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Pathfinder Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition - now with A Dance of Masks epilogue DLC


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
It's a very unfortunate problem of the D20 system that AB buffs do literally nothing to help you unless they move you somewhere from 20 less than the enemy AC towards their AC. 3rd ed D&D powercreep and then Pathfinder powercreep exacerbates it, the system really wasn't designed for ACs past the 30-40 range. You do need to stack everything to hit enemies, just randomly stacking spells/abilities in different combinations won't work.

It's fine. They stretched out the scale to get access to greater granularity but both sides of the equation progress at roughly the same rate. If anything it's the player side that gets easier as you go.

The main thing you need to do is cover the various categories of buffs so they stack. Once you're doing that you can find some things that stack within categories for various reasons (or are untyped) for the higher difficulties but covering the categories doesn't take that long to buff and is more than enough for Core.
Jan 7, 2012
Oh for fuck sake that isn't even close to true, espcially on Core. You can get by there on just the basics. Hard requires adding in some short duration stuff. Unfair paying attention to food and the like and some debuffs/dispels, at least by the time you get to Darrazand.

Pay attention, I'm saying the original design of D&D was for ACs far lower than in WotR*. The mechanics are stupid because when ACs get inflated enough many characters who should normally have "low but still usable AB" get into the "literally only hits on a 20 and you need 20 more AB in buffing to even start hitting on 19s" range, which is bad for gameplay. A system better suited to WotR would have a larger dice roll range or just a better accuracy system entirely that didn't have your effective hit % drop off a cliff so fast.

* Here's an example:

Converted to 3rd ed/Pathfinder this Balor would have an AC of 28 and an AB of 13.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Oh for fuck sake that isn't even close to true, espcially on Core. You can get by there on just the basics. Hard requires adding in some short duration stuff. Unfair paying attention to food and the like and some debuffs/dispels, at least by the time you get to Darrazand.

Pay attention, I'm saying the original design of D&D was for ACs far lower than in WotR*. The mechanics are stupid because when ACs get inflated enough many characters who should normally have "low but still usable AB" get into the "literally only hits on a 20 and you need +20 AB to even start hitting on 19s" range, which is bad for gameplay. A system better suited to WotR would have a larger dice roll range or just a better accuracy system entirely that didn't have your effective hit % drop off a cliff so fast.

* Here's an example:

Converted to 3rd ed/Pathfinder this Balor would have an AC of 28 and an AB of 13.

Yeah, and you're wrong. I was lighting up things on Unfair with Nenio's XBow. My effective hit chance didn't drop off a cliff it got to the point where it hardly ever missed.

*I'm not a powergamer* I get pwned in PvP and high-level raid shit.

You're just not using the abilities the game gives you. BAB if anything gets outclassed as a factor so you can hit with any class by the mid/late game.

Raw AC is meaningless, they simply stretched out the scale on both sides.
Jan 7, 2012
I'm not saying you can't stack AB. The problem is that its poor feedback to the player when (in this case) he's just casting random buffs and seeing no difference because there is no difference between 10 AB and 30 AB when fighting a 55 AC monster. That's just stupid mechanical design, increasing your character's accuracy with a weapon in an RPG should always increase their chance to hit.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
I'm not saying you can't stack AB. The problem is that its poor feedback to the player when (in this case) he's just casting random buffs and seeing no difference because there is no difference between 10 AB and 30 AB when fighting a 55 AC monster. That's just stupid mechanical design, increasing your character's accuracy with a weapon in an RPG should always increase their chance to hit.

He doesn't have any buffs up at all.


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
I'm not saying you can't stack AB. The problem is that its poor feedback to the player when (in this case) he's just casting random buffs and seeing no difference because there is no difference between 10 AB and 30 AB when fighting a 55 AC monster. That's just stupid mechanical design, increasing your character's accuracy with a weapon in an RPG should always increase their chance to hit.

He doesn't have any buffs up at all.

And the point you're missing is that for some fights/difficulties, there's no difference between having a shitload but not quite enough buffs up and having no buffs up, because of the way that Owlcats inflated things. Anyway, I'm never quite certain if you're really this autistic and have devoted your life to playing a handful of games because reasons, or if you're an amazing parody of certain segments of the fanbase. The number of places you've managed to get banned suggests autism though, as have our past conversations.

Here's the thing, when you need to mod to make a buff round more manageable and not completely tedious, that isn't a triumph of game design. Also, you're at times guilty of talking about how people should be able to do X, Y, Z, while showing pictures of combinations of mod shit that doesn't even exist in the vanilla game. At that point, why not just mod in a spell that gives you e.g. AB +50 and talk about how pro-gamer you are and everyone else is just a retard. :lol:
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
I'm not saying you can't stack AB. The problem is that its poor feedback to the player when (in this case) he's just casting random buffs and seeing no difference because there is no difference between 10 AB and 30 AB when fighting a 55 AC monster. That's just stupid mechanical design, increasing your character's accuracy with a weapon in an RPG should always increase their chance to hit.

He doesn't have any buffs up at all.
That's bullshit.
Stop being a rabid retarded.

I stacked Stone skin, haste, prayer, bless, communal protection from evil and chaos, Inspiring command and a lot more.
I also tried to throw in Greater heroism on both the two main melees (my sword saint and Sheila, because I simply don't have enough spell slots for everyone) and buff their weapons as holy and blessed respectively.
It hardly made a difference as I could barely hit the giant fucker... And that's when I didn't just lose the initiative lottery to begin with and I had a blade barrier wrecking havoc over the entire party before the actual fight even began.

It may not be enough but I don't have a lot more to throw in the mix and IF I DO I need CLEAR instructions on what I'm supposed to cast.
Among the stuff that I ACTUALLY have, not using your munchkin MC as model.
And keeping in mind that a lot of buffs REPLACE others rather than stacking.

The only two or three attempts I managed to win the fight so far felt like I was basically cheating to achieve it (and I still lost party members in the process, and I never consider a fight really "won" unless the entire party comes out alive).


Feb 3, 2017
Best bet on Playful Darkness is to come back to fight him at end of Act 4 when you’ve a few more levels and another Mythic. He sticks around and there’s a hidden area you can get to as well.

Just let Seelah solo him at that point (11 of this is from mods that require taking feats but still I guess):

View attachment 44739
What's invoke deity and erastil focus? ... mods?
Also wasn't crane wing fixed? I see you have a shield, is it a old SS huh?

In my ongoing playthrough, crane wing is bugged, I have Seelah not having armor and no shield, only one longsword, and it doesn't work, waste of feats.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
I'm not saying you can't stack AB. The problem is that its poor feedback to the player when (in this case) he's just casting random buffs and seeing no difference because there is no difference between 10 AB and 30 AB when fighting a 55 AC monster. That's just stupid mechanical design, increasing your character's accuracy with a weapon in an RPG should always increase their chance to hit.

He doesn't have any buffs up at all.

And the point you're missing is that for some fights/difficulties, there's no difference between having a shitload but not quite enough buffs up and having no buffs up, because of the way that Owlcats inflated things. Anyway, I'm never quite certain if you're really this autistic and have devoted your life to playing a handful of games because reasons, or if you're an amazing parody of certain segments of the fanbase. The number of places you've managed to get banned suggests autism though, as have our past conversations.

Here's the thing, when you need to mod to make a buff round more manageable and not completely tedious, that isn't a triumph of game design. Also, you're at times guilty of talking about how people should be able to do X, Y, Z, while showing pictures of combinations of mod shit that doesn't even exist in the vanilla game. At that point, why not just mod in a spell that gives you e.g. AB +50 and talk about how pro-gamer you are and everyone else is just a retard. :lol:

Of course there is. He's barely missing that range here unbuffed. If he had the usual number of a person actually trying he'd be up to 75% to hit chance. If he added some meta knowledge he'd be autohit +10.

Why would you even want a game where you could hit the gateway mega-boss without even trying? You're making no sense. D;OS II didn't do that. Fort Joy has two fights way harder than this, and ship fight seems impossible first go even if you're playing well.


Feb 3, 2017

The only two or three attempts I managed to win the fight so far felt like I was basically cheating to achieve it (and I still lost party members in the process, and I never consider a fight really "won" unless the entire party comes out alive).

What is your mythic? Anyway, I suspect you built your party in a super gimpy way (I don't know, did you increase Seelah strenght instead of charisma?), how did you kill playful darkness and have problem with this fight?. If I have time I will get your save and try to record a video tomorrow, but won't be turn based.
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
What is your mythic? Anyway, I suspect you built your party in a super gimpy way, how did you kill playful darkness and have problem with this fight?. If I have time I will get your save and try to record a video tomorrow, but won't be turn based.
That's why I suggested the "experts" here to check out my file.
If doing a lot better isn't out of the reach of my party I would LOVE to learn how.

I'm not fucking new to this genre, eh. I'm familiar with turn-based combat of all sorts.
And I usually know that if you can't do better, there's usually a simple explanation somewhere.

I started venting my frustration here precisely because no matter where I looked to get some CLEAR and useful tips I couldn't find anything useful beside a bunch of messy videos "MUH MUNCHKIN BUILD SOLOES THE FIGHT IN TEN SECONDS" and Desiderius spamming his fucking tooltips.

My corrupt magic removed a lot of buffs on him and lowered his AC to 40s.
That's nice and all but I don't play a Lich (nor I plan to), so I don't have it.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Best bet on Playful Darkness is to come back to fight him at end of Act 4 when you’ve a few more levels and another Mythic. He sticks around and there’s a hidden area you can get to as well.

Just let Seelah solo him at that point (11 of this is from mods that require taking feats but still I guess):

View attachment 44739
What's invoke deity and erastil focus? ... mods?
Also wasn't crane wing fixed? I see you have a shield, is it a old SS huh?

In my ongoing playthrough, crane wing is bugged, I have Seelah not having armor and no shield, only one longsword, and it doesn't work, waste of feats.

I knew you phaggots would obsess about that. She's got 112 AC! Take off the shit you're whining about and she still isn't close to getting hit. On Unfair. On the supposedly super-impossible challenge fight.

Those are obviously from mods. Invoke Diety is a weird high level spell that Pals get at lvl 4 in their spellbook I think. Don't usually use it but turned it on for this shot. Erastil Focus takes a Feat and a Standard Action IIRC. Wing likewise probably wasn't worth the Feats. She took a Monk level at 14 to use Monk Shirt and starts with Dodge though. It hardly ever triggered. Was just fixed a couple months ago.

Entirely beside the point. Give her a TSS level at lvl 6 and she can tank anything but Lost Chapel Demodand without any mods.

Seelah tanking Unfair Graveyard.jpg


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
What is your mythic? Anyway, I suspect you built your party in a super gimpy way, how did you kill playful darkness and have problem with this fight?. If I have time I will get your save and try to record a video tomorrow, but won't be turn based.
That's why I suggested the "experts" here to check out my file.
If doing a lot better isn't out of the reach of my party I would LOVE to learn how.

I'm not fucking new to this genre, eh. I'm familiar with turn-based combat of all sorts.
And I usually know that if you can't do better, there's usually a simple explanation somewhere.

I started venting my frustration here precisely because no matter where I looked to get some CLEAR and useful tips I couldn't find anything useful beside a bunch of messy videos "MUH MUNCHKIN BUILD SOLOES THE FIGHT IN TEN SECONDS" and Desiderius spamming his fucking tooltips.

Tooltips? It's a fucking Combat Log! Maybe use yours?

I told you what you need to do and listed the types of buffs so you can stack them. Why are you so fucking allergic to simply reading your own spellbook?

Party comp is irrelevant. He isn't even using the spells and abilities Seelah has herself.

Stop whining. READ!


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
You know, the thing is that it's hard for me to play a new game myself without using a guide to make sure I'm not wasting my time doing obviously stupid shit. Back in the day I could only afford one game every few months or so and had more free time so could afford to figure out everything for myself (still needed clue book on Wiz 7 IIRC).

The problem is that teh guides have gotten progressively worse and that you're not even doing the basics of just familiarizing with your spellbook and abilities. Can't use a guide effectively without at least doing that.
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
But that's the issue. You didn't do shit.
The useful thing I extracted from you is that you told me to use Heroism and I did (Greater, specifically).
It wasn't exactly a revelation, nor the first time I tried it, but I listened.
It also wasn't even remotely enough to make a difference. I'm still in the range where just the odd criticals seem to land.

I can't make any use of a couple of fucking names muttered confusedly and randomly thrown into the pit. Especially if you suggest some of the ones I don't have available at the moment (like in your combat log).
I need to have a clear understanding of how I can stack buffs as much as possible in my favor given my current situation.

I wasn't even joking when I said "Give a look at my savefile" and I linked it to you.
Maybe you may offer some USEFUL insight, for once, instead of being a pedantic smug autistic.


Feb 3, 2017
What is your mythic? Anyway, I suspect you built your party in a super gimpy way, how did you kill playful darkness and have problem with this fight?. If I have time I will get your save and try to record a video tomorrow, but won't be turn based.
That's why I suggested the "experts" here to check out my file.
Start by giving infos, party level, class, composition and equipment. Also mythic.

Btw you will have a lot of trouble after the fane if you this was difficult.
Jan 7, 2012
It may not be enough but I don't have a lot more to throw in the mix and IF I DO I need CLEAR instructions on what I'm supposed to cast.


In this case Desiderius is correct. This is a game that revolves around stacking buff spells and you've basically just got bless, haste, and enlarge person working in your favor? You don't even appear to be buffing Seelah's Charisma for a better smite. I can't see your full party but Arue can use Ranger's Bond to share +4 AB/Damage with the rest of the party (assuming you focused her on a specific demon type, instant enemy can spread it to all others) and Sosiel should have some busted domain power from impossible domain, like Guarded Hearth which will give everyone something like +6-10 AB by sharing his wisdom bonus as an AB bonus. Nenio should have Greater Heroism (+4 morale AB) and rage (+2 morale Strength). Seelah can have Burst of Glory (+1 sacred AB), Eaglesoul (+4 Sacred str, you might have this already not sure), and Divine Favor (+3 luck AB)

For dispelling you use this:

If you're OK with a bit of cheese you can use it, rest, use it on another character, repeat until everyone has their next dispel attempt maximized.

Altogether that's around a 30 to 35 AB swing in your favor if you removed his two AC buffs and had all these AB buffs, and you only need 22 to hit him on everything but a 1 so you can be missing a lot of these and still do fine. And I can't even see the rest of your party to see what they might add.

You have to have access to most of these aside from the sosiel domain abilities (pick them up when you can) and the ring of automatic take 20 on dispel (pick it up when you go back to Drezen I think?)


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Why are you using Bless at lvl 15? How do you not have Crusader's Edge up? It's kind of the theme of the game for God's sake.

Add some Sacred, Competence, decent Morale, Insight, and Luck bonuses.

And you still haven't read your own goddamned spellbook.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Maybe you may offer some USEFUL insight, for once, instead of being a pedantic smug autistic.

Smug? I told you I get pwned in PvP and Raids. I'm just a guy who reads and tries shit.

The purpose of the Reg pic was for you to look at the list and the different types of bonuses and see which ones you're missing.
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
And you still haven't read your own goddamned spellbook.
Just because I didn't answer when you were being pedantic doesn't mean I didn't read.
And to answer the question: I used Bless simply because it comes cheap (low level spell slot), because strangely enough he game didn't seem to give me a warning about conflicting/overlapping with other stuff AND because I was just trying to throw everything and the kitchen sink in, at that point.
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
You have to have access to most of these aside from the sosiel domain abilities (pick them up when you can) and the ring of automatic take 20 on dispel (pick it up when you go back to Drezen I think?)
I did read your post and I took note.
I CAN'T FUCKING LEAVE THE FANE, though, so currently that's not particularly useful to me, since I can't change party composition nor go hunting for other items I'm missing.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
And you still haven't read your own goddamned spellbook.
Just because I didn't answer when you were being pedantic doesn't mean I didn't read.
And to answer the question: I used Bless simply because it comes cheap (low level spell slot), because strangely enough he game didn't seem to give me a warning about conflicting/overlapping with other stuff AND because I was just trying to throw everything and the kitchen sink in, at that point.

You still haven't read it. She has *self-* buffs you aren't using.

The kitchen sink lol? You've barely strapped on your sword.

Bless doesn't cancel Heroism (or preferably at this point Greater), it's the other way around. Reg has a Morale Aura that stacks with other Morale bonuses (although it probably shouldn't).

You're missing anything from five other categories.

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