Fuck, I've relapsed...

Fingers crossed that I won't be staying long this time round. I mean, WOTC really seems to be out of their way to make playing Standard a bother.
No rotation? It's basically use a 3 mana sweeper or go home format. Plenty of decks that would have been viable in a healthy environment simply won't be able to keep up.
Anybody play the weekly event draft where all cards have no mana cost? Good shit. First game - opponent goes first. Spends 5 minutes masturbating drawing half their deck. By the end of it he chunked half my life, discarded my whole hand and had lethal onboard. 10/10 felt like playing against a vintage combo.
I've seen a guy who obviously hasn't read the event description and drafted a "normal" WG deck with lands. Poor sod.
Just played for the three wins to get the goods. It's basically: pick as much card draw as gets thrown your way AND/OR hope to combo out with haste (the bots offered two picks of Rhythm of the Wild, so yeah).
Anyway, what are you guys playing now? I'm mainly running Dimir midrange, budget UW artifact aggro and some blue tempo with haughty djinn. No cards for anything else really.
I've been playing djinn tempo since it came out. I enjoy having a deck like this around whenever too much combo nonsense happens (which is kinda right now)
Sadly, it's simply not equipped at all to deal with the fucking turn three WR convoke blowout, and on the other, everyone these days runs a fucking cavern of souls these days
AND everyone worth their salt will have some sort of anti-graveyard tech for all the combo nonsense running around.
On the draw, you're basically dead on arrival. Running Ephara's Dispersal (alongside the full playset of Fading Hopes) feels like a must, just to dig out a serpent in a reasonable time,
but it's such a shit card vs. non-aggro. Can't be bothered to spend rare wc on Consooming Tides to see if they make any marked difference. Doesn't cost three, so prolly doesn't.
There is also a ninja-themed variant with no rares, but I can't say it does any better.
If you're looking for budget stuff, a RG Picnic Ruiner combo only uses rare lands (RG, so it isn't ideal, cause the UGR meta combo deck in which could otherwise salvage them only goes basics for the fetching)
and lets you pull off a turn three kill and is pretty consistent with turn 4 kills.
Unfortunately, has no interaction and is not suitable for Bo3, but on a good day, it should give you a good time.
I've pieced together a decent-ish WB control with some token generation, Beseech the Mirror for consistency as well as a bunch of silver bullets. Been pretty fun so far, but it's basically a slap 4x Lockdown for a good time kind of arrangement. Nuts how shit like Wedding Announcement and Resplendid Catherer is has become too slow for this standard, but at least letting them go made me warm up to Kutzil's Flanker. I was skeptical at first, but the draft gods have tossed a full set at me and they've been doing Lord's work.