Steam cheevos still saying not a single human being has beaten the game. This may be because there’s no ending:
“This is actually funny because while going through the source code i found the possible “game ends” conditions and noticed it didnt seem to include a victory. In my naïveté, i thought there must be some other function call that handles it because surely they wouldnt ...”
I wonder what made them release this now rather than 3 months from now...
Selective Channelling?days without jaetal dying to party heals: 0
Harrim channeling thing doesn't hurt her, so, how does that happen?
Yup. That said, it's not like they are entirely without guilt themselves, but their publisher (Deep Silver) has to be complete morons or genuinely desperate if they push the game out in this state and late September, no less. Not only would a DeeI wonder what made them release this now rather than 3 months from now...
Their publisher, presumably. I've heard pretty negative things about them (mostly in this thread).
My guess is that the black dragon type is the only model that was finished?Yeah I did some cheatengine thingy and dragonform is bugged. No matter bloodline you'll spawn as black. BUT you'll still use correct breath weapon.
Also if anyone interested you can use spells/feats. And your armor/gear melds in (aka armor bonuses stacks)
I don't know the reviews of Deadfire, but I assume that Deadfire wasn't as broken on release. There's a massive cognitive bias when it comes to negative feedback, and people are a lot more likely to act when they are angry than when they are content or even happy. My point being that the metric may be more dodgy than you think, since PF:K probably has or at least initially had a lot more negative reviews and people just whining in general.The same was true for Deadfire. The time to gloat is if it reaches the 200,000 to 300,000 bracket, unlike Deadfire (though according to the leak, it's sold 203,000 copies as of July).According to Steamspy the game has owners in the 100 000 to 200 000 range.
This could outsell Deadfire, or possibly already has.
At the moment Pathfinder: Kingmaker has 3963 reviews on Steam (in two weeks after its release), while Deadfire has 3871 reviews (in five months after its release). Obviously it's not a very solid metric, but I guess it's still a weak indicator that Kingmaker probably sold more copies than Deadfire already. For comparison, Divinity: Original Sin 2 has ~35000 reviews by now and e.g. Witcher 3 has ~170000 reviews; Wasteland 2 is at ~7400 and PoE1 is at ~12600.
Thing is, I've literally never gone on a rating-spree against Roqua, I just rate his posts as I see them and according to their content, which is usually retarded, butthurt, and/or condensed autism, nor have I ever stalked him. I only started to use the stalking function the other day because he keeps living in this alternate dimension where people pay attention to him other than laugh at him, and where everyone is stalking fucked up do you have to be to rating spree someone and then complain when they do it back to you? I've asked you a million times to leave me alone. Don't rate me, don't post on my page, don't add my name in posts, don't reply to me.
Seems like a fair eeee... demand?
And every time you call him out on his subsaharan behaviour, he spergs out, shits his diapers, and spills all the spaghetti. It is just extra-funny that he is on a crusade against nu-Codexers, where nu-Codexers are apparently anyone and everyone that isn't as much of a socially challenged dumpster-fire as himself, and he's completely unable to pick up on even unsubtle hints that when it comes to some, he is the nu-Codexer.
Also, it's hilarious to watch him melt down as he chews on the keyboard in impotent (literally and figurative) rage, so it's not like I'm going to stop rating the retard's retarded retard-posts. Unfortunately, I can't rate :autism: for some reason.
honest to god i can't believe someone in this world managed to create a person that is in a perpetual state of butthurt about everything like you are, roquaI logged in and had a bunch from you stalking me. Pretend those say "Stop stalking me you fucking psycho." And seriously, how fucked up do you have to be to rating spree someone and then complain when they do it back to you? I've asked you a million times to leave me alone. Don't rate me, don't post on my page, don't add my name in posts, don't reply to me. Just fuck off. The above wouldn't have happened if you stop stalking me like a fucking lunatic. Leave me alone. You can keep pretending to be smart and know shit, and I'll ignorant retard ramblings, and you do the same.
How autistic does a retard have to be to call someone autistic for doing to her what she did to him? You fucking moronic nuCodexers are out of control.
Selective Channelling?
ahem, correct thread this time
ahem, correct thread this time
God dammit, I picked the guy because I thought he would be neutral in the political situation in Brevoy that did not want to get drawn into. Instead he's a bloody Joffrey 2.0. Fuuuuuu...
I hope a firing squad is an option...!ahem, correct thread this time
God dammit, I picked the guy because I thought he would be neutral in the political situation in Brevoy that did not want to get drawn into. Instead he's a bloody Joffrey 2.0. Fuuuuuu...
At least your play-through is more interesting ...
German Google translate:Google translation:
"Fuck, if only this fuck worked, otherwise we’ve got a cunt"
People stuck in throne room was mentioned in patch notes for 1.06So I'm encountering my first persistent bug - Every time I enter the throne room, Bokken keeps coming to my throne, saying he's giving me something, not giving me anything, and leaving.
Not gamebreaking, but I'm still on patch 1.03. Will patching up to the most current fix actually improve things for me or make them worse?
fixedGerman Google translate:Google translation:
"Fuck, if only this fuck worked, otherwise we’ve got a cunt"
اللعنة ، إذا عملت هذه اللعنة فقط ، وإلا فقد حصلنا على العضو التناسلي النسوي
So I'm encountering my first persistent bug - Every time I enter the throne room, Bokken keeps coming to my throne, saying he's giving me something, not giving me anything, and leaving.
OK thanks, good to know. Does it seem like the stacking bug is mostly fixed in 1.06, though? I haven't run into that at all in my version. I'd rather wait if it'll introduce that, but I'd rather not wait if I can get away with it.People stuck in throne room was mentioned in patch notes for 1.06So I'm encountering my first persistent bug - Every time I enter the throne room, Bokken keeps coming to my throne, saying he's giving me something, not giving me anything, and leaving.
Not gamebreaking, but I'm still on patch 1.03. Will patching up to the most current fix actually improve things for me or make them worse?
Corrected, what you've given is modern French.fixedGerman Google translate:Google translation:
"Fuck, if only this fuck worked, otherwise we’ve got a cunt"
Kahretsin, eğer sadece bu lanet işe yaradıysa, aksi takdirde bir ambar var.
You need ingredients for some spells. Stoneskin is one of them.Also my mage can't cast stoneskin for some reason, I click on the icon and then can't select anyone and nothing happens.
Assuming you checked inside of house/lab, maybe this is another timed quest. At least when i recruited him there was a line about "going to leave soon" at start.I also can't recruter Bartholomew after havin killed the trolls because he's just gone.
Yeah, same. I restrained myself for weekend but gave in yesterday only to find 2 new combat bugs (shatter defences allows character just plain ignore DEX on shaken foes and temporary keen weapon buffs, e.g. falcon aspect or magus enchantment, stopped working)Not sure I want to continue until some serious polishing.
Which is sad because I am having lot of fun![]()