about to finally give this one a go. the last time I had enough time off to knock out one of my pending isometrics I made the mistake of playing divinity 2. I had just finished pillars of eternity and I heard this was even better. first 10 hours sucked, kept telling myself it would get better, blah blah. by the time I realized it was shit I had wasted most of my week off. at best, dos2 would have been a good way to teach your daughter or girlfriend about vidya and the online activity was a product of such.
I know kingmaker is better and I will be able to get a full playthrough out of it - the plot is decent, the characters are compelling enough, and 3.5/pathfinder rulesets aren't retarded. But, I am torn at character creation. if the plot and characters are only gripping enough for one playthrough, I should do a lawful neutral sorcerer. if worthy of two, then I'd do a LG paly and a LE sorc afterwards for the full range of companions and plot etc.
Difficulty wise, from what you guys are saying I'm just gonna stick with veteran
if you were forced to hold deadfire as an example of excellent combat and poe as an example of excellent plot, world building, and character development - would you say this is worth two playthroughs? Or is there a high chance of finishing and not wanting a replay?