I gotta be honest, it's not quite the heaping pile of flaming shit I was expecting it to be e.g. I thought there's going to be absolutely no "gameplay" or redeemable features that make someone want to play beyond the first hour or so and nothing would make me more happy than to say it’s an irredeemable piece of shit after all the hype, lies and bullshit, but in the the first few hours at least there’s actually stuff to do aside from walking around and exploring new planets.
The first task is repairing the ship while getting one's bearings, where the player learns about collecting shit and the crafting system. After this is done and you've fixed the takeoff booster and "(im)pulse drive" system you can take off, get into space and need to build a hyperdrive so you can travel to other star systems. You find out soon that you can upgrade your ship/multi-tool weapon/suit for additional inventory space (which seems the most important part of an upgrade), but also get to attach and use new weapons systems, from what I've seen so far it's mostly just a Photon Cannon (manual aiming burst fire cannon) and a Phase Beam (ray-weapon that locks on to target but has long cooldown) and "tech" to improve their damage, cooldown etc.
Most of this "tutorial part" for getting the bearings will probably take people at least 3-5 hours so I wouldn't expect a lot of refunds, you also can meet some alien creatures of at least three different races from what I've seen (Korvax - some sort of sentient AI, Gek - giant lizards that want to trade, Vy’keen - a "warrior" race) and there’s some gimmick mini-game about “learning alien languages”, in the beginning their text is going to be gibberish and you'll have to try and guess or take a few words to identify what they're saying or want, as you "learn new words" either from monuments on planets, encyclopedia entries in buildings or from various NPCs whatever they say becomes more legible after a while.

Not only space and the star systems, but even planets and the events on there are randomized entirely and constantly re-generated e.g. if you find a base to trade and shit and you go exploring for artifacts, plundering enemy outposts around which you have to fight a few drones to get in, gather minerals too far away or take off to space you won't be able to find your way back there because the place won't exist anymore, but there's "space stations" in every system where you get to trade or offer aliens cash against their ship. I've strip-mined some big blocks of minerals to get some bulkier ship for 1.5 million. Nonetheless it obviously gets rather boring fast as expected, and by the point you've visited a dozen or so planets and jumped a few systems and engaged in space fights you're likely going to lose interest.
Ships from what I've seen so far handle fairly similarly and it doesn't matter much if it looks sporty or if it's a bulkier/heavy ship, they turn and fly similarly, they also can never actually crash into a planet since they automatically stay a certain height off the ground, adjust accordingly based on the terrain and have to land with a special key. They're generally a bit floaty and seem like they have no weight to them and colliding with a space station might get you spinning, just the UI changes a bit and you got more slots and a different loadout. It's definitely not a "Simulation", so don't go in expecting it. Space combat is kinda retarded against more than 2-3 enemies – especially since you have to go into the inventory to reload the ship shields everytime they get it down and you need to mine certain materials for that like Titanium or Iron. If you die you have to fly over the point where it happened to get your inventory back.
There's also some minor mini-puzzles, mostly based on the understanding of the alien languages or completing very simplistic number pattern recognition, like you have to decide from three choices what to disable to stop an alarm system of a base or a relic gives you a "vision" in which you get to decide how to react: wait it out, do a certain thing like grab for riches/take your helmet off, there's some terminals where you have to save data before they "reboot", or you have to decide which part of a security system to deactivate etc. and might give you different rewards like blueprints for tech, items or nothing based on choice. There's also a main story where you have to "follow the Atlas" or something, but I have no idea what that is about.
Anyway, it's definitely not worth full price, but would be a good title for ~15-20€/$ on a Sale. After 10-20 hours you'll likely also have seen most of everything worth seeing without constant Updates or some new stuff and the technical problems are definitely a reality at the moment, for instance I have to restart the game every few hours cause it gets really slow. Definitely agree it feels more like an Early-Access title that they should sell for a 1/3 the price, but as long as people are paying I can't exactly blame them either.
Here's a full album of 4K Screens from my journey so far:
And some more landscape and random animals shots: