Well, if Weapon Focus for 1 AB is sometimes worth a feat (sometimes disregarding its requirement as prerequisite for other feats), then +2 Str, which is +1 AB and +1-2 damage, is definately worth it, no?
Yeah Aasimars are unbelievably broken and there are a couple of dips in Pathfinder that are just ridiculously good, unchained Monk is one of them, unchained Rogue for four levels is another, and Paladin 2 is another.this patch TO-DO first items would probably be:
- Cap AC limit of monk stats to ac per monk level
- Gimp Asimaars
I hope you guys know what you are doing, and that the system is going to be as interesting without those "broken" dips. I am in no position to judge this due to inexperience, but you are.
Above all, keep the system interesting.
Oh I beat that guy too. It was in anticipation of that fight that I had prepared for.someone make ERYFKRAD play vs v1 bear treant.
Huh, ArchAngel is a hardcore player, who would thought it. I admit, I've only been abusing this exp stuff on my unfair iron man playthrough....Then it is even worse.I fail to see how cleaning most xp-profitable parts of chapter 1 with 3-4-man party where most chars are severely underleveled is making things easier for myself.Sound like abusing game options instead of normal play. Also you are reducing intended game difficulty for this part of the game. You might as well set the game to Easy difficulty instead of doing these shenanigans.
At the the time I get full composition only places left to do is lower Sycamore and Stag Lord fort.
You turn game options on and off when it suits you to get more XP.. what is there to not understand. You might as well turn some other options like difficulty to easy before boss fights and back to hard/unfair after boss fights as well. There is little difference.
In both cases you are not using tools the game gives you but change its difficulty options to manipulate the difficulty of the content. Either play with full XP off or Full XP on. That is how devs intended it. Everything else is "cheating".
Edit: and it seems some other people also (ab)use this to make their campaigns easier while boasting they are playing on Unfair. Sorry but by using this trick you are not.
Amazing, they went even more overwrought than base Pathfinder.Replacement portraits...
Heavy armor + Tower Shield gives highest AC at level 1. It's better than nothing. Only character that was able to survive through the prologue area on unfair iron man, was a druid with a pet.if pain is the point, get same stats as val
You laugh now, but when I beat the game on unfair iron man. It would be I that will be doing the laughing. Haha.
I didn't know Strahd von Zarovich was a tiefling.However, in honor of Archangel, I've decided to restart, again. Playing Unfair Iron Man, WITHOUT abusing exp setting. I've started with a TSS, so far so good. I haven't wiped, yet.
Assimar, what class they're good for?
I'm good bro.Assimar, what class they're good for?
Serious. Any takers?
Been wrong before, could be here. Lets find out.
Assimar, what class they're good for?
Serious. Any takers?
Been wrong before, could be here. Lets find out.