Desiderius, I am not complaining about the stats penalties for siding with the Hellknights. I am complaining that there is no payoff for siding with the Hellknights and taking all those penalties! Not only that, but I had to fight the Hellknights before I got to fight that other bastard, even though I did my best to side with the Hellknights!
Leaders do not take such measures for the heck of it, they take such measures to gain something. In this case, I naturally wanted to gain the Hellknights as my allies. And what did I gain? Nothing. When I went to the lounge to find the Hellknights, there was no dialogue option that sounded like something I wanted to say to them. The quest designer just set me up in the cheapest way possible.
That is 0/10 RPG quest design, and probably just something the designer did to make a point. "You should not do such things!". Well, thank you for the lesson. Now, can I have my own opinion? Am I playing an RPG or what? That is not "consequences", that is either trolling or preaching.