one bomb that's surprised me is The World Tree. Bursting to 8 mana is not hard at all, and it works great with Golos.
The Snow payoffs are good but requires playing with the much weaker Snow land base.
Foretell hasn't come together as a cohesive deck concept yet.
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