Live by the grease, fall by the grease.Is there a way to dismiss spell, like Grease?
Can a Sensei be a decent replacement for a Bard when it comes to buffing the party ?
So, if I want to go pure wizard. Generalist or specialist? Those metamagic feats for generalist seem pretty sweet, plus not wasting spell slots on spells from opposition schools.
You guys got any insight into a Fighter Build based around Shield-bashing? I've been wanting to spec-out a build based around the brown-haired dude they use in all the promotional material in place of the protagonist, and a fighter clad in heavy armor, with a flail and shield is what I want to work with.
Jubilost shows up at the river once troll trouble starts, since he's being attacked by the kobolds that are allied with said trolls.So, I started chapter 2, but troll trouble hasn't started and I set my kingdom to auto.
Should I save my gold up? I have around 70,000 and have nothing to spend it on atm, also Jubliost is not at the river, where is he?
How do you have 70k gold at that stage in the game? Anyway, just spend it. That's a lot of gold.So, I started chapter 2, but troll trouble hasn't started and I set my kingdom to auto.
Should I save my gold up? I have around 70,000 and have nothing to spend it on atm, also Jubliost is not at the river, where is he?
I did everything that the game allowed me to do before Stag Lord, so I was already level 5, and I just sell everything my chars can't use.Is there any class that's cool to dual class with a monk?
How do you have 70k gold at that stage in the game? Anyway, just spend it. That's a lot of gold.So, I started chapter 2, but troll trouble hasn't started and I set my kingdom to auto.
Should I save my gold up? I have around 70,000 and have nothing to spend it on atm, also Jubliost is not at the river, where is he?
Yea, happened to me as well, just report the bug to owlcat.I know the game is known to be bugged (again?) but maybe someone knows of a solution. My hotkeys for quick save and load dont work. I tried to rebind them but it still wont work and I dont use any mods so that shouldnt be the reason. Has anyone an Idea or the same problem?
For prestigious console owners with noble limits on disk space.In the options theres one for quicksave slots and (for whatever reason) the default is 0.
They're easy on hard too after you hit level 3.Playing on challenging and might turn it up to hard
I did everything that the game allowed me to do before Stag Lord, so I was already level 5, and I just sell everything my chars can't use.Is there any class that's cool to dual class with a monk?
How do you have 70k gold at that stage in the game? Anyway, just spend it. That's a lot of gold.So, I started chapter 2, but troll trouble hasn't started and I set my kingdom to auto.
Should I save my gold up? I have around 70,000 and have nothing to spend it on atm, also Jubliost is not at the river, where is he?
I can't buy anything all the items are shit.
Conjurer is my favorite specialization. You have useful spells at every single level, and the move action teleport is extremely useful. Wasted spell slots isn't a concern as long as you pick the right schools. (Divination and Enchantment or maybe Necromancy)So, if I want to go pure wizard. Generalist or specialist? Those metamagic feats for generalist seem pretty sweet, plus not wasting spell slots on spells from opposition schools.
The only mandatory things to buy at this point are the bags of holding. The merchants offer some useful items, iirc, but there's nothing that important before chapter 5. The kingdom is the biggest money sink for most of the game.So, I started chapter 2, but troll trouble hasn't started and I set my kingdom to auto.
Should I save my gold up? I have around 70,000 and have nothing to spend it on atm, also Jubliost is not at the river, where is he?
Are you building villages on auto?Do I not get one if KM is auto?
A) Build a villageHow do you get an Artisan? Do I not get one if KM is auto?
Pink Eye made a very good guide in the PK subforums. Very well put together and thorough (as best as the Codex will offer without insulting your intelligence).How do you get an Artisan? Do I not get one if KM is auto?