Rogue widely considered to be one of the best class? I would need a citation for that one, I'm afraid, because it goes opposite to everything I know about NWN and tabletop.
NWN rogues are very good (there are enough differences in the implementation of the rules to make comparisons to tabletop of dubious relevance). Sneak attack can do massive damage against anything not immune, setting a huge pile of traps is often an easy (if cheesy) way to beat enemies that would be almost impossible for any other class, and while it is a bit much to claim that Use Magic Device turns them into casters (scrolls and wands cast spells at a preset and usually low caster level, typically rendering them quite weak compared to spells from full-fledged casters), it is nevertheless a very useful skill. A typical DEX-based rogue can attain an extremely high AC by epic levels, and in conjunction with feats like Evasion and Epic Dodge is potentially one of the best tanks in the game. They of course also have access to more non-combat skills than any other class. One nice thing about Rogues is that they never stop adding benefits no matter how many levels you take (you keep getting more Sneak Attack damage, more bonus feats, and more skills), while most other classes will sooner or later hit a point of diminishing returns where more levels cease to offer all that much.
That said, Monk is typically a better complement for Druids in particular, since both can get significant benefits from high Wisdom, and it offers many of the same benefits as a few Rogue levels, such as access to Evasion and Tumble as a class skill. With a Monk level and the Zen Archery feat, one can use just the one stat, Wisdom, to boost AB, AC and spell-casting power, and since Ability points are finite the more of them one can concentrate into a single Ability the better. Pure Monks may not be that great, but everything is bad in NWN if single classed (with the possible exception of the four major caster classes (Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard - and even they would be less than optimal at level 40 with out a mix-in class or two, just not terrible).
Ultimately one can only assess the value of a class in context: what other classes is it combined with, what sort of magical gear is available in the environment (e.g., whether Monk's WIS bonus is better than using a shield can depend a lot on how good the available shields are), what the typical AB of mobs is (affects what AC one would want to have), etc.
... Bards cast spells, end of story. I agree that they kind of suck in PnP and they must be even worse in single player NWN with only one companion to buff.
Actually Bards are a pretty good class in NWN. It is only in the first NWN campaign that one is limited to a single companion: SOU & HOTU both allow two, and many of the community made modules allow even more. In any case, the buffs of Bard Song from a high level Bard, coupled with the
de facto additional buffs from Curse Song (e.g., if you reduce an enemy's AB and AC, you have effectively raised your AC and AB) can be substantial enough that they are nothing to sneeze at even if a Bard has no companions at all and is only buffing himself. A Bard can also easily take rather OP prestige classes like Arcane Archer, Red Dragon Disciple, and Palemaster, and combine them with Song bonuses and miscellaneous buffing spells to become a real powerhouse.
As a rule, the warrior classes are the worst ones in NWN, since Clerics generally make better warriors than the actual warrior classes. They are still quite useful as mix-ins for classes like Rogue, Cleric, and Bard/RDD.