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Pathfinder Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition - now with A Dance of Masks epilogue DLC


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Don't necessarily need turn-based, it's great in RTwP as well, and Challenging is a little low for a good experience.

Would be nice if basic shit we reported in Alpha worked tho.

Lagole Gon

Nov 4, 2011
Retaken Potato
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut Pathfinder: Wrath
I still can't believe it. This studio could have been the next power house of PC RPGs if they just stuck to what worked, instead of adding more bloat, more tacked on features, and whatever the fuck this enhanced plus edition shit even is.
Did you play it in turn based with challenging difficulty? Personally I don't care for the story, characters and overall trans/gay/strong female lead faggotry, these are the times we live in so adapt to that shit and learn to ignore it and focus on the good stuff, which is the combat imo.

If you play everything turn-based you will spend 1000 hours in this below-average game.

I kept switching, some types of enemies are rather frustrating with RTwP.


Mar 16, 2015
I still can't believe it. This studio could have been the next power house of PC RPGs if they just stuck to what worked, instead of adding more bloat, more tacked on features, and whatever the fuck this enhanced plus edition shit even is.
Did you play it in turn based with challenging difficulty? Personally I don't care for the story, characters and overall trans/gay/strong female lead faggotry, these are the times we live in so adapt to that shit and learn to ignore it and focus on the good stuff, which is the combat imo.

If you play everything turn-based you will spend 1000 hours in this below-average game.

I kept switching, some types of enemies are rather frustrating with RTwP.
Finished game 2 times, also got 3rd run to mid Act 5, another run in Act 2. All in TB. On Steam it says 750h played


May 28, 2018
Grand Chien
It's definitely optimal to stay in RTWP for trash and switch to TB for challenging fights.

One of the issues I encounter is enemies breaking aggro from my frontline more easily/quicker in RTWP mode.

Playing through Kingmaker right now, enemies rarely get to break aggro in TB, while in RTWP they often break off before my frontliners finish gibbing them


Sep 14, 2016
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
I play exclusively in Turn Based Mode since the Kingmaker turn based Mod. Fights last a bit longer, but at least I have full control and use active abilities and spells way more. So I'm not bothered by the added length.
Jan 7, 2012
One of the issues I encounter is enemies breaking aggro from my frontline more easily/quicker in RTWP mode.

I've found that getting initial aggro is a lot easier in RTWP though. In TB you have to have the rest of your party quite far back, in RTWP your tankiest character just needs to be 5 feet in front of everyone else. You can also lose aggro a lot easier in RTWP if that's something you need to do.


Dec 25, 2014
I've started playing WotR, and to be fair, I'm enjoying the first couple hours much more than I did in Kingmaker.

That said, did they remove penalties for shooting into melee as well as soft cover? I don't see it listed on the enemy AC in the combat tab.


Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
I've started playing WotR, and to be fair, I'm enjoying the first couple hours much more than I did in Kingmaker.

That said, did they remove penalties for shooting into melee as well as soft cover? I don't see it listed on the enemy AC in the combat tab.

The Feat to remove the pemalty is there, so I'm guessing the penalty wasn't removed.

Anyway, finished Chapter 1. I can already tell this is going to be nuts-to-butts, no brakes pure power fantasy masturbation session.

My level 5 party fought and defeated a 27HD Demoness along with her host of Demons significantly stronger than anyone in my party because of a literal Divine Intervention. :lol:

Anyway, I am having fun for now, but I can already see the bloat slowly starting to creep in even at lvl 7/Mythic Path 1.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
It's definitely optimal to stay in RTWP for trash and switch to TB for challenging fights.

One of the issues I encounter is enemies breaking aggro from my frontline more easily/quicker in RTWP mode.

Playing through Kingmaker right now, enemies rarely get to break aggro in TB, while in RTWP they often break off before my frontliners finish gibbing them
Nah zerging the toughest foes is too good. Charge + Outflank > Charge then Outflank

Things like Leading Strike don't work in TB because you're not interweaving your attax like RTwP.

The Swift timing is the biggest problem in RTwP but in TB you're objectively a good bit more limited and weaker in what you can do tactically.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
I've started playing WotR, and to be fair, I'm enjoying the first couple hours much more than I did in Kingmaker.

That said, did they remove penalties for shooting into melee as well as soft cover? I don't see it listed on the enemy AC in the combat tab.
It's a malus for you not a bonus for them if you don't have it.


Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
I play exclusively in Turn Based Mode since the Kingmaker turn based Mod. Fights last a bit longer, but at least I have full control and use active abilities and spells way more. So I'm not bothered by the added length.

You went through the Tavern siege in Chapter 1 in TB? How long did it take?


Dec 25, 2014
Playing a magus for the first time, and spell combat isn't working how I expect it to.

I have "spell combat" and "use weapon one handed" toggled on. I make a full attack with a scimitar (although that's only one attack). I then try to cast shocking grasp, except the game tells me that I have no actions left.

The only thing that stands out is I'm not receiving the -2 penalty to hit in the combat log.

Has any one else encountered this?

Edit: seems like the order might be the issue. I can use a spell, then make an attack, but I cannot attack and then use a spell.
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Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
The idea behind "Spell Combat", IIRC, is to basically charge your melee attack with a Touch Spell so that they hit at the same time (which effectively means you cast a Spell and attack during the same Round).

Can't charge the attack without casting the Spell first.


Oct 1, 2008
My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit.
I play exclusively in Turn Based Mode since the Kingmaker turn based Mod. Fights last a bit longer, but at least I have full control and use active abilities and spells way more. So I'm not bothered by the added length.

You went through the Tavern siege in Chapter 1 in TB? How long did it take?
Takes about 30 minutes, if I remember correctly, depending on party composition.


Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
Takes about 30 minutes, if I remember correctly, depending on party composition.

A lot less than I expected. Even in RTwP it seemed to drag on forever, but maybe that's because I paused too much, to the point I practically made it TB anyway.

EDIT: In other news, I was splahed in the face with cold, dirty water when I realized that the combo which was straight-up stupid OP in Kingmaker was going to be a lot less useful in Wrath. I am talking about, of course, putting Communal Delay Poison on your Party and then just going to town with Stinking Clouds, spamming it left and right.

Thanks to Heighten Spell, this combo could've easily carried you through the vast majority of Kingmaker, but unfortunately, this is Wrath and Demon enemies are pretty common. And it seems they all have immunity to Poison, which Stinking Cloud is classified as. Cunts.
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Oct 1, 2008
My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit.
As long as you just focus on the trigger mobs (the arsonists and non fighters, basically) you can push it along at a semi-reasonable clip, assuming 30 mins is semi-reasonable anyway lol. I do wish it would remember to speed up enemy/npc turns in TB mode though instead of forcing you to hit space every time after it switches from one of your party members to the AI. (Maybe there's another way to do it that I missed... I'm not playing the game currently.)


Dec 25, 2014
The idea behind "Spell Combat", IIRC, is to basically charge your melee attack with a Touch Spell so that they hit at the same time (which effectively means you cast a Spell and attack during the same Round).

Can't charge the attack without casting the Spell first.

You are thinking of spell strike, which let's you deliver a touch spell through a melee attack. Spell combat works with any spell. It reads

A magus learns to cast spells and wield his weapons at the same time. This functions much like two-weapon fighting, but the off-hand weapon is a spell that is being cast... As a full-round action, he can make all of his attacks with his melee weapon at a –2 penalty and can also cast any spell from the magus spell list.

The (last) sentence in bold makes it sound like the proper order is to first attack, which is why I was confused.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Takes about 30 minutes, if I remember correctly, depending on party composition.

A lot less than I expected. Even in RTwP it seemed to drag on forever, but maybe that's because I paused too much, to the point I practically made it TB anyway.

EDIT: In other news, I was splahed in the face with cold, dirty water when I realized that the combo which was straight-up stupid OP in Kingmaker was going to be a lot less useful in Wrath. I am talking about, of course, putting Communal Delay Poison on your Party and then just going to town with Stinking Clouds, spamming it left and right.

Thanks to Heighten Spell, this combo could've easily carried you through the vast majority of Kingmaker, but unfortunately, this is Wrath and Demon enemies are pretty common. And it seems they all have immunity to Poison, which Stinking Cloud is classified as. Cunts.
How were people beating Fortitude saves with this strategy? Just kiting for ten rounds until all the Trolls and Giants finally rolled a one?

As with most “cheesy” strategies I avoided it assuming it trivialized the game then when I tried to use Cloud legitimately it seemed like even the cheesy thing was just worse than what I was already doing.

I kind of feel sorry for people who grew up one-weird-tricking their way through games. You can also just learn to suck less. It’s fun!


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
The idea behind "Spell Combat", IIRC, is to basically charge your melee attack with a Touch Spell so that they hit at the same time (which effectively means you cast a Spell and attack during the same Round).

Can't charge the attack without casting the Spell first.

You are thinking of spell strike, which let's you deliver a touch spell through a melee attack. Spell combat works with any spell. It reads

A magus learns to cast spells and wield his weapons at the same time. This functions much like two-weapon fighting, but the off-hand weapon is a spell that is being cast... As a full-round action, he can make all of his attacks with his melee weapon at a –2 penalty and can also cast any spell from the magus spell list.

The (last) sentence in bold makes it sound like the proper order is to first attack, which is why I was confused.
You can’t take a full round action in a turn in which you’ve moved. You need to have a go to Standard Action (can be a Spellstrike without Spell Combat) that you use on turns where you need to move. Then once you’re in position you can use Spell Combat the following turn.

This is the strength of the Spell Dancer Elf subclass.


Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
How were people beating Fortitude saves with this strategy? Just kiting for ten rounds until all the Trolls and Giants finally rolled a one?

Huh? Throw a couple of Stinking Clouds one after the other, make the Trolls have to roll 3 times per Round to stay unaffected. They all get perma-Nauseated within a Round or two. Their Fortitude saves are not as high as you make them up to be, I remember being able to beat them with mid-range rolls (of course, I had Greater Focus in Conjuration, maxed out CHA at character start, Eagle's Splendor buff etc.) Tho, for full disclaimer, this was on Hard, not Unfair. But even if it was Unfair, I don't see how it would be significantly different. At most, I'd put Fox's Cunning on Octavia and have her blast a couple Clouds along with my MC Sorc.


Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
Question for all the veterans here, how do you build Regill? Just go straight Hellknight route or dip somehere else? Tankish or offensive?

I ask because so far, mechanically, he seems rather underwhelming compared to Seelah who is a fucking beast on her mount and who after some buffs can both tank like crazy and deal solid damage. But, I am running a Lawful Evil MC and want the Party to reflect it as much as possible, so naturally I dropped the do-gooder Paladin for the tiny, psychopatic, religious fanatic Gnome, but he can neither absorb damage like Seelah can, nor can he deal it.

What to do with that guy?


Dec 25, 2014
I play combat in turn-based mode, but with all the chokepoints and LOS-blocking terrain in the first dungeon, I found a nice use for RTWP.

Find an advantageous area to fight, and set up accordingly. Choose one character who's fast (a caster with expeditious retreat is a good choice). Have that character run up to the enemies in RTWP mode, then dash to wherever you've set up your ambush. Change back to turn-based for the actual combat.

It's perhaps a bit exploitive using both RTWP and turn-based mechanics this way, but I feel like "shout and run" should be a valid way to initiate combat, and RTWP simulates that much better.


Oct 7, 2020
Regill is a Cavalier in my party. Beast Rider or Gendarme all fine and both have merit. Im playing Skald Trickster. 1 animal companion level you lose because you get Regill late doesn't make any difference. Hellknight is dogshit.
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Stoned Ape

Jan 9, 2018
The belly of the whale
Question for all the veterans here, how do you build Regill? Just go straight Hellknight route or dip somehere else? Tankish or offensive?

I ask because so far, mechanically, he seems rather underwhelming compared to Seelah who is a fucking beast on her mount and who after some buffs can both tank like crazy and deal solid damage. But, I am running a Lawful Evil MC and want the Party to reflect it as much as possible, so naturally I dropped the do-gooder Paladin for the tiny, psychopatic, religious fanatic Gnome, but he can neither absorb damage like Seelah can, nor can he deal it.

What to do with that guy?
There's plenty you can do with him. I've played him as straight up armiger/hellknight dex-to-damage (both as a 10/10 split and as a version with more armiger levels), and multi-classed him to bloodrager primalist/dragon disciple (4) (focus str then enlarge or legendary proportions), freebooter, and inquisitor (tactical leader).

They've all worked pretty well.

Stoned Ape

Jan 9, 2018
The belly of the whale
Something to try with Sosiel is giving him multiple impossible domains along with domain zealot (I think I had him with Community, Madness, and Nobility). He works out as a buffing (+debuffing with Madness) machine for big fights.
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