The timing issue for the Ancient Curse quest auto-fixed itself as in: Phase 3 started with 292 days instead of 300 days. Basically the internal timer for the world or only this quest was forward with 8 days.
Now I will not check the game's internal timers (I don't know how) but I will keep my eyes forward for any suspect jumps-forward. I'm really curious to see if there will be any discrepancy at the end of Phase 3.
Also, I'm really ashamed to say this but I'm sure I'm 99.99% percent retarded. I'm sure the exact values are set in some internal table but as
- Resting with supplies doesn't consume time sometimes or it can take up to 5 hours (this is an approximation).
- Resting without supplies takes up between 6 and 19 hours.
- Resting without supplies in dungeons takes up between 1 day and 3 days.
This means that buying supplies can reduce the traveling time at least twice. In other words you can win 10 days for very 20 days you spent on the map.
I'm double retarded because I knew this shit but I choose to dismiss the camping supplies as a gimmick mechanic.
So, for anyone who has problems with the quests, just remember this: