Mr. Magniloquent
You can go STR or DEX. The problem with Monk splash on Saint is that you're neither CHR or WIS based. It's just bad and people fell for the meme.
Respectfully disagree. Stat bloat is very real in PFKM. Attaining >+6 across the board is very easy to accomplish. Getting +9 in two primary stats in addition is readily done too. Consider my Spawn Slayer 15/Paladin 2/Scaled Fist 2. I did not reach Level 20. I gained +10 AC, +10 to all saves, Evasion, and Crane Style. I lost 1 BAB, +3 attack and damage, 1d6 sneak, Slayer's Advance (lol). Of that +3 lost, +2 of it wouldn't have been enjoyed until after HatEoT. The feat tradeoffs are equivalent, because the bonus feats from Scaled Fist are feats I would have selected with Slayer Talents anyway. All those AC gains are also to Touch AC, which comes in very valuable late game. I also traded maybe 2 points of Reflex for triple that in Will. I'll take that deal. I got to enjoy those benefits as they scaled up throughout most of the game. That's a pretty significant. None of my other stats suffered, and were between +6-8 everywhere else.
I made a gimmick build to capitalize on all of the stat bloat. Sword Saint 9/Duelist 7/Paladin 2/Scaled Fist 2. With all of the items in this game, the loss of a couple spells and a capstone ability I would never enjoy wasn't an issue. It's the archetype abilities of the SS that make it powerful. The spells are secondary as with any Gish. Nine (9) levels of SS give you everything important from the class. Beyond that it's 1 Mirror Image and a few "win more" features. The build never suffered and was matured by character level 12. Stat bloat is a real thing in KM, and outside of full-casters there are some instances where a dip can be extremely powerful. They are few, and I agree that the overwhelming amount of characters will not benefit. That's different from saying they don't exist though.