If you spent four hours on character creation then read this:
and start on Normal since the beginning just past the intro is the hardest part anyway. You can always kick it up when it gets too easy and/or subsequent playthroughs. I play most of the game on Unfair now but still start out Challenging/Hard.
Wow, I was sure that this is patched, but it seems it still applied. How in hell a significant bug like this still exists, and so early in the game? It seems like a very basic fix, divide total experience by current amount of party members

And here I thought that I will have no or close to zero bugs when playing. silly me. Thanks for the info.
20 is too costly though. Should have went with 19. Same final result.
Some builds also enjoy the Aasimar wings. Not necessarily sorcerers, though.
Why 19, not 20? I was expecting +5 from levels and +5 from some magic cape or something, for a nice total of CHA 30 at the end? I'm still early and can change it.
>Wow, I was sure that this is patched, but it seems it still applied. How in hell a significant bug like this still exists, and so early in the game? It seems like a very basic fix, divide total experience by current amount of party members

And here I thought that I will have no or close to zero bugs when playing. silly me. Thanks for the info.
Yeah... Really makes you think. This ends up screwing most new players, and prolonges progress to the level 3 power spike. Thus preventing them from doing level 3 content. Most experienced players will seek out other venues for exp instead. Like grinding out random encounters near Olegs, as they are pathetically easy. Or rush to Old Sacymore to kill those wolf things.