Latest observations on spellstrike: You can effectively spellstrike with a two-handed weapon (Fauchard for example), and not at the cost of, as
Yosharian implied earlier, your subsequent attacks in the round. Or something like that.
The way it works is, let's say you've got enough bab for three attacks per round - with one handed weapon + spell strike + spell combat you can one spellstrike attack (it explicitly says you get ONE free attack of this sort) and two more classic spell combat ones, both of them involving spells, with your one-handed weapon at cummulative -4 attack penalty for the spellstrike attack, whereas with a fauchard you can deliver ALSO ONE such melee +spell combo attack per round, BUT unless you have that touch spell toggled on (the character will wait for the start of a new round in this case), you can STILL deliver your remaining two melee attacks (without spell component) with your fauchard.
So, what gives? If this is intended and not a bug (logically, it shouldn't be, the description says you can use any weapon), I think a Two-handed magus might be a very viable build and in right hands, far superior to the classic scimitar-wielding archetype. After all, unless you go pure magus (which you most likely wont be), you'll be mostly using spells for buffing yourself and the best touch spells you're getting are about lvl 4, so it might be a reasonable tradeoff. Or, you could assume the role of debuffer and fatigue/shake/frighten your enemies through melee attacks instead of opting for acid/cold damage.
UPD: If you invest in estoc or bastard sword, you can alternate between the two modes which is even more fantastic and very convenient. IF there are good estocs in game, considering the crit range, I'd say Estoc is an ultimate weapon for such a build.
UPD: Don't know why but my maguses don't get bloodline selection feats. Sorcerers and Dragon Disciple do, but not maguses. Should be a bug.