I've enjoyed D:OS 1 and 2 a lot, so I don't get the hate on Larian.
I couldn't stand the retarded combat model on D:OS2. Massive sponges everywhere, that only got worse as the game progressed, to the point killing a couple trashmobs took up to 15 minutes of brain-numbing combat. Why brain-numbing? Because of the retarded armor system. So long as they have armor, they're basically immune to everything, so the only tactic to use is pure DPS to get that armor down. The moment it's down, you have so many stun abilities that the enemy is inevitably stunlocked forever, until you FINALLY manage crush his massive HP pillow.
Then there was the itemization. Level-scaled equipment, holy shit – that unique set of armor you found in an ancient tomb? Yeah, it's worthless after you level up twice or thrice, as even the bargain bin at the dollar store now has better gear now. Or the writing – just a lot of gay shit all around, that starts off as generic and quickly progresses to pozzed. Or literally anything connected to talk about romance of any kind – just pure
as they talk about lizard cocks or whatever the fuck; you can just see the writer giggling like a teen retard while writing such parts.
The reason for hate on Larian is that they make shit games, simple as that. D:OS2 was like a highlights reel of bad design decisions.