She’s fine. Something really dumb the trailer does though, is they have her just flat read a line and match it to game footage like that delivery from the game, but it’s not.
I'm no longer meekly accepting this anymore. I'm sick of eating mediocrity and being told to like it. No she isn't fine. She looks bland (old design had a lot more character) and her face is just "ok", like with Kitana.
The one thing I am glad about nu Nitara is she has the skimpiest design of all the women so far, showing a fair amount of skin and even thighs *gasp* when the devs seemed to have gone out of their way to censor such bodyparts with every other female character including background kameos. Because now you can't just dismiss me as a coomer who wants to see noodz, i got a coomerish design and I'm still saying it sucks.
And it's not like nu Nitara face is something amazing to rave about, wtf do I care if she is modelled after Megan Fox? No other fighting games besides Mortal Kombat struggles so much with making good looking aesthetically pleasing female characters.
Hur hur frank is just being a coomer i'm sure some might say. Well how can I bitch about the male characters? Most of them look like k-pop stars cosplaying for a music video, they are all so handsome (even havik jfc) that it's making me question my heterosexuality. Every one has a designer haircut, even Baraka doesn't really strike me as being horrifying anymore, and sure enough i've seen plenty of plebbitors swooning over him. Even Reptile looks like he is some big name rapper about to drop the latest hip single that all the teens will be singing to. Clearly they can make really good looking models when they want to, they choose not to.
No Nitara is not fine. Give me back the OG design, i'm standing my ground on this one: the "reimaginings" for the 3d era female characters have been shit, all of them.
I will however 100% give the benefit of the doubt when it comes to VA though, you are right in that the conditions for the trailer were weird and might not be reflective of ingame performance. Gods i fucking hope that is the case indeed.
But i really am loathing this trend of getting "big names" to do the VA, the only good this seems to do is for PR.