Silly Germans
It is quite misleading when people say that keen doubles your chance to do a critical hit.
It doesn't even necessarily double your chance to threaten, even that is wrong if not further
quantified since it depends on the relative armor class and attack value. These claims confused
me, since they are often made. Even saying that your chance to crit is 5 % per base is wrong, since
this value also is a function of (armorclass minus attack value), in the worst case you only have a chance to crit with 0.25 %.
It is good that no one here made that mistake.
It doesn't even necessarily double your chance to threaten, even that is wrong if not further
quantified since it depends on the relative armor class and attack value. These claims confused
me, since they are often made. Even saying that your chance to crit is 5 % per base is wrong, since
this value also is a function of (armorclass minus attack value), in the worst case you only have a chance to crit with 0.25 %.
It is good that no one here made that mistake.