Im not hating on PoE mechanics in particular anyway, a lot of them are fine, some of them have crossed my mind and i can see them as sensible and appropriate. What im hating on is the philosophy behind it, the idea of balance, the idea of stripping down every single class and making a dota version of it in my ar pee gee.
You sum up my critique of your criticism yourself here. You're not criticizing anything actually in the game, you're just writing long posts about vague concepts so it is impossible for anyone to actually respond to your criticism.
BTW, my BG2 Paladin had 3 intelligence. Definetely lived up to your requirements huh? On the other hand, PoE trusts me to decide what makes sense for my character, so I don't have to deal with the developer's arbitrary bullshit decisions in that department. Out of two so-called evils, I'd rather live with the last one.
Also, I'm not a Sawyer-fan. I don't think Sawyer really understood what made the Infinity Engine games great evidenced by a lot of possible high-level problems like the detailed management of all your six characters. And by the fact that IWD2 is easily the worst of the IE-games. I also think he downright misunderstands the demands and issues you face when designing P&P games (as evidenced by his like of 4E over an infinitely better system such as Pathfinder, and by his inability to fathom that houserules and homebrew are an absolute stock asset of the genre, not something that points to a bad system necessarily). But the blanket claims of "omg this is so mmo" or dota or whatever the fuck can go fuck themselves. Unless you have a concrete criticism of something, don't expect anyone to take your criticism seriously.