All right, I finished Chapter 7. I cheesed the final fight, as I was more interested in finishing than fighting by that point. Looks like it may be a good fight, although as usual I prefer such fights to not be on the main path.
The good of Chapter 7:
- Good job bringing the allies I have made throughout the playthrough to my aid. Good stuff!
- The curse reinforces the theme of the bond between a ruler and his lands. Good job.
- Reinforces the theme of "Rightful Owner" of lands. There were hints of this theme before, but here it comes to the forefront. As a Greek myself, having grown in and surrounded by lands that have changed hands countless of times, this theme hits close to home. Pun intended.
- Lantern King is great. I also liked his presentation just before the final fight. I know I have met him before, but I wish I had seen more of him throughout the game. I really like this character.
Not sure what to make of it:
- The Storyteller. He is part of the "What does one story matter" theme, but other than that I am not sure what to make of him. Looks like he embodies a metaphor for the creators of the story. He is also kind of a Deus Ex Machina in Chapter 7. Maybe he is supposed to be a combination of both.
The bad of Chapter 7:
- I liked the themes and the points made, I loved the Lantern King, but I think this Chapter at this point of the game is too long. It also involves hordes of similar enemies over and over. The execution leaves some things wanting, imo. The game didn't need further challenges at this point. The important question is: Is Chapter 7 inviting? Or is everyone going to be stopping in Ch 6 in their replays (well, the ones that made it that far)? I think that Ch 7 is mostly uninviting, after the 1st playthrough.
A simple SHORT linear dungeon would have worked better at this point. Here is how I would imagine it: A few (~5) fights in a row that are tough, but made extremely easy if you have the right ally with you (ally that you met previously). Each fight lifts part of the curse. Then meet the Lantern King for final showdown.
Such a design would have supported the themes of Chapter 7, and it would have been more inviting imo.