I was also thinking of using Storm Brand instead of Orb of Storms but it has worse base damage (so even weaker shock) and it casts slower so your LC will attack slower.
Storm brand has better range though, and doesn't need to be recast as often as it can jump. And can be cast on the other side of the screen. Not sure about duration. Does the orb of storm proc from LC cast apply the shock before the LC hits? Pretty shit if it doesn't.
I don't trust shock against high hp targets(which is when you most need the damage), so I use the elementalist guaranteed shock, and can completely ignore damage on my storm brand (unbound ailments, culling, inc duration).
It lasts 6s, and 4 link is bad.
Fair enough, it's still a good dps boost if you can afford the slots. Cast it while the boss is doing some iddq phase or something, or before popping the essence stack.
GGG also posted about some fixes going up today. Lots of increases to item rarity, marginal increases to item quantity, seems like it will probably still be less drops than before, but hard to say.