I'm sorry, Desiderius, but you post so much, that I've lost the thread of what exactly you are trying to say/prove
1. In no way I'm trying to argue that there is just one best way to play the game, or the best class, or the best party composition. Everyone has it's own style of playing RPGs. I myself prefer melee-oriented parties with little or no offensive magic and minimum rests. And it reflects on my choice of classes.
2. That said, in the main campaign you can buy the Helm of the Battlefield Clarity from Hassuf, that more or less negates the malus from Combat Experties (and gives +2 Will). What else substantional bonuses the Swordlord gives you, I'm not sure. I think, just going for Steel Net would have given you the same bonuses without the need to make a Perception check.
3. On top of that, in my experience, playing a Dex/Wis-based high AC character without either Uncanny Dodge or Mirror Image is very inconvenient and leads to a lot of unnecessary quickloads (and on my PC it takes about 1 minute to load the game). I'm convinced that it's worth multiclassing just to get either one or the other (especially in 200-hours long main campaign).
4. This is my first full playthrough. I've played the game at Day 1, but only got as far as Pitax (with more or less the same class and party) before deciding to wait for the patches. I still don't know how much AC I need to tank reliably. I thought that going for 70+ was overkill, but I've just met Adamantine Golem with +49 AB that could kill everyone in two hits/crit (Pic1 -
https://imgur.com/a/XPP6Bo6). Said Golem also has 30 BAB which results in DC40 check for Adaptive Tactics
I've also feared about Saving Throws, but now I've stacked 29/28/27. Not sure if it's enough for the late game.
5. So far hitting things was never a problem. My impromptu AD8/Arch2/Trad Monk2/Vivi2/SS1 has 5 (6 with haste) attacks per round with enough ABs to hit reliably and 3d6 precision damage on top (pic 2 -
https://imgur.com/a/jMdc198). But offence was never a goal. High AC was and still is #1 priority, because Amiri/Reg/Smilodon/Jaethal (Inq3/Spawn Slayer12) and even Linzi can still kill most enemies in 1 round, even on unfair. Plus I'm playing without a cleric.
6. I've never understood multiclassing and always tried to play as pure class. Even in original BG1, I've always left Imoen as pure thief. But for some reason multicalssing in PF is just a lot of fun and from day 1 I've tried to multiclass everyone as much as possible. Harrim and Jubilost are the only ones for whom I have no alternative build so far