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Game News Obsidian to co-develop Wasteland 2 if Kickstarter reaches $2.1mil

Apr 2, 2010
Uh, no. There have been no new 10k, or 5k contributions (at least none that have shown up yet). There was one new 2.5k, there are no 1k slots available, so all the rest came from 500 or less.

And for reference, the Double Fine kickstarter took in around 700k in their last week, and ~450k in the final day, after having dropped to around 1-2k/day at its lowest point.

Stop giving me hope. I will rape your sister or little cousins. I bet you have young fresh virgin cousins.


Nov 3, 2007
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
this is glorious. seriously, the best gaming news in fucking years.

I love you guys. I love you all :love:


does a good job.
Oct 19, 2007
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pathfinder: Wrath
That said, I understand (but don't share) Alex's dissapoint at this becoming more of a new Fallout than Wasteland 2.

But how do we know this? Nobody knows anything other than the people involved, the amount of money raised and Brian Fargo's intentions. Do you guys really think Fargo is going to let this feel more like Fallout than Wasteland? Not going to happen.


Aug 6, 2004
now we've got one group of fanatics, and i mean these people are fanatical that is muscling in and taken over what was looking to be a decent game.
Last edited:


Nov 6, 2010
Project: Eternity
now we've got one group of fanatics, and i fucking mean these people are fanatical IDIOTS that is muscling in and taken over what was looking to be a decent game

:lol: Look who's talking...
But anyway, feel free to continue preaching in the desert, at least you keep getting brofisted by the same three or four fucktards.

FFS, main plot is already written, the only thing Obsidian can do is slap more meat on those bones.
But noooo, that would be terrible, wouldn't it ? :roll:


Ok, emotional gushing aside... this is an excellent move by Brian.

Mostly in that sense, its a pleasure seeing a great producer pulling stunts like this. Its always a pleasure seeing a skilled professional doing whats he best at.
Well played mr Fargo, well played indeed.

This kids, is what an actual producer should be doing.

And that is making awesome happen.

the awesome, in this case, was threefold at the least. He gave his "hard core" audience a great kick, he pushed kickstarter into high gear again, he got Avellone and Onyx engine - all in one stroke.
And its also a not so subtle "You thought im going to spend this extra money on social features? get a load of this! WHAM!"

Dont think for a second this is not about Onyx, because it is.
Avellone is icing on the cake. He just got an offer he cant refuse. This time, for the good.

Yes i wish Tim Cain is included. And he might be - in what he does best, his own specialty - which should be adjusting the Onyx engine to the specific needs of Wasteland concept design.
I dont even want to hear "but, but he just got there, he doesnt know the eng..."
Please, ... he probably knows it better then those that made it by now. Who do you think youre talking to here?
Not that he will do it all by himself anyway.

All in all, a really great move. Should get in the fucking books.


Dec 8, 2011
you guys are fucking retarded sometimes

obsidians games are shit

retarded is putting is lightly. they've turned the forum into a faggot MCA fansite. oh, and obsidian is doing THE DESIGN; not the coding. so you'll get a bug free piece of shit. i didn't send them money for this. this is really poor form from fargo and GREEDY. he would've gotten 2 mil regardless because people wanted box copies and drm free version of the game, there was NO NEED to bring obsidian and MCA on for DESIGN WORK, that wasn't what they stated and thats not what the first 1.5 million dollars was pledged for. now we've got one group of fanatics, and i fucking mean these people are fanatical IDIOTS that is muscling in and taken over what was looking to be a decent game.

Are you this guy?



Mar 16, 2011
I just noitced that Brian Fargo and MCA have put this as their Twitter avatar




Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Wait... this is good news? Sorry, but there's maybe three or four decent employees left at Obsidian.


Codex's Heretic
Feb 2, 2007
Terra da Garoa
That said, I understand (but don't share) Alex's dissapoint at this becoming more of a new Fallout than Wasteland 2.

But how do we know this? Nobody knows anything other than the people involved, the amount of money raised and Brian Fargo's intentions. Do you guys really think Fargo is going to let this feel more like Fallout than Wasteland? Not going to happen.
IMHO it will become a nice mix, as some of the biggest Wasteland/Fallout differences are mostly only due technical/graphical limitations of the time. They will keep party-based combat, lulz post-apoc setting, but upgrade to isometric-tactical battles and are hinting at a bigger focus on dialog & quests.

But I expect fans of both titles will probably see it more as squad & lulzy Fallout than a modern Wasteland.


One Bit Studio
Dec 28, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
, there was NO NEED to bring obsidian and MCA on for DESIGN WORK, that wasn't what they stated and thats not what the first 1.5 million dollars was pledged for..
The first 1.5 million was pledged to an "Obsidian excluded" Wasteland 2? Show me where is this written. As far as I can remember, Fargo never mentioned that inXile will be doing the game alone. That's why they are hiring the old staff of Wasteland 1. And now, they are hiring Obsidian.

"these people are fanatical IDIOTS that is muscling in and taken over what was looking to be a decent game"

It was looking to be a decent game? How? We didn't know anything about the game, apart from some kind of vision. And how are the Obsidian fans are taking over the game? We also don't know how will Obsidian help Fargo's work. You call people retarted and faggot, but your whole comment is retarded. Stop being so stupid, because my brain explodes like a blood sausage because of you.


Cheerful Magician
Nov 1, 2009
Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath
you guys are fucking retarded sometimes

obsidians games are shit

retarded is putting is lightly. they've turned the forum into a faggot MCA fansite. oh, and obsidian is doing THE DESIGN; not the coding. so you'll get a bug free piece of shit. i didn't send them money for this. this is really poor form from fargo and GREEDY. he would've gotten 2 mil regardless because people wanted box copies and drm free version of the game, there was NO NEED to bring obsidian and MCA on for DESIGN WORK, that wasn't what they stated and thats not what the first 1.5 million dollars was pledged for. now we've got one group of fanatics, and i fucking mean these people are fanatical IDIOTS that is muscling in and taken over what was looking to be a decent game.

Are you this guy?

Doubt it. Xemous doesn't sound that retarded.


Dec 17, 2008
retarded is putting is lightly. they've turned the forum into a faggot MCA fansite. oh, and obsidian is doing THE DESIGN; not the coding. so you'll get a bug free piece of shit. i didn't send them money for this. this is really poor form from fargo and GREEDY. he would've gotten 2 mil regardless because people wanted box copies and drm free version of the game, there was NO NEED to bring obsidian and MCA on for DESIGN WORK, that wasn't what they stated and thats not what the first 1.5 million dollars was pledged for. now we've got one group of fanatics, and i fucking mean these people are fanatical IDIOTS that is muscling in and taken over what was looking to be a decent game.
Remove your pledge, then. It's not hard.


The Last Marxist
May 12, 2010
Where one can weep in peace
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
I'll just cutpasta what I wrote in the other thread to this:

Obsidian or rather MCA is going to help out with the fucking dialogue:

Chris is going to help push the density and literary content of the game.

Brian realised that to meet the deadline now and fulfill the pledge of bigger meatier world at 1.25 and 1.5 and higher he needs help. inXile certainly aren't writers extraordinaire, and even having the original Wasteland gang might not be enough to get everything done on time. Obsidian on the other hand have both quality writers(fuck all the derpers that will lol; for RPG's the writing ability of Obsidian and those there that worked at BIS rates from above average to great) and a proven ability to churn out masses of content in a very short time as with F:NV. Chris knows what to fucking do.


While the programming work will remain with us here at inXile, we are looking to use a host of tools that Obsidian has created which will help us get assets into the game faster.

Obsidian isn't going to be making the game, so there won't be any QA problems or shitty cameras or any of the other bullshit! They will just provide some support to speed up the creation process.

So to recap we'll have MCA helping out with the writing and Obsidian will lend some tools.

Not much to rage at eh?

A brilliant coup by Fargo though: pledges are picking up big time. MCA is as big a drawcard as ever. :love:

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