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Pathfinder Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition - now with turn-based combat


sunset tequila
Mar 27, 2016
Disco Elysium
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
HP is for The Help. Glass cannon mageocracy for life.
My go to strategy in kingmaker by the end is equipping tons of fireball spells and augmented fireballs on my wizard, then have a priest with resist fire spell to buff my party and spam fireball everywhere. Those who can read scrolls also spam fireballs. Works most of the time.
May 31, 2018
The Present
I loved playing full mage parties in BG2. It was magical. Even worked pretty well in BG once you get everyone to Level 3. I toy with the idea of doing such a run in Kingmaker, with 5 party members for faster leveling but...that's masochistic I think.


May 28, 2018
Grand Chien
HP is for The Help. Glass cannon mageocracy for life.
My go to strategy in kingmaker by the end is equipping tons of fireball spells and augmented fireballs on my wizard, then have a priest with resist fire spell to buff my party and spam fireball everywhere. Those who can read scrolls also spam fireballs. Works most of the time.
Your fireballs do more than 10 damage surely


sunset tequila
Mar 27, 2016
Disco Elysium
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
HP is for The Help. Glass cannon mageocracy for life.
My go to strategy in kingmaker by the end is equipping tons of fireball spells and augmented fireballs on my wizard, then have a priest with resist fire spell to buff my party and spam fireball everywhere. Those who can read scrolls also spam fireballs. Works most of the time.
Your fireballs do more than 10 damage surely
https://pathfinderkingmaker.gameped... grants temporary,not stack with) resist fire.

my bad the spell name got mixed around


Nov 11, 2011
Ah, the mighty Toughness, who can avoid the lure of that sweet, sweet HP?

Sword Saint 1 to get Dueling Sword Proficiency and Focus then Aldori Defender 1 to get it again!

Having fun with the old Pathfinder Kingmaker.

Aldori Defender doesn't give you Weapon Focus, so there is no overlap (and all those bonus feats at the first 6-7 levels really help). Saint also gives you Shield spell to use for tougher fights and it helps in the beginning. You can of course just use wand of shield, but afaik there is only one and I gave it to Amiri.

As I said, I think it's really worth stacking all the available bonuses to breeze through the Stag Lord-Troll Trouble-Season of Bloom. Later in the game you have enough magical stuff to get away with pretty much any build. Obviously, things are different if you are playing through endless dungeon or respeccing for late game.

I finally had a chance to use the Bane of the Living. The descripcion says that is should cast Harm with the DC 22. The battle log says DC is 14. Is it a bug/discrepancy? Or does it scales with your level?
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Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
You don’t need Saint at all. I’ve got the the pics from Depths. You go off with Disarm early and then get big damage at level six with Deft Strike. AD, Swordlord, and Duelist all run out of Bonus Feats in the midgame so you really can’t afford to throw Feats or especially levels away early or midgame is a real drag.

If you want to play solo play solo otherwise use your team to support where your character is at each level. And Disarming mobs certainly helps your team too - the mobs trying to attack unarmed triggering AoOs all over the place!

If you're getting away with pretty much any build then turn up the difficulty - where's the fun in that?
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Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
On the Dragon Disciple, I know you can get Dragonform I at level 11 from Wizard since I've done that myself. With CotW (PnP style rules) you can still cast in that form as well.

You can also make Okbo a dragon:

Dragon Okbo II.jpg

Or you know do Dragon Disciple. Crossblooded Sorc does work:

If you want to play with those options. I'm testing just Gold Dragon Sorc as M. AQVILA did.

I've highlighted the fact that you can get Dragonkind III at level 17 just staying pure Sorc, with Dkind I at level 13 so DD gets it a level earlier. The other things highlighted are the Traits and Feats I chose to start out with. Probably premature on the Saves Feats since we won't be in melee for awhile. Sorc Bonus Feat is Spell Focus: Evocation as Prereq for:


This could all be nonsense, although I'm saving Power Attack and Improved Initiative for Bonus Feats later. Also want Bonded Mind and Share Spells to cast Personal buffs on strategic teams members. I'll try not to abuse Mirror Image but Blade Tutor https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/blade-tutor-s-spirit/ is a particularly nice one.


Omen turns out to be amazin in Depths where you get to rest after every Boss fight. Using Demoralize often early. It's very effective to set up Daze or just as a general Debuff. Treat Deadly Wounds isn't something we'll be using but wanted to highlight it. There's a Feat that lets you use it to heal ability damage which is very good and it can also be something you can use to get around needing any healing magic at all.


May 28, 2018
Grand Chien
Dragonkind is just one of those spells that looks amazing on paper but when you try it out its just impractical. Spellcasters have better things to do at that level and martials have better options, generally.


Nov 11, 2011
You don’t need Saint at all. I’ve got the the pics from Depths. You go off with Disarm early and then get big damage at level six with Deft Strike. AD, Swordlord, and Duelist all run out of Bonus Feats in the midgame so you really can’t afford to throw Feats or especially levels away early or midgame is a real drag.

If you want to play solo play solo otherwise use your team to support where your character is at each level. And Disarming mobs certainly helps your team too - the mobs trying to attack unarmed triggering AoOs all over the place!

If you're getting away with pretty much any build then turn up the difficulty - where's the fun in that?

But I have started at Hard and then switched to Unfair during Varnhold chapter and 1 lvl of SS definetely helped during the early game :) Really, I've just tried to get as much AC as possible early on, while still maintaing some of the offensive qualities and getting Sl. Grace at lvl 2, Precise Strike at lvl 3, Acc. Sneak at lvl 5, Crane Wing at lvl 6 and Outflank at lvl 7 helped.

I have never tried to play with combat maneuvers, so can't comment.

Regarding Dragon Disciple: I don't know if it's the best way to go, but Regongar as Magus 5+/DD 4/Vivisectionist 3 is just so satisfying to watch. 7+ attacks per round with 42 strengh as soon as you get Legendary Proportions is nothing to sneer at.

Here is Reg vs unfair Armag.
First attempt: 232 dmg in 1 full attack round with no crits and 1 miss and a successful trip.
Pic1 https://i.imgur.com/fZaATzc.jpg
Pic2 https://i.imgur.com/gvsYXeD.jpg

Second (very lucky) attempt with crits: 435 dmg in 1 full attack round.
Pic3 https://i.imgur.com/JAnjnhC.jpg

And that with only Haste as a per round buff, plus I forgot to turn on the empower rod :lol:

Edit: Just to demonstrate that it's not a fluke:
a random encounter against two waves of (unfair) barbarians
round 2, only Linzi buffs
Pic4 https://imgur.com/a/dqQHFzS.jpg
the whole log is just one action and Reg deals 303 dmg
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The Great ThunThun*

How DARE you!?
Mar 8, 2018
Pathfinder: Wrath
is there any case where dragon disciple makes you stronger than staying in main class?
It can make Scion better. Scion reaches the height of its power within the class when it gets the touch attack weapon property. After that its fluff. Take the bronze dragon template and go for it. I'd not take more than 4 levels of DD though.
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Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
I know exactly what you did.

Do better.

If it’s any consolation, this is where we all started.

Try to play with Combat Maneuvers. It’s the point of the class. CotW gives you more support.

Hargulka debuff.jpg
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Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
is there any case where dragon disciple makes you stronger than staying in main class?
It can make Scion better. Scion reaches the height of its power within the class when it gets the touch attack weapon property. After that its fluff. Take the bronze dragon template and go for it. I'd not take more than 4 levels of DD though.

How are people so blind to in class level scaling? This is not D&D 3.5. Make a list of what you get and what you lose. I’m betting you’ll be embarrassed. Testing anyway.

There’s more Feats and Arcana I want than levels to take them and I certainly want to get to Heavy since I can’t splash Monk in any case. Are there just too many abilities to process so you assume they all suck?

We know you’re retarded Thun. Only one keeping you that way is you.
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Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Dragonkind is just one of those spells that looks amazing on paper but when you try it out its just impractical. Spellcasters have better things to do at that level and martials have better options, generally.

That’s generally true of Wild Shaping but Dragonform is pretty nuts if you can handle the pathing. With Brown Fur Transmuter it will actually be better than some alternatives.

Here is Reg vs unfair Armag.
First attempt: 232 dmg in 1 full attack round with no crits and 1 miss and a successful trip.

It is pretty fun isn't it.

Haplo taught us how to do that.
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Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
OK, now for some Aldori Defender screenshots. Here's what makes it possible to start with both Weapon Finesse and Disarm with DEX to CMB (usually this requires the Agile Maneuvers Feat):


Keep in mind that AD20 STR-based works just fine with Disarm and saves you a lot of work. I just like the Swordlord Prestige class and it requires Finesse anyway so might as well. Once you get DEX to damage then you can get Reduce Person and really go off. The whole point is the utility of every ability on both offense and defense and Reduce Person just builds on that.

We're working toward that Swordplay Upset that turns everyone who misses you (i.e. everyone) flat-footed for free. Can also get there via Shatter Defenses but that's not always practical.


The equivalent of a first level "boss" and you can see you're already working him over. Disarm both removes his weapon then causes him to attempt untrained unarmed attacks which trigger AoOs for everyone nearby.

I'm starting on Challenging since I recommend that for a smooth difficulty experience throughout the game (you kick it up as it becomes boring, usually to Hard around level 3-5 and Unfair if you're really paying close attention around level eight).


Another early boss Disarmed. Daze is from Sorc training for DD, set up by her Swift Demoralize.


16 Attack Bonus at level 3 is pretty good. And 10 damage will eventually get you there.

boss disarm.jpg

Also at lvl 3, same combo. You don't want to mess around with these guys because their Corrupting Touch can Dominate your own team.


This guy on the very next map! We're still level three. Disarm VERY important here.


Always on the lookout for Dueling Gloves. AC improves a lot in next few levels but until then you rely on tactics.

Paired Opportunists.jpg

Just discovered this Feat. So good with Disarm, Outflank, Bull Rush, and Trip. Or as here just against casters and ranged foes.


CotW spell Vine Strike is a nice combo to set up CMs. Time to move up to Hard.

swordlord first level.jpg

Especially since CotW gives you a Bonus Combat Feat to go with Deft Strike at Swordlord 1. That's a lot of prereqs - well deserved.

Swordlord level one results.jpg
Outflank + DEX to damage + good Perception boost. It's on now.


May 28, 2018
Grand Chien
is there any case where dragon disciple makes you stronger than staying in main class?
It can make Scion better. Scion reaches the height of its power within the class when it gets the touch attack weapon property. After that its fluff. Take the bronze dragon template and go for it. I'd not take more than 4 levels of DD though.
There are tons of better options.

The Great ThunThun*

How DARE you!?
Mar 8, 2018
Pathfinder: Wrath
The question was where it makes the base class better. In the case of scion you lose one caster level to gain 2 Natural AC + 4 str unnamed bonus.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
It’s like the entire class level up screen is blank to these people. And there is no class more chock full than Magus.

Utterly unreal.

2 AC out of 50, and losing access to Battlemaster Plate so more like losing 5, and plus 2 to AB out of 50, when you could instead get abilities that let you bypass all armor or DEX bonus or Bane Weapon for God sake. Bane alone blows out 4 measly Strength.

Why even play the game if you’re going to turn it into Pong, man?


Feb 4, 2020
Pathfinder: Wrath
The question was where it makes the base class better. In the case of scion you lose one caster level to gain 2 Natural AC + 4 str unnamed bonus.
You lose much more than just a single caster level. There was a whole conversation about the exact same thing just a couple weeks ago.


Apr 5, 2009
I'm a Banana
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity
- Magus is excellent. All the (6th level caster) hybrids are good but I like that the Magus' mechanics change how they play instead of "merely" multiclassed. Warpriest similar with the Fervor thing but Magus seems smoothest.
- Non-spellcasters are niche-y. Tactically interesting against humanoids because CMB, AoOs, but feel 1-dimensional (but still useful) in other scenarios. More of a 3e/3.5e thing - it's not that spellcasters are OP but there are less options to play around with - during a fight - because of how the Feats were designed.
- The best usage of CMB against non-humanoids is to guarantee full-attack TWF sneak attacks by blinding with Dirty Trick. (Secondly, to guarantee full-attacks in general, for TWF and iteratives). CMBs are not meant to work by themselves as simple debuffs. They set things up. The main tactic with Trips is so your team slams them with AoOs when try to get up (as well as some feats that give you a follow-up stomp when you trip them).
- Besides the fact you are going to be fighting many very-hard-to-trip enemies. Disarms and trips do not do much when you're fighting a Manticore or Spiders or whatever, which I'm already seeing at level 9. Dirty Trick is the one that's most useful... But there are a whole lotta spells and spell like abilities that do such debuffs more efficiently and against more than one enemy at once. This also gives you more battlefield control. You want to be using Grease/Color Spray at level 1 because that lets your non-spellcasters move into better positions/flank/etc.

is there any case where dragon disciple makes you stronger than staying in main class?
It can make Scion better. Scion reaches the height of its power within the class when it gets the touch attack weapon property. After that its fluff.
Is Metamagic fluff? Are arcana and scaling weapon enhancement fluff? Does Dragon Disciple help Dex Magus? There are several options to get dex-to-damage instead of str with a slight feat tax (Weapon Finesse + Dervish Dance) but that also allows you to dump STR. What's most important with the Magus' weapon is crit-range because that affects your touch attacks (tho multipliers don't). Actually, what's hilarious is getting 1 level of crossblooded Sorcerer so that you get +2 damage/die for your shocking grasp. Add Spell Focus, Mage's Tattoo, Metamagic, Traits that let you decrease the level penalty for Metamagic and Traits that increase caster level for a specific spell (Magical Lineage, Gifted Adept...etc..)? You're rolling over 5d6 damage in your early levels (x2 if you crit, which is a 15+ roll on a keen scimitar/rapier/etc). But does DD give you bonus feats like the Magus? Do you not want to improve your Spell Combat (throw a Fireball at the group far away and then full attack the guy next to you)? Fighter specific feats? Are you sure you want to lose 1 level of spell progression in a non-9th level caster? Are you using DD to get bonus AC instead of dipping 2 levels into Kineticist and elemental defense? Do you not like turning into a dragon with a draconic bloodline Bloodrager (though Aberrant is much better)? Why not dip into a class that helps your class' weak saving throw (Reflex for Magus)?

Sample builds from dis Magus guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jaxkoUJY6hWg5hrNi3KDk42nzq3xXeMCfQLVp55aeRY/edit#

Sample Builds
To show what the Magus can do, here are a strength build focusing on damage, a dexterity build aiming for maneuvers and debuffs, and an intelligence build doing battlefield control. These can be customized or optimized as you see fit.
Getting different spells on a Magus is easy, just buy them for cheap and prepare something else the next day. If you have more spells per day than listed here, simply pick your favorite and prepare it again. Spend about half your money on getting the standard magic weapon and defensive gear, the other half on the suggested magic items when you can afford them.

Grashnak Stormbringer, Assault Magus
Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8. Increase strength every 4th level.
Archetype: Bladebound
Race: Half-Orc
Racial abilities: Bite attack, darkvision.
Racial class bonus: Extra hit points.
Skills: Climb / Swim 1, Fly / Perception / Spellcraft maxed, Knowledge skills as needed.
Traits: Lessons of Chaldira, Gifted Adept: Shocking Grasp.

Tactics: This is a straightforward damage-oriented Magus build. At level one, start each battle by putting up Shield, then either spell combat with Daze to disable an enemy, or full attack with your scimitar and bite; never reduce your to-hit to boost your concentration. Use Shocking Grasp at +1 caster level for your nova. At level four, you can pounce with the Bladed Dash spell, and use Mirror Image as your defensive buff. At level five, your enchant weapon ability comes online; by this point you should make your weapon Keen every combat, and enjoy critting with Intensified Shocking Grasp, and automatically confirming it with the Blood Scarab. Also note the black blade's ability to give +2 damage for 2 combats per day. By level seven, you can fly when needed, wear medium armor for decent defense, go nova with Empowered Magic, and use Close Range + Ray of Frost for a more damaging spell combat as your default attack.
Later levels upgrade your black blade for free, and add nice tricks such as Haste, Lunge for reach, Fortified Armor and Stoneskin for defense, Caustic Blood to punish people attacking you, and Enervation (with Close Range and possibly Empower) as a nasty debuff. At top levels, you have heavy armor, Overland Flight all day, use Bane Blade and Deliquescent Gloves and the black blade's +5 to deal heavy damage every combat, and can use the ultimate touch attack of Empowered Disintegrate (again with Close Range), which deals 96d6 if you manage to crit with it. Be sure to invest in AC and saving throw items, and to start each combat with a defensive buff in addition to Spell Shield as needed.
Overall, you have a fun and potent striker with one of the best novas in the game, who is very mobile thanks to flight and Bladed Dash.


  • 6. Close Range

  • 7. Empowered Magic (feat)

  • 9. Accurate Strike

  • 11. Natural Spell Combat (feat)

  • 12. Spell Shield

  • 13. Spell Blending (feat)

  • 15. Bane Blade

  • 18. Maximized Magic


  • 1. Improved Initiative; Endurance (race)

  • 3. Step Up; Alertness (archetype)

  • 5. Additional Traits: Seeker, Sound of Mind; Intensified Spell

  • 7. Extra Arcana

  • 9. Lunge

  • 11. Extra Arcana; Weapon Focus

  • 13. Extra Arcana

  • 15. Fortified Armor Training

  • 17. Spell Penetration; Weapon Specialization

  • 19. Greater Spell Penetration

Spells Prepared

  • 0. Daze, Detect Magic, Ray of Frost

  • 1. Blade Lash, Magic Missile, Shield, Shocking Grasp

  • 2. Bladed Dash, Glitterdust, Intensified Shocking Grasp, Mirror Image

  • 3. Call the Void (blend), Fly, Haste, Vampiric Touch

  • 4. Caustic Blood, Enervation (blend), Stoneskin

  • 5. Cone of Cold, Corrosive Consumption, Overland Flight

  • 6. Disintegrate, Form of the Dragon


  • Black Blade Scimitar

  • Plate armor of Fortification

  • Standard AC gear, Belt of Strength, Headband of Int, Pearls of Power

  • Bane Baldric

  • Boots of Speed

  • Deliquescent Gloves

  • Liquid Ice

  • Pendant of the Blood Scarab

  • Wands of Infernal Healing and Shield

Ilyara Bladesong, Maneuver Magus
Str 8, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 9, Cha 8. Increase dexterity every 4th level.
Archetype: Hexcrafter
Race: Elf
Racial abilities: +2 vs spell resistance, +2 concentration, +2 perception
Racial class bonus: Extra hit points.
Skills: Perform 2, Knowledges / UMD 1, Escape Artist / Fly / Intimidate / Perception / Stealth maxed.
Traits: Bred for War, Reactionary.

Tactics: The Magus is one of the best classes in the game at using maneuvers. You'll be hitting high CMD values using True Strike, and use your various defensive buffs to avoid the OAs. In addition, this build has several good debuffs available, and can use Unseen Servant to pick up disarmed weapons.
At level one, use your high initiative to attack flat-footed opponents with dirty trick or steal, or use the Daze cantrip to prevent them from acting, then disarm or trip them. Again, never drop your to-hit to boost your concentration. At level three, you get your dexterity to damage for regular attacks, and can start using a wand of True Strike in spell combat so that your maneuvers will almost always connect. Use stealth, Vanish or Mirror Image to stop enemy opportunity attacks, or counter them with the flamboyant Parry and Riposte ability, or even do it from range with Pilfering Hand. At level five, you get consistent flight with the hex, and your debuffs start coming online: cast Frostbite and for one attack per level you get to fatigue, entangle, and shake enemies at the same time; and level seven adds misfortune as a ranged debuff.
By level nine you can haste yourself at need, and often do maneuvers without taking an OA by using Lunge; next level, you can use Greater Invisibility for this as well. You can use Bladed Dash to quickly reach a disabled or flat-footed enemy to make multiple maneuvers or attacks, and by level eleven gives you can do this at huge range with Dimension Door. The later levels add further bonuses to trip and disarm so you can try it on your iterative attacks, especially when your enemy is already disabled somehow; you also gain major and grand hexes, and the ability to redirect attacks.
All in all, a build that can act fast to strip the enemy of offensive capabilities, then vanish or teleport to reposition and do it all again.


  • 3. Wand Wielder

  • 4. Hex: Flight (archetype)

  • 6. Flamboyant Arcana

  • 7. Hex: Misfortune (feat)

  • 9. Hasted Assault

  • 12. Major Hex: Agony

  • 13. Maneuver Mastery: Trip (feat)

  • 15. Maneuver Mastery: Disarm; Reflection (feat)

  • 18. Grand Hex: Abominate

  • 19. Quickened Magic (feat)


  • 1. Weapon Finesse

  • 3. Dervish Dance

  • 5. Enforcer; Rime Spell

  • 7. Extra Arcana

  • 9. Lunge

  • 11. Dimensional Agility; Combat Reflexes

  • 13. Extra Arcana

  • 15. Extra Arcana

  • 17. Artful Dodge; Redirect Attack

  • 19. Extra Arcana

Spells Prepared

  • 0. Brand, Daze, Mage Hand

  • 1. Frostbite, Magic Missile, True Strike, Vanish

  • 2. Bladed Dash, Mirror Image, Pilfering Hand, Rime Spell Frostbite

  • 3. Dispel Magic, Displacement, Greater Magic Weapon, Storm Step

  • 4. Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility, Shield of Dawn

  • 5. Dimensional Blade, Greater Bladed Dash, Wall of Force

  • 6. Greater Dispel Magic, True Seeing


  • Scimitar +1 of Dueling, Spell Storing, and Cruel

  • Celestial Armor of Spell Storing

  • Standard AC gear, Belt of Dexterity, Headband of Int, Pearls of Power

  • Buffering Cap

  • Incandescent Blue Sphere Ioun Stone with Wayfinder

  • Gloves of Marking

  • Maiden's Helm

  • Wands of True Strike in spring sheath; Blade Tutor's Spirit, and Unseen Servant

  • Myrrh
Chryn Flamestaff, Controller Magus
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 18. Increase charisma every 4th level.
Archetype: Eldritch Scion and Staff Magus.
Bloodrager bloodline: Destined.
Race: Human
Racial abilities: Bonus feat.
Racial class bonus: +1 pool every four levels.
Skills: Climb / Swim 1, Bluff / Spellcraft maxed, the rest goes to Perception.
Traits: Defensive Strategist, Glory of Old.

Tactics: A spontaneous caster with high charisma, the controller invests in good save DCs to lock down the battlefield with area spells, then wields an enchanted staff along the rest of the party to finish off the enemies. This build often wants to boost concentration by taking a to-hit penalty.
At first level, rely on Color Spray to knock out groups of enemies, or use spell combat with Arcane Mark. At this level, there's no need to use a staff yet, so start with a dagger for its crit range. Since this build runs through pool points quicker than most, the feats provide extra pool points. At level 4, you can shape the battlefield with Euphoric Cloud or Web. Outside of combat, support your teammates with your good social skills, and at level 5 by creating magical items for them.
By level 9, you've switched to a staff for its defensive abilities, and you can use spell combat even outside your trance. Try to lock down an enemy every turn with Touch of Blindness or Color Spray at a good save DC, while still making full attacks with your quarterstaff buffed with Heroism, and a +5 bonus to armor class from bloodline and staff. At higher levels, you gain access to some potent blasting spells, still at a good DC, such as Intensified Fireball (as a full-round action). Your arcana allows you to maximize and quicken these, and by level 15 the powerful Spell Perfection comes online, and lets you do it as part of spell combat. Should somebody try the same at you, you can reflect their spells using the Ring of Arcane Mastery.
So, instead of a warrior who casts spells, this is more like a wizard who uses a weapon, trading some spell power for the ability to stand in melee with a versatile weapon and touch attack debuffs. After all, you are destined!


  • 3. Familiar; gain Alertness and +2 to will save

  • 6. Arcane Accuracy

  • 9. Spell Blending

  • 12. Maximized Magic

  • 15. Spell Blending

  • 18. Quickened Magic


  • 1. Extra Arcane Pool; Extra Arcane Pool (race); Quarterstaff Master (archetype)

  • 3. Spell Focus: Evocation

  • 5. Craft Wondrous Item; Greater Spell Focus: Evocation

  • 7. Spontaneous Metafocus: Fireball

  • 9. Intensified Spell

  • 11. Divine Defiance; Dazing Spell

  • 13. Quicken Spell

  • 15. Spell Perfection

  • 17. Spell Penetration; Improved Initiative

  • 19. Greater Spell Penetration

Spells Prepared

  • 0. Arcane Mark, Daze, Light

  • 1. Chill Touch, Color Spray, Grease, Touch of Blindness (blend)

  • 2. Blindness / Deafness (blend), Defending Bone, Euphoric Cloud, Web

  • 3. Fireball, Greater Magic Weapon, Heroism (blend), Slow

  • 4. Black Tentacles, Bestow Curse (blend), Ward Shield

  • 5. Baleful Polymorph, Fire Snake, Wall of Stone

  • 6. Chain Lightning, Greater Dispel Magic


  • Quarterstaff +1 of Menacing and Spell Storing

  • Elven Chain of Spell Storing

  • Standard AC gear, Headband of Charisma, Belt of Strength, Runestones of Power

  • Eyes of the Eagle

  • Metamagic Rod of Piercing

  • Metamagic Rod of Selective

  • Ring of Arcane Mastery

  • Wand of Infernal Healing

  • Myrrh


Apr 5, 2009
I'm a Banana
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity
The question was where it makes the base class better. In the case of scion you lose one caster level to gain 2 Natural AC + 4 str unnamed bonus.
You lose much more than just a single caster level. There was a whole conversation about the exact same thing just a couple weeks ago.
Hell, just losing a single caster level = 1 level behind on spells and spellslots, 1 level behind on your spells' saving DC or if damage is based on caster level, etc.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
I’ve posted pics. You’re not getting there with your first level spells against the the saves and spell resistances on higher difficulties.

CMs are good because they don’t care about AC, SR, or Saves which are the main tools the designers use to up the challenge. Disarm is the most powerful, Dirty Trick more reliable (but watch out for Blindfight and True Seeing, especially in Wrath), Bull Rush the most reliable. Dirty Trick is good if you’re having trouble hitting something usually, likewise with Trip for melee.

The Great ThunThun*

How DARE you!?
Mar 8, 2018
Pathfinder: Wrath
The question was where it makes the base class better. In the case of scion you lose one caster level to gain 2 Natural AC + 4 str unnamed bonus.
You lose much more than just a single caster level. There was a whole conversation about the exact same thing just a couple weeks ago.
Hell, just losing a single caster level = 1 level behind on spells and spellslots, 1 level behind on your spells' saving DC or if damage is based on caster level, etc.

Utterly retarded opinion. If you are using a magus spell with dc in mind you don't understand dnd.

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