GODS! I just realizes the potential of No Man's Sky. Fuck my Game Designer brain!! I didn't even care about No Man's Sky but when they mentioned bases Everything Clicked.
WOE is me!
Now I will start with a disclosure that I have no hope for No Man's Sky. The mods aren't going to fix shit. The game is to fundamentally broken beyond repair design wise. This is purely theoretical.
So I was thinking about bases if it could be built something like Minecraft and Factorio. You have different resources on different planets and you build elaborate rigs to extract them and use you space ships to distribute them and combine them into factories like in Minecraft mods, Infinifactory and Factorio. And with this you create parts and weapons and assemble ships,tanks,drones,robots like you find in Earth 2150.
With this you can build an empire as well as trade with other factions like you do in X series. If you can get the space combat and ship design and weapons from the X Series withe the ground strategy from Earth 2150 as well as 4X inspired planetary bombardment you can really get an interesting hybrid. You can have underground bases as a counter to planetary bombardment, stockpiling resources in them and waging guerrilla warfare against invasion forces.
It would be a 4X game simulated in more detail. And its all possible, the gameplay pieces are there and the technology is there. No Man's Sky has shown you can do detailed Procedural Planets, Minecraft has shown how to do resources, mining and underground. Space battles, faction species, economy and ships can be copy pasted from X3. Earth 2150 ground battle strategy and maybe that Star Wars strategy game. And to assemble and setup production you have Infinifactory and Factorio.
Now here is the potential of No Man's Sky. Using No Man's Sky "Multiplayer" all this bases can be uploaded by players into the cloud to create a shared universe of stuff.
What I mean by that is that there would be natural wars between factions in space and on the ground and one faction would eventually lose. But if you can upload this remnants of bases, the destroyed factories and forgotten stockpiles bunkers and upload all that you can create a real universe with real ancient ruins, with ship graveyards from real battles fought by players where you can explore them and find the coordinate to their bases and explore the structure of their fallen empire. Losing is fun! Maybe you can upload your whole empire and design an AI around it and then fight other players AI empires in a pseudo PvP scenarios.
Furthermore there can be rare unique resources on planets with unique properties randomly generated and you can see how players exploited those resources effects and use them creating mysterious artifacts and weapons.
Like a material that when it reaches a special condition can have a cloaking effect.
All of this can result in a Real Universe with mysteries both from user content and procedurally generate materials.
Not to worry. Empyrion is bound to be a huge disappointment too (if it ever releases), then he can act like a smug, edgy cunt, pretending he always knew how shit it would be and how everyone is just reposting Reddit posts.ITT we learn that Blaine cannot stop shilling for UNFINISHED SPACE EXPLORATION GAMES.
Even if it means hijacking his own thread
ITT we learn that Blaine cannot stop shilling for UNFINISHED SPACE EXPLORATION GAMES.
Even if it means hijacking his own thread
Decided to star a new game with the patch; my starting planet:
100 times more interesting than my first starting planet!
Decided to star a new game with the patch; my starting planet:
100 times more interesting than my first starting planet!
Get mods to remove those shit filters, this is how it should look
Not to worry. Empyrion is bound to be a huge disappointment too (if it ever releases), then he can act like a smug, edgy cunt, pretending he always knew how shit it would be and how everyone is just reposting Reddit posts.
Played a bit of Empyrion, it's ridiculous how much better it is even from first impressions (especially since it's still in EA and costs 10 bucks). You start in an escape pod which will crash is 15 seconds and you can steer it so you're already making choices about your survival. The starting planet is earth-like but alien enough (the lower gravity helps with that feeling). I wandered away from my crash site and got greeted by rocketdrone that actually posed danger to me (and the rockets blasted a few holes in the ground, so there's proper terraforming). Then I saw group of 3 spear wielding creatures walking through the forest but didn't engage.
Cute. The Scam Citizen thread is still there for anyone (with incredible amounts of patience) to see.A new spacecraft being built from scratch in our zero-g [GAY] space clubhouse:
More-or-less finished product:
Never acted like a smug, edgy cunt about any game being a disappointment, including this one. I had no idea how NMS would turn out. Usually, when I say "I told you so!" about some shit game, it's almost always one the entire Codex knew would be shit anyway.
The Blaine Fanclub should stick to the facts instead of inventing fake and gay insults.
But yeah, Empyrion is totally a shit game and I hate it, which is why I've been playing it for the last two days with my Steam friends.
Cute. The Scam Citizen thread is still there for anyone (with incredible amounts of patience) to see.
You shilled like a motherfucker for that too, it was so bad it was pretty much a Codex meme. It's your entire online persona for fucks sake. You're the Star Citizen Shill Guy. Then you did a 180 and sold all your shit well after the pretty much the entire Codex mocked it as a scam, and you acted like a smug cunt and mercilessly made fun of every sucker who spent money on it. Like you were one of the cool kids right from the start.
Just wanted to toss my thoughts and opinions on what was shown vs what we got.
It is hard to remember that as video game developers we are still human. We are not evil villains twirling our mustaches cackling maniacally "The people who play my games, who pay my bills, what can I do today to make them more miserable?! Muahahahahahah!"; We are gamers as well. We play the same games you guys play. You don't go into game development to get rich, there are some amazing people here who could be making 2 to 4 times as much working for google.
I work for a larger company than Hello Games (Obsidian Entertainment) but a smaller team. About 14 people including our QA. So I understand first hand the freedoms but difficulty of a small team. You have grand plans for your game that look like they are going to work and after some time they do actually work!
Then you start digging and QA starts hitting your code. The issues start coming out and the ripple effect happens. Certain features get smashed with a ton of bug reports after hours of play. Fixing those features would take weeks if not months of man hours to fix. So you have to decide to cut it to make your date. Cutting that feature invalidates another feature and so that too must be cut. Leaving another 3 features in and you realize you are getting horrible frame rate loss on the console. You need to cut those or figure out how to optimize them. (Optimize is usually the last thing we do after we are feature complete). A domino effect occurs. You start to watch years of your life fall apart on the 11th hour. You are not even worried about sales, you are worried what people are going to say about your game. How do you address this, what can you say? Most of the time you can't say anything for a multitude of reasons. Or you are TERRIFIED to say something.
Being a small team means they probably have like 3 QA internally, 1 or 2 designers, 3 or 4 code support. A sound guy or gal. A couple internal artists. It is hard to react to deep problems that occur and still make your date.
Trust me when you've worked on something for 2 or 3 years, your name is attached to it. This has been your life, the reason you get no sleep. You get excited, you over share, because you don't have a PR team to evaluate everything you say. (It is why as developers we try to say little or speak in the vaguest way unless something is like 100% 100%)
I am not saying Sean Murray or Hello games did not make mistakes. We are human and we all make mistakes. I personally am enjoying my time with No Man's Sky. I am not telling you to not send them bugs or feedback. These are absolutely critical. As developers we LOVE getting feedback, bug reports. Yes it highlights things we did wrong or can work better on, but it lets us know you are playing our game. That you care enough about our game to take the time out of your life to construct a bug report or leave some constructive feedback.
I am not telling you want to do at all, just giving you a little insight to how things may have gone over there for them.
EDIT: Adding a post I made further along.
"So far this discussion has been very adult like from both sides of the debate. This gives me hope in humanity I hope it continues!
I really want to further the discussion here about why people feel that Sean lied to them. It seem's like the general opinion now isn't that you are upset at the cut features, you can understand the logistics.
It seems the real issue seems to be the people feel mislead and lied to. I want to objectively ask you why you think he would do that? What does he have to gain from lying about these features? Isn't that pretty much professional suicide? You feel like he did lie now please share why you felt he lied.
To those who are upset and angry over what they got vs what they were told they were getting, are you willing to let them fix their mistakes? A lot of people feel you are here just to watch their ship sink and burn. Is it past the point of apologies and redemption for you? I want to know your honest opinions here.
I don't think we are getting the whole picture here, and I don't think we ever will honestly. But my personal opinion is that I don't think it is as black and white or cut and dry as people want it to be. I can't see WHY he would sabotage his passion project and tank his career. But I also hope they are able to address things and clear some things up.
Personally I don't want No Man's Sky to crash and burn. I hope they can continue to work on it. For my own personal greedy reasons."
Empyrion doesn't do itself any favors by looking like Bulgarian shovelware.
And this is why you're a meme.Cute. The Scam Citizen thread is still there for anyone (with incredible amounts of patience) to see.
You shilled like a motherfucker for that too, it was so bad it was pretty much a Codex meme. It's your entire online persona for fucks sake. You're the Star Citizen Shill Guy. Then you did a 180 and sold all your shit well after the pretty much the entire Codex mocked it as a scam, and you acted like a smug cunt and mercilessly made fun of every sucker who spent money on it. Like you were one of the cool kids right from the start.
Yes, and you know they don't have the patience, which is why you feel free to lie (or you're deluded).
I certainly was looking forward to Star Citizen early on. It's not surprising, considering that I cut my teeth on Wing Commander. My only crime in that thread was refusing to agree wholesale with people who thought the game was going to be shit; almost all of that back-and-forth occurred long before the funding, feature creep, et al. got out of control. Not unlike children and progressives, many Codexers are unable to cope when someone disagrees with their opinion, and so started my notorious
I've never made any smug remarks mocking those who were unable to sell out of Star Citizen, nor have I ever postured as "one of the cool kids." Such accusations are as imaginary as the obviously incorrect accusations you just made about me shilling for No Man's Sky, and it's easy to check because I've made very few posts in this thread. You'll never find a post of mine to back up your lies because none exists.
It's been so long since the "events" of that thread that they've become severely distorted in the minds of strange people who are still inexplicably obsessed with it. I'm now a caricature to be propped up, more of an idea really, the evil Jew who tried to convince everyone to buy lots of Star Citizen ships and then cackled all the way to the bank. Thing is, that never happened. It's certainly a meme, but it's a forced meme and a really stupid one.
I'm not sure why weirdos continue to crank out hundreds of shitposts in the Star Citizen thread, even to this day. I never even think about the game anymore, except once or perhaps twice a month when someone gives me Star Citizen guff in the Shoutbox. Nor do I particularly care, because I have no respect for the opinions of those who can't manage to think straight and need to demonize an anonymous Internet persona based on phantom "evidence" to take out their impotent frustrations.
I've written a few words here in the interest of setting the record straight, but within the hour I'll have forgotten all about it. The NMS thread will soon turn into yet another pathetic, neverending Codex circlejerk, and guess what? You'll never find evidence of me participating in any of those for more than a very brief visit, either.
No lore, no story.
Would buy Empyrion if it wasn't Early Access game. Looks great for now but i have this little rule that i set myself like year or two ago that i shouldn't spend money on unfinished games because i will burn out myself on half finished game and when it will release i will play it less than eaarlier.