Is there a reason to choose sage sorcerer over regular sorcerer with arcane bloodlin other than wanting an int based class?
More skill points. In that way, I consider Sage Sorcerer strictly superior between the two.
Is there a reason to choose sage sorcerer over regular sorcerer with arcane bloodlin other than wanting an int based class?
So no more spells per day or anything? I'm considering respecializing jaethal into sorcerer I still can't decide on which subclass to choose.Is there a reason to choose sage sorcerer over regular sorcerer with arcane bloodlin other than wanting an int based class?
More skill points. In that way, I consider Sage Sorcerer strictly superior between the two.
Is there any point to the region upgrades that say "this has no effect"?
Yes. Do you want details?Is there any point to the region upgrades that say "this has no effect"?
Is there a reason to choose sage sorcerer over regular sorcerer with arcane bloodlin other than wanting an int based class?
More skill points. In that way, I consider Sage Sorcerer strictly superior between the two.
Any region upgrade counts for your artisan's tiers. Also there are shenanigans you can work towards your advantage if an upgrade is a military one or a non-military one.Yes please
Which bloodline would be good on jaethal?Is there a reason to choose sage sorcerer over regular sorcerer with arcane bloodlin other than wanting an int based class?
More skill points. In that way, I consider Sage Sorcerer strictly superior between the two.
Depends on the Bloodline. Also handy for MC to be CHR-based. Let’s you use Demoralize when not casting.
Weird that people deny themselves legitimate spells and strategies. Stinking Cloud isn't like Imprisonment from BG2 where nearly nothing could defend against it. Fortitude Save or vomit for a round. Lots of things in this game have very high fortitude saves, least of which is a war camp full of mid-level raging barbarians. This encounter is not particularly hard even without it. Despite many other CCs being gimped by allowing a save every round, there is still a wealth of options. Cloak of Dreams, Archons's Aura, Mind-Fog and it's a veritable Heaven's Gate part deux. Ever bother using the coup de gras ability? Protection from Arrows alone is going to give you enough breathing room to ignore half of the opponents.
...and Phantasmal WebWeird that people deny themselves legitimate spells and strategies. Stinking Cloud isn't like Imprisonment from BG2 where nearly nothing could defend against it. Fortitude Save or vomit for a round. Lots of things in this game have very high fortitude saves, least of which is a war camp full of mid-level raging barbarians. This encounter is not particularly hard even without it. Despite many other CCs being gimped by allowing a save every round, there is still a wealth of options. Cloak of Dreams, Archons's Aura, Mind-Fog and it's a veritable Heaven's Gate part deux. Ever bother using the coup de gras ability? Protection from Arrows alone is going to give you enough breathing room to ignore half of the opponents.
Weird that people deny themselves legitimate spells and strategies. Stinking Cloud isn't like Imprisonment from BG2 where nearly nothing could defend against it. Fortitude Save or vomit for a round. Lots of things in this game have very high fortitude saves, least of which is a war camp full of mid-level raging barbarians. This encounter is not particularly hard even without it. Despite many other CCs being gimped by allowing a save every round, there is still a wealth of options. Cloak of Dreams, Archons's Aura, Mind-Fog and it's a veritable Heaven's Gate part deux. Ever bother using the coup de gras ability? Protection from Arrows alone is going to give you enough breathing room to ignore half of the opponents.
Archon's Aura and Cloak of Dreams are great spells but I don't think they are as potent. Archon's Aura's effect is not as bad and if they succeed they are immune to that instance.
Cloak of Dreams will keep testing them, but it's only a 5ft point blank effect with friendly fire challenges IIRC. Stinking cloud is a 20ft cloud that can be cast safely from medium range. In practice, it usually leads to more targets and earlier in the fight.
Luckily we can use all of this crap at once! So none of this really matters, heh.
I should try Phantasmal Web again.
Which bloodline would be good on jaethal?Is there a reason to choose sage sorcerer over regular sorcerer with arcane bloodlin other than wanting an int based class?
More skill points. In that way, I consider Sage Sorcerer strictly superior between the two.
Depends on the Bloodline. Also handy for MC to be CHR-based. Let’s you use Demoralize when not casting.
What's the bigger coping mechanic:
- Summons and pets
- Stinking Cloud + Delay Poison
Trashos, what say ye
It is tactics for bads like Desiderius
I don't specifically remember if there's anything left in Chapter 3 after that, but I finished several chapter plots with a lot of time to spare, yeah. It's a good time to do any upgrades or purchases you need to be at home for.So no more spells per day or anything? I'm considering respecializing jaethal into sorcerer I still can't decide on which subclass to choose.Is there a reason to choose sage sorcerer over regular sorcerer with arcane bloodlin other than wanting an int based class?
More skill points. In that way, I consider Sage Sorcerer strictly superior between the two.
Spoiler about chapter 3
I have finished main quest in chapter 3 burn the everblooming plant and fucked the namashatu cult up, there are no main quests anymore yet the curse timer is still intact, am I doing something wrong or can I use that around 200 days to build up my kingdom?
I don't specifically remember if there's anything left in Chapter 3 after that, but I finished several chapter plots with a lot of time to spare, yeah. It's a good time to do any upgrades or purchases you need to be at home for.So no more spells per day or anything? I'm considering respecializing jaethal into sorcerer I still can't decide on which subclass to choose.Is there a reason to choose sage sorcerer over regular sorcerer with arcane bloodlin other than wanting an int based class?
More skill points. In that way, I consider Sage Sorcerer strictly superior between the two.
Spoiler about chapter 3
I have finished main quest in chapter 3 burn the everblooming plant and fucked the namashatu cult up, there are no main quests anymore yet the curse timer is still intact, am I doing something wrong or can I use that around 200 days to build up my kingdom?
I don't specifically remember if there's anything left in Chapter 3 after that, but I finished several chapter plots with a lot of time to spare, yeah. It's a good time to do any upgrades or purchases you need to be at home for.So no more spells per day or anything? I'm considering respecializing jaethal into sorcerer I still can't decide on which subclass to choose.Is there a reason to choose sage sorcerer over regular sorcerer with arcane bloodlin other than wanting an int based class?
More skill points. In that way, I consider Sage Sorcerer strictly superior between the two.
Spoiler about chapter 3
I have finished main quest in chapter 3 burn the everblooming plant and fucked the namashatu cult up, there are no main quests anymore yet the curse timer is still intact, am I doing something wrong or can I use that around 200 days to build up my kingdom?
The gap between the Bloom/ Chapter 3 and the next is perhaps one of the bigger ones for the whole game, somewhat of a pacebreaker compared to what comes before and after.
In general, just screw around on Kingdom Management (there are lot of time skips there), do artisan quest when they pop up. If you got Beneath the Stolen Land, now is a very good time to explore that place.
A lot of my firends who play KM are just lost upon finishing the Bloom due to the same reason. Time that was tight (but forgiving before) are now aplenty with no clear direction on what to do.
Cleric of Asmodeus There is nothing wrong with having good spells. People seem to think it a crime. The real crime is that most CC in Pathfinder allow the victim to end the effect every round. Wizards only have a few tricks per day, DCs are narrowly overcome, then it gets shrugged off in a round. Stinking Cloud is good, but how good gets exaggerated by comparison to other spells got nerf'ed in 3.5E.
Seriously play around with Cloak of Dreams though. You haven't experienced the game fully until you see gentle Tristian do the rage animation before slitting a helpless throat. Its even more rewarding on something big. All that HP for nothing.