Heard that they repsawn after 200 days.Quick question guys: is there enemy respawn in the game? If yes, in what form?
I got kinda tired of reading the ridiculous reviews of this game:
Anyways, I ended up reading a bunch of reviews for Might and Magic X: Legacy. I was not surprised to find a bunch of references to the "old school" nature of the game. And in fact, this is something I remarked on myself, here. But in reading these reviews, I noticed a disturbing trend in how the reviewers approached this so-called "old school"ness, this hearkening back to grid-based slogs and turn-based fights-to-the-death. Because a lot of them seem to think games like MMX:L are some kind of gimmick, a bit of nostalgia tossed to the ravenous horde of neck-bearded grognards who would rather fire up their old x386s for a satisfying game of Betrayal at Krondor than touch a console controller.
I doubt anybody from those magazines will read what I wrote, but it felt good. I'm honestly getting fed up with this shit. And if anyone thinks I'm exaggerating, go read some of the reviews off metacritic. Even the good reviews are full of dudes patting themselves on the back with how awesome they are, and how they appreciate the nostalgia of the game but other people won't.Ugh. Shut the fuck up.
That blog looked good, until I scrolled down a bit and
Deleted from favorites, unfriended on Codexbook, called Interpol.
Detox-ed watching these over and over for the last three hours.
Too many superior alternatives
How is Skyrim an alternative?
Skyrim is total shit, even Far Cry 3 is a better "RPG" than that Bethesda crap. I'm fucking serious.Skyrim [...] Far Cry 3 [...]
Black magic was nowhere near as useful due to the fact my BM could already almost 1 shot everything when he went critical
Did anyone else encounter a bug with the bestiary quest Sorpigal? I recorded about 20 monster types, yet the quest journal still says I have to find 10 monsters. I can't even discuss the quest topic to the quest giver in the Goblin Watchtower.
I figured the bosses didn't count, but I was expecting the elites would. In that case, I need just two more monsters. I have eight so far (I'm still in Castle Portmeyron): spider, glowing spider, militia, bandit, wolf, naga warrior, naga spellcaster, rogue mage.When counting monster types are you including elites and bosses?
Is there a way to eliminate the ranged-in-melee damage penalty?