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Pathfinder Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition - now with turn-based combat


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Assuming you can respec on challenging, which I forgot to check, is there a good reason to respec my knife master for kukris instead of daggers? They seem a little more powerful.
I'm pretty sure you can't respec on challenging, not without using a mod or lowering the difficulty temporarily. And Kukris are probably a little better indeed, they needed to support Nok-Nok somehow.

They're pretty disappointing after the two you get shortly after getting him. They already burned two feats on them so you're kind of priced in, but I wouldn't hesitate to turn him into a Smilodon and use the Agile Fist +4 Necklace, unless your using him to crit fish.

When you respec a later companion the levels he already has can't be changed without a mod, and yes you have to turn the difficulty down temporarily to respec. Sometimes character levels get bugged too, so it's not painless.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Come to think of it I have lost the ability to target a Wisp once or twice when he does the disappearing thing (Natural Invis) so that's a possible use for Camouflage if you notice a caster/archer is targeting you.


Repressed Homosexual
Jul 10, 2017
Make the Codex Great Again! Pathfinder: Wrath
Gee this Lich is super hard. Luckily I can use my big brain to think of a strategy to beat him easily.

Dimension door in and have Kanerah cast maximized deadly earth and dimension door out.

PF:K Is truly dethroning chess as the game of kings. Kinda silly how a pointy hat has better stats than my crown.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
So I have to get Combat Reflexes and StM on my ranged buddies, which are completely useless for them. This just seems dumb.

It is, don't do it.

On the other hand it's a good feat for Vanguard or Tactical Leader to pass around to everyone for boss fights, or for Jaethot to take since she gets Solo Tactics which lets her do Teamwork feats without teamwork.

My sense was that the main benefit was that it stacked with Outflank for big crit chains. But yeah, usually totally overkill.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Gee this Lich is super hard. Luckily I can use my big brain to think of a strategy to beat him easily.

Dimension door in and have Kanerah cast maximized deadly earth and dimension door out.

PF:K Is truly dethroning chess as the game of kings. Kinda silly how a pointy hat has better stats than my crown.

How about doing the quest as designed while avoiding persistent effects that exploit AI limitations.

I ended up with a helluva fight that way that ended with Amiri whiffing five times with her at 7hp and Farrinas at 23.

Farrinas Banshee.jpg


Repressed Homosexual
Jul 10, 2017
Make the Codex Great Again! Pathfinder: Wrath
Well I finally dealt with Bane of the Living


I think if I had crippling strike he'd be a cakewalk.

How about doing the quest as designed while avoiding persistent effects that exploit AI limitations.

Owlcat has known about being able to dimension door in there since day one and they didn't patch it out so I think it is intended to get that delicious gear early. Also lol at those 400 damage wail of the banshshees no thanks. I'd probably just spam skeletons at him until he is out of spells and then punch him in the head.

Good on you for doing it the right way and fighting him head on though.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Owlcat has known about being able to dimension door in there since day one and they didn't patch it out so I think it is intended.

Door's not the problem.

He should waste anyone with the temerity to bypass the test. It's the cheese that lets you pass it early that is the problem. 90% of P:K cheese comes down to persistent effects (including Ghost Mage Plague Storm). Need to take a long hard look at those for WotR.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Nok nok and his companion Jub teaming up to tank some Wererats:


Harrim up to his old Stunning Barrier tricks - Nok there to clean up:

Stunning Barrier.jpg

Looks like if you use an extend rod to cast Stunning Barrier then the stun lasts double too. That spell is great action economy (so is Aid/False Life for those who like to heal)


Sep 14, 2016
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Owlcat has known about being able to dimension door in there since day one and they didn't patch it out so I think it is intended.

Door's not the problem.

He should waste anyone with the temerity to bypass the test. It's the cheese that lets you pass it early that is the problem. 90% of P:K cheese comes down to persistent effects (including Ghost Mage Plague Storm). Need to take a long hard look at those for WotR.

Well, cheese is needed if you fight him at like level 7.
At like level 11 you can beat him fair and square head-on if you use the right spells (although depending on luck with dice, reloads might be needed).
Last edited:


May 28, 2018
Grand Chien
Check this out guys, my man Hambeard on Discord made this mod, you can add ANY ITEM IN THE GAME to Hassuf's inventory and then buy it from him. How fucking cool is that? And it works completely on the fly. Load up the UMM menu, tap in the item, press button, hey presto it's in Hassuf's inventory. Fucking GG this is the best mod ever.


Repressed Homosexual
Jul 10, 2017
Make the Codex Great Again! Pathfinder: Wrath
Mate that is really cool. I didn't like how Artisans are RNG and you need to wait until Rushlight/Pitax for gear. Maybe a better idea would have been can ask artisans for Sword and then type of sword for items or also something like this mod where you get the items but the quality is locked by chapter.

So you can get the haste quarterstaff in the 2nd-3rd act but for the twinsnake you have to beat barbarians.

It makes sense you are the king you should be able to ask for exactly the gear you want for yourself and henchmen and pay gold. I'm going to play with this mod right now.


May 28, 2018
Grand Chien
Mate that is really cool. I didn't like how Artisans are RNG and you need to wait until Rushlight/Pitax for gear. Maybe a better idea would have been can ask artisans for Sword and then type of sword for items or also something like this mod where you get the items but the quality is locked by chapter.

So you can get the haste quarterstaff in the 2nd-3rd act but for the twinsnake you have to beat barbarians.

It makes sense you are the king you should be able to ask for exactly the gear you want for yourself and henchmen and pay gold. I'm going to play with this mod right now.
I think it's pretty fair since you have to pay for the item. That said I'm going to try to restrict myself to only the lower end gear or stuff that's unavailable any other way, like Twin Serpents.

Let me know how you get on, I'm very curious.


Repressed Homosexual
Jul 10, 2017
Make the Codex Great Again! Pathfinder: Wrath
I think it's pretty fair since you have to pay for the item. That said I'm going to try to restrict myself to only the lower end gear or stuff that's unavailable any other way, like Twin Serpents.

Let me know how you get on, I'm very curious.

Yeah, I think you might have a riot or lose some community points if your first act as a baron of a fledgling barony is to commission yourself a vorpal keen +12 hackmaster with cupholder that costs several times more than your baronies GDP.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Well, cheese is needed if you fight him at like level 7.

At like level 11 you can beat him fair and square head-on if you use the right spells (although depending on luck with dice, reloads might be needed).

It would be more straightforward to use the difficulty menu directly.


Repressed Homosexual
Jul 10, 2017
Make the Codex Great Again! Pathfinder: Wrath
Also if you think about it NWN would give you rewards based on what your weapon focus is. Which is very intelligent game design. Also there was upgrade reagents that could be used to make items but they are limited so you had to choose. In HoTU the intelligent weapon could be a greatsword longsword or shortsword based on what you picked.

Hopefully Owlcat does something like this with the intelligent weapon and loot in future.

A perfect opportunity for the player to get a weapon focused item would be the Jamandi reward for killing the stag lord quickly, sure she's a sword lord so she gives the character a +2 dueling sword but if your character only uses greatswords wouldn't it make more sense to give the player character a +2 greatsword instead?


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Mate that is really cool. I didn't like how Artisans are RNG and you need to wait until Rushlight/Pitax for gear. Maybe a better idea would have been can ask artisans for Sword and then type of sword for items or also something like this mod where you get the items but the quality is locked by chapter.

So you can get the haste quarterstaff in the 2nd-3rd act but for the twinsnake you have to beat barbarians.

It makes sense you are the king you should be able to ask for exactly the gear you want for yourself and henchmen and pay gold. I'm going to play with this mod right now.

There is (way) more than enough gear if you're keeping your Perception and KM up. What weapon class are you even talking about that doesn't have gear until Pitax?


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
A perfect opportunity for the player to get a weapon focused item would be the Jamandi reward for killing the stag lord quickly, sure she's a sword lord so she gives the character a +2 dueling sword but if your character only uses greatswords wouldn't it make more sense to give the player character a +2 greatsword instead?

She gives you a Dueling Sword because.... she's a Swordlord. That's a class/weapon that's supported by two unique classes so needs it's own weapons.

Weapon Focus is +1 to hit out of 20-30 midgame. By the time the Weapon you're using matters more than that (with a couple narrow exceptions) you've got better options. I'm sure that game you're playing in your head is a fun one, but it's not P:K.


Repressed Homosexual
Jul 10, 2017
Make the Codex Great Again! Pathfinder: Wrath
There is (way) more than enough gear if you're keeping your Perception and KM up. What weapon class are you even talking about that doesn't have gear until Pitax?

The good stuff though. Pitax unlocks +4 and +5 for most weapon types BUT we can get +4 and +5 for some weapons much much earlier so if you were planning a character with knowledge of the game you'd go for the weapon types you run into earlier. That's why so many builds online use Vanquisher and all but ignore Destroyer.

Weapon Focus is +1 to hit out of 20-30 midgame. By the time the Weapon you're using matters more than that (with a couple narrow exceptions) you've got better options. I'm sure that game you're playing in your head is a fun one, but it's not P:K.

I think you missed the point. In NWN they used the weapon focus feat on the character as a flag to allocate gear in certain situations so the player character has selected X weapon focus he must want to use X I was just providing a good example of when this could have been used.

This custom tailors the module to be more like a PnP game and adds some realism/immersion to it. If you are playing a campaign and you like to use Two bladed swords the DM is going to throw you a bone and have a good Two bladed sword available for you. It makes sense for ease of play and improved player experience.

I'm saying this would be a cool improvement. It also alleviates punishment for choosing certain weapon types and allows the player to have much more

Or you could be lazy and just have a blacksmith that will do adding enchantment on weapons for gold, but then that makes unique items less special.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
I think you missed the point.

Nope. I'm saying the difference between +2 and +4 is negligible compared to all the unique effects, skills, and abilities running around. I never buy the Pitax weapons either. There are only a couple weapon types that don't have some unique weapon to build toward (including unfortunately the weapons needed for ranged TWF). You can use best available until you get there while relying on much more impactful skills and abilities.

Unless you're Sword Saint or Fighter (Rogues can use Agile), this isn't a game which locks you in.


Jan 25, 2016
Wandering the world randomly in search of maps
>Cast one stinking cloud.
That's what happens when you abuse cheese.

Casting a spell is "cheese," cool, got it.

I'm sure that game you're playing in your head is a fun one, but it's not P:K.

Bonus stacking is wrong, it makes owlbears sad.

How about doing the quest as designed.

Give the CR 47 demigod lich a chance, come on guys, play fair.


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