Aldori Swordlord Prestige Class as is (SL10):
(1) no bad prereqs
(2) full BAB
(3) DEX to damage
(4) +5 to Intimidate, +7 or 8 for Dazzling Display
(5) +2 melee AC (full attack)
(6) +2 AB/AC vs creatures who attack you (too late to Parry, in time for AC to prevent hit)
(7) optional -4 AB/+7ish dodge AC
(8) Cornugon Smash on Crit or Disarm (gives Shaken -2 attack/saves)
(9) hit on Shaken mob gives additional -2 attack/saves, removes all morale, competence, and insight bonuses to attacks/saves
(10) -50% crits against
(11) Doesn't trigger AoO recovering from Prone
In effect 8 AB (10 for purposes of iteratives)/9 touch AC or 12AB/2AC, -4 opponent attack, -4 opponent saves, removes buffs, 10ish damage, +5 Intimidate, half crits and AoOs taken.
(1) compare to Duelist with two bad feats for prereq (one shared with Crane Wing if you want that) or clunky Arcane Trickster
(2) for comparison Saint7/SL10 has 3 more BAB than Saint17 = more iteratives, easier to use Fighting Defensively/Combat Expertise as needed
(3) comparable to Aldori Defender level using bonus feat on Slashing Grace, but AD 6 doesn't get a bonus feat, so convenient even for one level splash
(4) Very useful for high EXP checks, especially on non-CHR toons, or just getting CSmash to connect. Bonus to DD great for opening combat with it from Stealth, especially with Thug.
(5) Defensive Parry AC is untyped so adds to Touch AC (better than it looks). You'll want to be Full Attacking with all those early iteratives and high AB.
(6) As main tank Adaptive Tactics triggers on everyone when surrounded, so would help Cleaves land it you went that way, does help on Combat Maneuvers, acts like Improved Uncanny Dodge
(7) With Steel Net, Crane Style, and/or Helm of Battlefield Clarity Adaptive Tactics can cancel out all penalties for Defensive Fighting/Combat Expertise altogether. Those classes/feats go well with Sworlord already.
(8) CSmash usually requires Power Attack, which you don't want on DEX-based, so getting it thru Swordlord is valuable
(9) Shatter Confidence helps whole team, especially casters trying to land CC/debuffs. Hidden +2AC/+2CMB/+2DC team buff. Think how much your casters spend on +2DC. This gives it to all your casters.
(10) Big with Destructive Aura, which gets better the better you play. Most important for builds without Mirror Image.
(11) I think half my deaths are from this, again hidden convenience. But doesn't come up much late unless you're accidentally doing it to your own toons.
Feels kind of bad when playing but turns out to be solid with right support/base class
SL 10 goes well with:
(1) Archaeologist 8/AD1
(2) Sword Saint 7 (Extra Attack + Shield + Image + Weapon Enchant + INT to initiative + free Weapon Focus, Saint is nuts). Solid with any Magus.
(3) Aldori Defender 8 (Disarming Strike makes Disarm better than a Standard attack in terms of damage since it also generates AoOs)
(4) Spawn Slayer 7/AD1 (Disarm everything)
Main value on its own is Adaptive Tactics/Shatter Confidence, so can splash SL5 with any DEX-build planning to fight defensively and/or with Combat Expertise. More Intimidate is almost always good.